
Issus (planthopper)

provided by wikipedia EN

Issus is a genus of planthoppers belonging to the family Issidae of infraorder Fulgoromorpha of suborder Auchenorrhyncha of order Hemiptera. Like most members of the order Hemiptera (popularly known as the "bug" or "true bugs" order) they live on phloem sap that they extract with their piercing, sucking mouth parts.

Planthoppers are the only animals known to possess a gear mechanism,[1] and Issus coleoptratus is the first type of planthopper to have the mechanism formally described.[2][3][4] The mesh sector gears do not transform velocity or torque, and they do not convey much of the power; they only synchronize the jumping motion of the hind legs, preventing yaw (rotation).


The genus Issus includes small insects generally flightless with a stocky, brown body and forewings with strong pronounced ribs. They feed on phloem. Species of this genus are present in most of Europe, in the Near East, and in North Africa.

Gear mechanism

Planthoppers (of which there are over 12,000 known species) are the first animals found to possess a biological form of a mechanical gear, used in locomotion (crocodiles possess a heart valve with cog-like projections, but they have no cog-like function.[5]) The first formal description of this mechanism was in the species Issus coleoptratus. The gears keep the hind legs in synchronization, allowing the bugs to jump accurately in a straight line, at an acceleration of nearly 400 g in two milliseconds.[2] Each leg has a 400-micrometer strip of tapered teeth, pitch radius 200 micrometers, with 10 to 12 fully interlocking spur-type gear teeth, including filleted curves at the base of each tooth, which reduces wear and the risk of shearing.[1][6][7][8] The gears aren't connected all the time. One is located on each of the juvenile insect's hind legs, and when it prepares to jump, the two sets of teeth lock together. As a result, the legs move in almost perfect unison for a straight jump, giving the insect more connected power as the gears rotate together to their stopping point and then unlock.[6]

The existence of the gears in planthoppers had been known for decades,[9] but zoologist Gregory Sutton and his co-authors only recently characterized their functional significance by doing high-speed photography of Issus coleoptratus at Cambridge University.[2][10] The gears are found only in the nymph forms of all planthoppers, and are lost during the final molt to the adult stage.[3] The juveniles repeatedly molt and grow new gears before adulthood.[1] It is suspected that the gears are lost after the last molt into an adult because if broken in an adult they would be irreparable, crippling the insect for life.[3] The legs of an adult planthopper are synchronized by a different mechanism, a series of protrusions that extend from both hind legs, and push the other leg into action.[1]

Before the planthopper nymph's hind leg mesh gears were discovered, it was assumed that only humans made and used gears.[4]

List of species

This genus include the following 29 species:

See also


  1. ^ a b c d Stromberg, Joseph (2013-09-12), "This Insect Has The Only Mechanical Gears Ever Found in Nature", Smithsonian Magazine, retrieved 2020-11-18
  2. ^ a b c Burrows, Malcolm; Sutton, Gregory (2013-09-13), "Interacting gears synchronize propulsive leg movements in a jumping insect" (PDF), Science, 341 (6151): 1254–1256, Bibcode:2013Sci...341.1254B, doi:10.1126/science.1240284, hdl:1983/69cf1502-217a-4dca-a0d3-f8b247794e92, PMID 24031019, S2CID 24640726
  3. ^ a b c Lee, Jane J. (2013-09-12), "Insects Use Gears in Hind Legs to Jump", National Geographic
  4. ^ a b "Gears evolved in nature long before humans 'invented' them", theguardian.com, 2013-09-13, archived from the original on 2014-10-08
  5. ^ Axelsson, Michael; Franklin, Craig E.; Löfman, Carl O.; Nilsson, Stefan; Grigg, Gordon C. (1996), "Dynamic anatomical study of cardiac shunting in crocodiles using high-resolution angioscopy" (PDF), The Journal of Experimental Biology, 199 (Pt 2): 359–65, doi:10.1242/jeb.199.2.359, PMID 9317958
  6. ^ a b Robertson, Adi (September 12, 2013). "The first-ever naturally occurring gears are found on an insect's legs". The Verge. Retrieved November 18, 2020.
  7. ^ Functioning 'mechanical gears' seen in nature for the first time, Cambridge University, 2013.
  8. ^ Functioning 'mechanical gears' seen in nature for the first time, PHYS.ORG, Cambridge University, 2013-09-12
  9. ^ Sander, K. (1957), "Bau und Funktion des Sprungapparates von Pyrilla perpusilla WALKER (Homoptera - Fulgoridae)", Zool. Jb. Jena (Anat.) (in German), 75: 383–388
  10. ^ Herkewitz, William (2013-09-12), "The First Gear Discovered in Nature", Popular Mechanics

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Issus (planthopper): Brief Summary

provided by wikipedia EN

Issus is a genus of planthoppers belonging to the family Issidae of infraorder Fulgoromorpha of suborder Auchenorrhyncha of order Hemiptera. Like most members of the order Hemiptera (popularly known as the "bug" or "true bugs" order) they live on phloem sap that they extract with their piercing, sucking mouth parts.

Planthoppers are the only animals known to possess a gear mechanism, and Issus coleoptratus is the first type of planthopper to have the mechanism formally described. The mesh sector gears do not transform velocity or torque, and they do not convey much of the power; they only synchronize the jumping motion of the hind legs, preventing yaw (rotation).

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Issus (zoologia) ( Italian )

provided by wikipedia IT

Issus Fabricius, 1803 è un genere di insetti della famiglia degli Issidae (Rincoti Omotteri, superfamiglia Fulgoroidea).

