
Comprehensive Description

provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Botany
Aphelandra dukei Wasshausen

Aphelandra duhei Wasshausen, Phytologia 25:475. 1973.

Suffrutescent shrub about 1 m high; stems erect, glabrous to subtomentose, the hairs sordid, variously curved, the internodes 1–5 cm long, the lenticels oval to linear, 1 mm long or less; leaf blades narrowly lanceolate, 12–15 cm long and 1–2 cm wide, acuminate (the tip obtuse), gradually narrowed and decurrent on the petiole, entire, firm, the upper surface dark green, glabrous or inconspicuously strigose, the costa impressed, this and the lateral veins (11–13 pairs) often strigose, the lower surface light green, glabrous or sparingly strigose, the hairs sordid; petioles (unwinged portion) 0.51.5 cm long, the pubescence that of the stem; flowers borne in one or several, terminal, subsessile spikes, these 9–14 cm long and 1–3 cm wide; bracts imbricate, green, elliptic, 15 mm long and 6 mm wide just above the middle, acuminate, sparingly sericeous both within and without, especially near the base, striate-nerved, bearing above the middle about 3 pairs of slender marginal teeth, these 0.52 mm long, spine-tipped and bearing near the middle of the dorsal surface, 2–7 small submarginal glands about 0.5 mm in diameter; bractlets lanceolate, 10 mm long, 1–1.25 mm wide, striate-nerved carinate, dorsally pilosulous; calyx segments subequal, ovate to lanceolate, 9–10 mm long, the posterior segment 2 mm wide, the lateral pair 1.25 mm wide, the anterior pair 1 mm wide, all finely striate-nerved, subhyaline, glabrous; corolla red, about 4 cm long, sparingly puberulent, minutely papillose, the tube subcylindric, 2 mm broad at base, constricted to 1.5 mm at 5 mm above base, about 4.5 mm broad at mouth, the lips oblongovate, 4.5–5 mm wide, subequal, the upper one erect, 10 mm long, 2-lobed, the lobes narrowly triangular, 5 mm long, 2 mm wide at base, acuminate, outwardly curved, the lower lip spreading, entire, acuminate, the tip recurved, or if 3-lobed, the lateral lobes vestigial, appearing as mere notches near the base of the upper lip; stamens exserted; capsule green, ovate, 12 mm long, 6 mm broad, acute, glabrous, minutely and inconspicuously punctate; mature seeds not seen.

TYPE.—J. A. Duke 14397 (holotype US, istoype MO), Panama, Panamá, Río Bayano, 1–4 m above Piria, 100 m alt, 23 Sep 1967.

DISTRIBUTION.—Known only from around the type-locality in Panama. PANAMA. PANAMÁ: Along Pan-Am Highway, Río Canita near Janine, 24 Sep 1961, Duke 3840 (US); tributary of Río Chagres, 5 m SW of Cerro Brewster, 300 m alt, 14 Dec 1967, Lewis, Blackwell, Hawker, Little, Nowicke, & Oliver 3426 (MO).

Aphelandra dukei is perhaps nearest in relationship to A. deppeana, but differs markedly in its narrower, lanceolate leaf blades.
bibliographic citation
Wasshausen, Dieter C. 1975. "The genus Aphelandra (Acanthaceae)." Smithsonian Contributions to Botany. 1-157. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.0081024X.18

Comprehensive Description

provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Botany
Aphelandra deppeana Schlechtendal & Chamisso

Aphelandra deppeana Schlechtendal & Chamisso, Linnaea 5: 96. 1830.

Aphelandra pulcherrima sensu Humboldt, Bonpland, & Kunth, Nov. Gen. & Sp. 2:236. 1817 [pro parte, non Aphelandra pulcherrima (Jacquin) Humboldt, Bonpland & Kunth].

Aphelandra pectinata Willdenow ex Nees in de Candolle, Prodr. 11:297. 1847.

Aphelandra pectinata Willdenow ex Nees var. macra Nees in de Candolle, Prodr. 11:298. 1847.

Aphelandra haenkeana Nees in de Candolle, Prodr. 11:298. 1847.

Aphelandra fulgens Decaisne, Rev. Hort. Ser. 3. 1:21. 1847.

