Cryptodiffliguiidae (lat. Cryptodiffliguiidae) — fəsilədir.
Hamar, xitinoid tipli bərk və ya azacıq plastik çanaqlı xırda orqanizmlərdir. Ağızcığı terminal və ya az qala subterminal, dairəvidir. Çanağın eninə kəsiyi dairəvi və ya lateral qalınlaşmışdır.[1]
Azərbaycanda bir növü – Cryptodifflugia voigti Penard – Lənkəran rayonunun Alekseyevka kəndində, palıd koğuşundakı sudan tapılmışdır [2].
Cryptodiffliguiidae (lat. Cryptodiffliguiidae) — fəsilədir.
Cryptodifflugia is a genus of arcellinid testate amoebae. It contains all the species previously grouped as the genus Difflugiella, which is now a synonym of Cryptodifflugia.[2][3]
Cryptodifflugia species are characterized by a shell with an oval egg-like shape with a short neck. Their surface is either smooth or adhering foreign particles. The shell can be colorless, yellow or brown, composed of an outer proteinaceous material that is usually lined. The shell's aperture is terminal, and has either a circular or an oval shape. They present pseudopods in the form of ectoplasmic anastomosing reticulopods, i.e. like fine threads that can branch or anastomose (meaning they can form links with each other) to create a dense network.[1]
The classification of the genus, as revised in 2017, identifies 23 species along with some subspecies:[1]
Several taxa previously accredited to Cryptodifflugia or Difflugiella have been excluded from the 2017 revision:[1]
Cryptodifflugia is a genus of arcellinid testate amoebae. It contains all the species previously grouped as the genus Difflugiella, which is now a synonym of Cryptodifflugia.
Cryptodifflugia is een geslacht in de taxonomische indeling van de Amoebozoa. Deze micro-organismen hebben geen vaste vorm en hebben schijnvoetjes. Met deze schijnvoetjes kunnen ze voortbewegen en zich voeden. Het organisme behoort tot de familie Cryptodifflugiidae. Cryptodifflugia werd in 1890 ontdekt door Penard.[1]
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