Gongronema is a genus of plants first described as a genus in 1844. Some of the species are native to Africa, with others in South and Southeast Asia.[2]
Gongronema is a genus of plants first described as a genus in 1844. Some of the species are native to Africa, with others in South and Southeast Asia.
Species accepted Gongronema angolense (N.E.Br.) Bullock - Angola Gongronema bracteolatum King & Gamble - W Malaysia Gongronema curtisii King & Gamble - W Malaysia Gongronema filipes Kerr - Thailand Gongronema finlaysonii (Wight) Decne. - Thailand Gongronema gaudichaudii Warb. - Vietnam Gongronema gazense (S.Moore) Bullock - Mozambique Gongronema latifolium Benth. - W Africa Gongronema multibracteolatum P.T.Li & X.M.Wang - Guizhou Province in China Gongronema nepalense (Wall.) Decne. - Nepal, India, Laos, S China (Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hainan, Tibet, Yunnan) Gongronema obscurum Bullock - W Africa Gongronema taylorii (Schltr. & Rendle) Bullock - tropical Africa Gongronema thomsonii (Hook.f.) K.M.Matthew - Sikkim, Bhutan, E Himalaya Gongronema ventricosum Hook.f. - Assam Gongronema wallichii (Wight) Decne. - Singapore Gongronema wrayi King & Gamble - W Malaysia formerly included Gongronema attenuatum, syn of Gymnema attenuatum Gongronema hemsleyanum, syn of Biondia hemsleyana Gongronema membranifollum, syn of Heterostemma membranifolium Gongronema micradenia, syn of Gymnema micradenium Gongronema recurvifolium, syn of Gymnema recurvifolium Gongronema welwitschii, syn of Sphaerocodon obtusifolium Gongronema yunnanense, syn of Marsdenia yunnanensis