Shrubs to 4 m high; stems stout, pubescent to subtomentose, the hairs sordid, variously curved, the internodes 5–7 cm long; leaf blades ovateelliptic to lanceolate, 5–20 cm long, 3–10 cm wide, acuminate, gradually to rather abruptly narrowed and decurrent on the petiole at base, entire, undulate, the upper surface more or less scabridulous, subnitid, glabrous to sparingly puberulous or pilose, the hairs to 0.5 mm long, the costa impressed, this and the lateral veins (12–16 pairs) often strigose, the lower surface sparingly to densely pubescent or tomentose, the hairs sordid; petiole (the unwinged portion) 1 cm long or less, the pubescence that of the stems; flowers in spikes to 20 cm long and about 1 cm broad, these terminal or both terminal and lateral, then forming a narrow terminal spicate thyrse; bracts ovate-elliptic, 8–15 mm long, 4–6 mm wide, acuminate, sparingly pilosulous without, glabrous within, rather strongly 5-nerved, bearing above the middle 1-several slender marginal teeth to 1.5 mm long and, near the middle of the dorsal surface, 2 small submarginal glands about 0.5 mm in diameter; bractlets lanceolate, 6–7 mm long, 1.75 mm wide, acuminate, dorsally pilosulous, the margins subhyaline; calyx lobes subequal, ovate to lanceolate, the posterior one about 3 mm wide, the lateral pair 1.5 mm wide, the anterior pair barely 2 mm wide, all finely striate-nerved, subhyaline, sparingly pilosulous dorsally; corolla pale to bright red, orange, or crimson, pubescent distally, glabrous proximally, about 4 cm long, the tube subcylindric, about 3 mm broad at base, constricted to 2 mm at 5 mm above base, about 5 mm broad at throat, the lips oblongovate, 4.5–5 mm wide, subequal, the upper one erect, 2-lobed, narrowly triangular, the lobes 3.5 mm long, 1.5 mm wide at the base, acuminate, outwardly curved, the lower lip spreading, entire, acuminate, the tip curved, or if 3-lobed, the lateral lobes vestigial, appearing as mere notches near the base of the upper lip; stamens exserted; capsule oblong, 15–20 mm long, about 8 mm broad and 3 mm thick, obtuse, glabrous, inconspicuously puncticulate; seed dull brown, orbicular, 4 mm in diameter, 2 mm thick, minutely roughened.

TYPE.—Schiede & Deppe s.n. (holotype B, destroyed, F photo 8704) Mexico, Hacienda de la Laguna.

DISTRIBUTION.—Southern Mexico to northern South America. MEXICO. VERACRUZ: Cordillerâ de Vera Cruz, Jun–Oct 1840, Galeotti 909 (K, P, US, W, syntype of A. haenkeana Nees); Mirador, 900–1140 m alt, Hohenacker s.n. (W); Mirador, Dec 1838, Linden 189 (K, syntype of A. haenkeana Nees); Consoquitla, near Mirador, Oct–Nov 1861, Liebmann s.n. (K, P); 1867, Gouin s.n. (P); Zacuapan, Nov 1861, Liebmann s.n. (K); Zacuapan and vicinity, Sep 1906; Purpus 1938 (US); Oct 1926, Purpus 10878 (US); region of San Andrés Tuxtla, 31 Aug 1953, Dressler & Jones 230 (US). GUERRERO: Near Acapulco, Haenke s.n. (PR, syntype of A. haenheana Nees); 23 Nov 1882, Hancock 47 (K); Acapulco, 1840, Voyage Venus s.n. (P); Acapulco and vicinity, Oct 1894–Mar 1895, Palmer 174 (US); road between Copala & Juchitango, 60–180 m alt, 9 Feb 1895, Nelson 2297 (US); La Botella, 400 m alt, 28 Nov 1898, Langlassé 679 (K, US); Montes de Oca, Vallecitos, 520 m alt, 25 Nov 1936, Hinton 9903 (K, US, W); 10 Jul 1937, Hinton 11477 (K, US, W); Galeana, Atoyac, 220 m alt, 14 Nov 1937, Hinton 10919 (K, US); Carrizo-El Rio, 700 m alt, 20 Oct 1939, Hinton 14691 (US, W); La Roquetaisland off Acapulco, 8 Feb 1941, Langman 3309 (US); near kms 337–8 beyond Acahuizotla on highway to Acapulco, 900 m alt, 30 Sep 1949, Moore 5108 (US); vicinity of Acahuizotla between Chilpancingo and Acapulco, 17 Oct 1959, Moore 8124 (US); Highway 95, 5–6 m E of Acapulco, 20 Jan 1955, Carlson 3066 (US). OAXACA: Mirador, 1842, Ghiesbreght 57 (P, isotype of A. fulgens Decaisne) between Tehuantepec and Gulf of Mexico, Sep 1834, Andrieux 131 (K, P, W, syntype of A. haenkeana Nees); Cafetal Concordia (Cerro Espino), 600 m alt, 30 Nov 1917, Reko 3626 (US); Juchitan, Santo Domingo, 240 m alt, 23 Oct 1919, Conzatti 3735 (US); Cerro Concordia, 650–800 m alt, 8–14 Apr 1923, Morton & Makrinius 2676 (US); Tuxtepec, Chiltepec and vicinity, 20 m alt, Jul 1940-Feb 1941, Martinez 205, 254 (US); El Cerro de Cosolapa, Cosolapa, 22 Oct 1943, Santos 2617 (US); Comaltepec, Liebmann s.n. (K). TABASCO: Between San Juan Bautiste and Atasta, 23 Oct 1887, Rovirosa 11 (US). CHIAPAS: Between Teneapa and Yajalon, 900–1500 m alt, 13 Oct 1895, Nelson 3245 (US); San Pedro, 3 Apr 1930, Mell 561 (US); Escuintla, 4 Nov 1936, Matuda 151 (US); Tenejapa, along Ala Shashib River above Habenal, 1200 m alt, 14 Jul 1964, Breedlove 6463 (US); Tenejapa, 1110 m alt, 25 Nov 1964, Breedlove 7609 (US); Tuxtla Gutiérrez, 840 m alt, Breedlove & Raven 13351 (US); 750 m alt, 27 Oct 1965, Breedlove 13879 (US); Tenejapa, 1080 m alt, 28 Oct 1966. Ton 1395 (US); Venustiano Carranza, 1050 m alt, 12 Sep 1966, Laughlin 2024 (US); 1864–1870, Ghiesbreght 700 (K). CAMPECHE: On CampecheMérida road, beyond Hopalchen, 3 Oct 1959, Moore 8078 (US). YUCATAN: Chiceh, Mar 1917, Gaumer 23798 (US); Chichankanab, Gaumer 1488, 1569 (US); Apr 1917, Gaumer 23650 (US); Izamal, Oct–Mar 1895, Gaumer 300 (US, W); S Kancabconot, Mar 1917, Gaumer 23587 (US); Progreso, 11–15 Aug 1932, Steere 3012 (US); Tepakaam, 15 Jan 1895, Millspaugh 91 (US); Coba, 24 Jan 1938, Crocket 150 (US); Maskal, 20 Jul 1934, Gentle 1304 (P); Uxmal, 29 Sep 1959, Degener 26785 (NY, US); Chichen Itza, near Cenote Sagrada, 2 Dec 1966, Rudd 2033 (US). QUINTANA ROO: 35 Km S of Dzuiche, 30 m alt, 21 Aug 1965, Roe, Roe & Mori 1349 (US, WIS). WITHOUT EXACT LOCALITY:Sessé & Mociño s.n. (FI), 279, 280, 290 (MA, US photos 4501, 4565, 4559); 13 Nov 1907, Kerber s.n. (P, US). GUATEMALA. EL PETÉN: La Libertad, 24 Apr 1933, Lundell 3004 (US); El Paso, 3 Apr 1932, Lundell 1447 (US); Cerro Ceibal, on left side of Río Cancuen, 75–150 m alt, 30 Apr 1942, Steyermark 46080 (US); San Clemente to Dos Arroyos, 1 May 1931, Bartlett 12827 (US); Ceibal, 150 m alt, 18 Nov 1965, Molina 15861 (US); Parque Nacional de Tikan, 28 Aug 1970, Ortíz 1248 (US). HUEHUETENANGO: Along Río Trapichillo below La Libertad, 1200–1300 m alt, 21 Aug 1942, Steyermark 51194 (US). ALTA VERAPAZ: Sacolol, 900 m alt, Oct 1855, von Tuerckheim 825 (P, US); Secanquim, trail to Cahaban, 12 Aug 1904, Goll 139 (US); Finca Mocca, 450 m alt, 4 Dec 1919, Johnson 85 (US); near Pancajché, 900 m alt, 10 Apr 1941, Standley 91831 (US); between Chirriacté and Semococh, 500–900 m alt, 10 May 1942, Steyermark 46351 (US); between Sachaj and Sacacac, 150–180 m alt, 20 Mar 1942, Steyermark 45175 (US); Cacao, Finca Trece Aguas, 270–330 m, 30 Sep 1905, Goll 3 (US); 20 Apr 1906, Lewton 360 (US). VERAPAZCHIQUIMULA: 1885, Watson 127 (US). IZABAL: Los Amates, 15 Feb 1908, Kellerman 7479 (US); vicinity of Quirigua, 75–225 m alt. 15–31 May 1922, Standley 23910, 23914 (US). QUEZALTENANGO: Colomba, 570 m alt. 4 Oct 1934. Skutch 1370 (US). ZACAPA: Between Zacapa and Chiquimula, 500–660 m alt, 9 Oct 1940, Standley 73849 (US); base of Sierra de las Minas, 300 m alt. 11 Oct 1940, Standley74061 (US); along Río Teculután, above Teculután, 250–275 m alt, 7 Jan 1942, Steyermark 42150 (US). CHIQUIMULA: 3 m SE of Quezaltepeque, 1200–1500 m alt, 6 Nov 1939, Steyermark 31291 (US); between Esquipulas and Ataluapa, 800 m alt, 11 Dec 1969, Molina 25346 (US). JALAPA: Between Jalapa and San Pedro Pinula, 1400–1800 m alt, 12 Nov 1940, Standley 77087 (US). GUATEMALA: Guatemala, San Antonio Mt. 1465 m alt, 11 Jan 1906, Kellerman 5911 (US); Sanarate, 810 m alt, 28 Dec 1906, Kellerman 6653 (US). SOLOLÁ: Patalul, 411 m alt, Aug 1891, Shannon 154 (US). RETALHULEU: Retalhuleu, 237 m alt, 10 Jan 1907, Kellerman 6584 (US); between Nueva Linda and Champerico, 120 m alt, 18 Feb 1941, Standley 87523,87650 (US). SUCHITEPÉQUEZ: near Patulul, 330–600 m, 5 Jan 1939, Standley 62184 (US). ESCUINTLA: Santa Lucia, 318 m alt, 3 Mar 1905, Kellerman 4564, 5270 (US); Escuintla, 330 m alt, 1890, John Donnell Smith 1976 (US); near Las Lajas, 1200 m alt, 28 Nov 1938, Standley 58152 (US); near San José, sea level, 30–31 Jan 1939, Standley 64076 (US); San Antonio Jute, 780 m alt, 9 Feb 1939, Standley 64897, 64901 (US); SE of Escuintla, along Río Michatoya, 12 Mar 1941, Standley 89138 (US). SANTA ROSA: Jumaytepeque, 1800 m alt, Nov 1892, Heyde et Lux 4379 (US); about Guazacapán, 220 m alt, 29 Nov–3 Dec 1940, Standley 78702 (US); SE of Chiquimulilla, 150 m alt, 30 Nov 1940, Standley 78737 (US). JUTIAPA: Vicinity of Jutiapa, 850 m alt, 24 Oct–5 Nov 1940, Standley 75121 (US). WITHOUT EXACT LOCALITY: 1841, Friedrichstahl 688 (W); 1892, Heyde 414 (US). BRITISH HONDURAS. NORTHERN DISTRICT: Corozal-Santa Helena road, Aug 1933, Gentle 4865 (US); San Antonio, Sep 1933, Gentle 4969 (US); 1931–1932, Gentle 202 (US); Maskall, 9 Apr 1934, Gentle 1185 (US). BELIZE: Mt. Polo group, 2 Feb 1931, Bartlett 11349 (US). STANN CREEK: 24 Feb 1929, Schipp 37 (K, US). EL CAYO: Augustine, Mountain Pine Ridge, 28 Aug 1959, Hunt 42 (US); El Cayo and vicinity, Mar–Jun 1933, Chanek 38 (US); N of El Cayo, Branch Mouth, 19 Feb 1931, Bartlett 11942, 11947 (US). TOLEDO: Swasey Branch, Monkey River, 11 Nov 1941, Gentle 3774 (US); 12 Nov 1941, Gentle 3775 (US). WITHOUT EXACT LOCALITY: Tower Hill Estate, 1927, Karling 12, 51 (US). HONDURAS. ISLA DE LA BAHÍA: Ruatan Island, Aug 1886, Gaumer s.n. (US). SANTA BÁRBARA: San Pedro Sula, 300 m alt, Thieme 5403 (US); 1 km from Santa Bárbara, 300 m alt, 11 Dec 1950, Molina 3669 (US). COMAYAGUA: Vicinity of Siguatepeque, 1080–1400 m alt, 14–28 Feb 1928, Standley 56067 (US); 1110 m alt, 21 Sep 1932, Edwards 486 (US); 1100 m alt, 29 Sep–5 Oct 1951, Williams 18475 (US). EL PARAÍSO: Road to Yuscarán, 5 Nov 1951, Swallen 11335 (US); Gulf of Fonseca, Sinclair s.n. (K, syntype of A. pectinata Willd. ex Nees). EL SALVADOR. AHUACHAPÁN: Vicinity of Ahuachapán, 800–1000 m alt, 9–27 Jan 1922, Standley 19893 (US). SONSONATE: Vicinity of San Antonio del Monte, 250 m alt, 23 Mar 1922, Standley 22166 (US). SAN SALVADOR: Vicinity of Tonacatepeque, 30–31 Dec 1921, Standley 19440 (US); 31 Dec 1921, Calderón 210 (US). SAN VICENTE: San Vicente, 350–500 m alt, 2–11 Mar 1922, Standley 21220 (US). SAN MIGUEL: S side of Lake Olomega, 75 m alt, 8 Feb 1942, Tucker 931 (P, US). MORAZÁN: 15 km NE of San Miguel, 200 m alt, 2 Dec 1941, Tucker 450 (US). LA UNIÓN: Gulf of Conchagua, Nov 1838, Voyage Sulphur, Barkley 2597 (US); La Unión, 150 m alt, 13–21 Feb 1922, Standley 20672, 20855 (US). NICARAGUA. MATAGALPA: 5–10 km W of Matagalpa, 600–700 m alt, 13 Jan 1963, Williams, Molina & Williams 23801 (US, W); Matagalpa, 12 Jan 1928, Mell 33 (US). CHINANDEGA: Chinandega, 1 Jan 1903, Baker 2057 (K, US, W). MANAGUA: Vicinity of Managua, Garnier 55 (US); 2 Nov 1923, Chaves 45 (US). GRANADA: Jan 1870, Lévy 349 (P). RIVAS: Finca Coacojoche, near Tola & Rivas, 16 Jan 1945, White 5354 (US). Lake Nicaragua, Ometepe Island, 1893, Shimek & Smith 146 (US). WITHOUT EXACT LOCALITY: U. S. North Pacific Exploring Expedition, Wright s.n. (US). COSTA RICA. Mt. Mombacho, 1845–46, Ørsted 10614 (US). GUANACASTE: Around Nicoya, Dec 1899, Tonduz 13633 (F, K, P, US, W); vicinity of Tilarán, 500–650 m alt, 10–31 Jan 1926, Standley & Valerio 44293, 45686 (US); Cataract Falls, 16 Feb 1956, Schubert 1071 (US). PUNTARENAS: Jan 1854, Scherzer s.n. (W); along Río Ceibo, near Buenos Aires, Jan 1892, Tonduz 6707 (US). ALAJUELA: San Mateo, Jan 1892, Biolley 7073, 7074, 7075 (US); Grecia, Dec 1917, Jiménez 1142 (US); San Ramón, 1000 m alt, 5 Feb 1940, Austin Smith 2359 (K, US); Finca Prado, above Atenas, 7 Feb 1956, Schubert & Madriz 1036 (US). SAN JOSÉ: Bois du Rodeo de Pacaca, 400–700 m alt, Pittier & Durand 1592 (US); La Caja, Dec 1890, Biolley 3210 (US); San José, Dec 1896, Tonduz 10401 (US); Escasú, 1250 m alt, 29 Jan 1924, Standley 32370 (US); Las Pavas, 1070 m alt, 29 Feb 1924, Standley 36057 (US). WITHOUT EXACT LOCALITY: Gulf of Nicoya, Sinclair s.n. (K, syntype of A. pectinata Willdenow ex Nees). PANAMA. CHIRIQUÍ: 12.4 m N of David, 14 Dec 1966, Lewis et al. 718 (MO, US). VERAGUAS: Ila de Uva, Contreras group, 11 Dec 1911, Pittier 5113 (US); hills W of Soná, 500 m alt, 24 Nov 1938, Allen 1042 (MO, US); Bahia Honda, 28 Mar 1939, Elmore H15 (US). LOS SANTOS: Tonosi, 35 m alt, 27 Feb 1963, Stern, Eyde, & Ayensu 1854 (US); 25 m SW of Tonosí, Río Pedregal, 750–900 m alt, 7 Dec 1967, Lewis et al. 2954 (MO, US). HERRERA: Ocú, 100 m alt, 22 Jan 1947, Allen 4066 (US); Ocú, banks of Río Pasoancho, 19 Feb 1963, Stern, Eyde, & Ayensu 1738 (US); between Las Minas and Pesé, 25 Dec 1966, Burch, Oliver, & Robertson 1349 (US). OCCLÉ: Penonome, 15–300 m alt, 23 Feb–22 Mar 1908, Williams 217 (US); between Paso del Arado and Olá, 20–280 m alt, 7–9 Dec 1911, Pittier 5026 (US); Olá, 100–350 m alt, 7–9 Dec 1911, Pittier 5036 (US); El Valle, 800–1000 m alt, 22 Dec 1936, Allen 96 (US); El Valle de Antón, 300–600 m alt, 2–3 Dec 1967, Lewis et al. 2595 (MO, US). CANAL ZONE. Paraiso, Dec 1857, Wagner s.n. (W); 29 Nov 1967, Dyer 7143 (US); Balboa, Nov 1923–Jan 1924, Standley 25439, 26047, 29258 (US); Pueblo Nuevo, 10 Mar 1940, White 299 (US); Miraflores, 27 Dec 1937, White 49 (US); Fort Kobe, 15 Oct 1939, Allen 2022 (US); between Fort Clayton and Corozal, 31 Dec 1923, Standley 29011 (US); Santa Rita hills, 4 Jan 1958, C. Earle Smith, Jr. & H. Morgan Smith 3433 (PH, US); between Rodman Marine Base and Chorrera, 17 Dec 1967, Nowicke, Blackwell & Hawker 3582 (MO, US). PANAMÁ: Río Tapia, 7 Dec 1923–11 Jan 1924, Standley 26193, 28091 (US); near Matiás Hernández, 30 Dec 1923, Standley 28971 (US); Río Tecumen, 3 Jan 1924, Standley 29455 (US); Juan Díaz, 11 Jan 1924, Standley 30601 (US); between Las Sabanas and Matiás Hernández, 21 Jan 1924, Standley 31911 (US); 2–3 m S of Goofy Lake, on road to Jefe, 600–660 m alt, 10 Dec 1966, Lewis, Burch, Dwyer & Elias 282 (MO, US); Chimán, 12 Dec 1967, Lewis et al. 3331 (MO, US). SAN BLAS: Between Ríos Diablo and Acuati, 11 Mar 1967, Duke 14887 (US). DARIÉN: Punta Garachine, 28 Feb 1967, Duke 10475 (US). Taboga Island, 0–250 m alt, 20–23 May 1911, Pittier 3620 (US); 1912, Celestino 43 (US); 26 Jan–7 Feb 1923, Macbride 2770 (US); Dec 1923, Standley 27864 (US); Hinds s.n. (K, syntype of A. pectinata Willdenow ex Nees). Taboguilla Island, 30 Mar 1937, Miller 1999 (US). WITHOUT EXACT LOCALITY: 1851, Duchassaing s.n. (P); Central America, Barkley s.n. (K, syntype of A. haenkeana Nees); journey to Chile, 9 Dec 1905, Sargent 17 (US); 22 Feb 1923, Macbride 2666 (US). SURINAM. 1846, Hoslmann & Kappler 539 (K, LE, MO, P, W, syntype of A. pectinata Willdenow ex Nees); Paramaribo, Wullschlagl 422 (W); Jul 1844, Kegel 56 (P); 3 km N of Paramaribo, 5 Apr 1944, Maguire & Stahel 22727 (NY, W); Charlesburg near Paramaribo, 21 Jul 1933, Lanjouw 100 (K); Saramacca River, 18 Jun 1944, Maguire 23873 (NY, P, US). GUYANA. Along banks of Sururu River, Jun 1839, Schomburgk 180 (K, W, syntype of A. pectinata Wildenow ex Nees); 1841, Schomburgk 888 (P, W), 1461 (US); Corentyne River, Sep 1879, Jenman 368 (P); SE of Georgetown, 26 Nov 1919, Hitchcock 16916 (US); Akyma, Demerara River above Wismar, 9–10 Jan 1920, Hitchcock 17419 (US); junction of Mazaruni and Cuyuni Rivers, Kartabo Station, 23 Jul 1924, Graham 336 (US); Mazaruni River & Essequebo, Aug 1933, Martyn 398 (K); Matope Falls, Cuyuni River, 4 Jun 1952, Forest Dept. 6942 (K); Maniparu Falls, 14 Feb 1949, Atkinson 59 (BM, K, US); Essequebo River, Uriridan savanna, 12 Jun 1951, Forest Dept. 6453 (K, P); Keriti Creek, Essequebo River, 4 Oct 1942, Forest Dept. F875 (K); Essequebo River, first falls, 10 Sep 1929, Sandwith 194 (K); Issororo, Pomeroon River, 5 Jun 1909, Anderson s.n. (K). WITHOUT EXACT LOCALITY: Sep 1879, im Thurm s.n. (K); Apr 1887, Jenman 3785 (K). VENEZUELA. ANZOÁTEGUI: Barcelona, valleys of Neveri and Nevicual, 1885, Chaper s.n. (P); Pariaguán, 14 Dec 1940, Pittier 14530 (F, US, VEN); Guanta-Cumaná, Sep 1959, Aristeguieta 3981 (VEN). GUÁRICO: Ortíz, Oct 1963, Aristeguieta 5197 (VEN); Llanos de Calabozo, Mision Abajo, 9 Nov 1941, Lasser 134 (US, VEN). MIRANDA: Parque Nacional de Guatopo, Sep 1966, Aristeguieta & Agostini 6429 (US). TRUJILLO: El Dividive, 29 Nov 1922, Pittier 10855 (US, VEN). BOLÍVAR: Angostura or Ciudad Bolivar, 1864, Grosourdy 13 (P); Cariben on Río Orinoco, 3 Apr 1887, Chaffanjon 130 (P); La Urbana, Jan 1892, Guyon 50 (P); La Unión, Medio Caura, 90 m alt, 14 Feb 1939, Williams 11254 (US, VEN); 30 km below La Urbana, 100 m alt, 14–15 Mar 1949, Maguire & Maguire 29035 (NY, P, US); Hato la Vergareña, E of Cerro Coroba, 420 m alt, 25 Oct 1954, Wurdack & Guppy 203 (US, VEN); Caicara (Orinoco), 1898–99, Sprague s.n. (K); Ciudad Piar, 450 m alt, Apr 1954, Aristeguieta 2233 (VEN). AMAZONAS: Mouth of Río Sanariapo, 140 m alt, 22 May 1940, Williams 13061 (US, VEN); Alto Ventuari, junction of the Río Jenete, 500 m alt, Dec 1940, Cardona 165 (US, VEN); Base River (Caño Negro), at SE base of Cerro Duida, 215 m alt, 23 Aug 1944, Steyermark 57909 (US, VEN); Río Negro, Piedra de Cocui, 22–23 Dec 1947, Schultes & López 9422 (US); Río Cuao, Río Orinoco, Murcielago Falls, 17 Nov 1948, Maguire & Politi 27318 (US, VEN); Cerro Sipapo (Paráque), 28 Dec 1948, Maguire & Politi 27984 (US, VEN); 25 Jan 1949, Maguire & Politi 28606 (US, VEN); Cerro Huachamacari, Río Cunucunuma, 400 m alt, 21 Dec 1950, Maguire, Cowan, & Wurdack 29987 (US, VEN); Serranía Parú, Río Parú, Caño Arísa, Río Ventuari, 250 m alt, 17 Feb 1951, Cowan & Wurdack 31541 (US, VEN); Puerto Ayacucho, Great Rapids of the Orinoco, 100–120 m alt, 8 Nov 1953, Maguire, Wurdack, & Bunting 36078 (US, VEN); 10 Nov 1953, Maguire, Wurdack, & Bunting 36114 (US, VEN); Alto Río Orinoco, 30 km above Santa Barbara, 125 m alt, 15 Sep 1957, Maguire, Wurdack, Keith 41480 (US, VEN, W); Orinoco River, S part of Isla del Ratón, 90 m alt, 19 Nov 1965, Breteler 4740 (US, VEN). COLOMBIA. BOLÍVAR: Vicinity of Cartagena, 1920, Heriberto 357 (US); Sincelejo, 150–200 m alt, 26 Jan 1918, Pennell 4057 (NY, US); between savanna Beltrán and Juanarias, 15 Sep 1963, Romero 9939 (COL); Sincé, 18 Sep 1963, Romero 9986 (COL); San Martín de Loba, Lands of Loba, Apr–May 1916, Curran 99, 111 (US). NORTE DE SANTANDER: Ocaña, Aquachica, 1846–52, Schlim 278 (K, P). BOYACA: 10 km above Mani, San Antonio on Río Cusiana, 250 m alt, 16 Feb 1939, Haught 2613 (US). META: Apiay, plains of San Martín, 300 m alt, Feb 1856, Triana s.n. (COL, P); Río Casanare, at Esmeralda, 130 m alt, 19–20 Oct 1938, Cuatrecasas 3810 (COL), 3816 (US); Río Orinoco, Puerto Carreño, 23–24 Oct 1938, Cuatrecasas 4046 (US); Río Meta, La Venturosa, 27 Oct 1938, Cuatrecasas 4185 (US); Río Meta, Metabubosa, 29 Oct 1938, Cuatrecasas 4235 (COL); 65 km E of Villavicencio, 28 Dec 1938, Haught 2501 (US); Sabanas de San Juan de Arama, 500 m alt, 5–20 Dec 1950, Idrobo & Schultes 1223 (US); Llanos Orientales, Serranía de Menegua, 250 m alt, 17 Sep 1958, Jaramillo, Hernández & van der Hammen 1265, 1268 (COL); 34 km E of Villavicencio, 300 m alt, 17 Sep 1958, Jaramillo, Hernández & van der Hammen 1275 (COL). VICHADA: Along the Río Vichada, 7 km NE of San José de Ocuné, 100 m alt, 19 Jan 1944, Hermann 10973 (US). VAUPÉS: Cerro de Mitú, 380 m alt, 17 Sep 1939, Cuatrecasas 6878 (US); Calamar, on the Río Unilla, 240 m alt, 30 Oct 1939, Cuatrecasas 7339 (COL). WITHOUT EXACT LOCALITY:Engels s.n. (LE); Cuming 1099 (K, syntype of A. pectinata Willdenow ex Nees). ECUADOR. WITHOUT EXACT LOCALITY:Sinclair s.n. (K, holotype of A. pectinata var. macra Nees); Hegewisch s.n. (K, syntype of A. haenkeana Nees). CULTIVATED MATERIAL. Hope Gardens, Jamaica, Dec 1904, Harris 75 (K); St. Vincent, Guilding s.n. (K).
bibliographic citation
Wasshausen, Dieter C. 1975. "The genus Aphelandra (Acanthaceae)." Smithsonian Contributions to Botany. 1-157. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.0081024X.18