Come la maggior parte dei componenti dell'ordine degli Hemiptera, si nutrono della linfa floematica che estraggono grazie al loro rostro.

Sono gli unici animali a possedere un sistema di locomozione che funzioni con degli ingranaggi, e Issus coleoptratus è il primo esemplare di Fulgoroide del quale sia stato formalmente descritto questo meccanismo.[1][2][3]


Il genere Issus include piccoli insetti che generalmente non volano, con un corpo tozzo, caratterizzato dalle tonalità più svariate di marrone, e ali dalle venature molto pronunciate.

Distribuzione e habitat

Le specie di questo genere sono presenti in gran parte dell'Europa, nel Vicino Oriente e nel Nordafrica. Si possono trovare tipicamente tra le foglie dell'edera comune.[4]

Sistema di ingranaggi

Questi insetti sono gli unici animali in cui sia stata scoperta una forma biologica di ingranaggi, usati per la locomozione, e la prima descrizione formale di questo meccanismo è stata nell’Issus coleoptratus: gli ingranaggi mantengono le gambe sincronizzate, permettendo all'insetto di saltare in modo estremamente preciso, con un'accelerazione molto vicina ai 400 G in 2 millisecondi.[1]
L'esistenza di ingranaggi in questo genere di insetti è conosciuto da decenni,[5] ma lo zoologo Gregory Sutton e i suoi assistenti solo di recente hanno descritto la loro validità funzionale, avvalendosi di fotografie ad altà velocità presso l'Università di Cambridge.[1][4][6] Gli ingranaggi sono stati trovati solo allo stadio ninfatico, e vengono persi durante la muta finale allo stadio adulto.[2] Si ritiene che siano persi nello stadio adulto dopo l'ultima muta perché, nel caso in cui si rompessero, sarebbero irreparabili, paralizzando l'insetto a vita.[2]


Il genere include le seguenti 29 specie:


  1. ^ a b c Malcolm Burrows e Gregory Sutton, Interacting gears synchronize propulsive leg movements in a jumping insect, in Science, vol. 341, n. 6151, 13 settembre 2013, pp. 1254–1256, DOI:10.1126/science.1240284.
  2. ^ a b c Jane J. Lee, Insects Use Gears in Hind Legs to Jump, in National Geographic, 12 settembre 2013.
  3. ^ Gears evolved in nature long before humans 'invented' them, in theguardian.com, 13 settembre 2013.
  4. ^ a b William Herkewitz, The First Gear Discovered in Nature, in Popular Mechanics, 12 settembre 2013.
  5. ^ K. Sander. 1957. Bau und Funktion des Sprungapparates von Pyrilla perpusilla WALKER (Homoptera - Fulgoridae). Zool. Jb. Jena (Anat.) 75, 383–388
  6. ^ Ellie Zolfagharifard, Nature outdoes engineers again: High-speed 'mechanical gears' discovered for the first time on the hind legs of a plant hopping insect, in dailymail.co.uk, 12 settembre 2013.

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Issus (zoologia): Brief Summary ( Italian )

provided by wikipedia IT

Issus Fabricius, 1803 è un genere di insetti della famiglia degli Issidae (Rincoti Omotteri, superfamiglia Fulgoroidea).

Come la maggior parte dei componenti dell'ordine degli Hemiptera, si nutrono della linfa floematica che estraggono grazie al loro rostro.

Sono gli unici animali a possedere un sistema di locomozione che funzioni con degli ingranaggi, e Issus coleoptratus è il primo esemplare di Fulgoroide del quale sia stato formalmente descritto questo meccanismo.

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Issus (geslacht) ( Dutch; Flemish )

provided by wikipedia NL

Issus is een geslacht van insecten dat behoort tot de cicaden en de familie Issidae.


Alle soorten zijn herbivoor en leven van planten, ze zuigen het plantensap of floëem op met hun tot zuigsnuit omgevormde monddelen. Veel soorten zuigen met name aan de plant klimop (Hedera helix). Net als alle cicaden zijn het goede springers die de achterpoten gebruiken om aan vijanden te ontsnappen, daarnaast heeft de cicade ook vleugels.


Van de juveniele dieren, de nimfen, is beschreven dat het achterste deel van de achterpoten een op een tandwiel gelijkende structuur heeft die ervoor zorgt dat de beide achterpoten gesynchroniseerd worden tijdens een sprong. Iedere achterpoot heeft een tandwiel-achtige structuur, de tanden grijpen tijdens een sprong in elkaar zodat de krachten gelijkmatig worden verdeeld over beide poten. Hierdoor kan de cicade nauwkeurig zijn richting bepalen.[1]

Als de nimfen volwassen worden, verdwijnen deze tandwielen aan de achterpoten echter. De juveniele nimfen vervellen regelmatig waarbij eventuele beschadigingen zoals afgebroken poten en in dit geval de tanden aan de pootbasis worden vervangen en hersteld. De volwassen exemplaren echter vervellen niet meer en zouden bij een beschadiging van de tanden aan de achterpoten niet meer in staat zijn om gerichte sprongen te maken.[1]


Er zijn 29 soorten, die onderstaand zijn weergegeven.



  1. a b Jane D Lee - National Geographic, Insects Use Gears in Hind Legs to Jump.


  • (en) - Jane D Lee - National Geographic - Insects Use Gears in Hind Legs to Jump - Website
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Issus (geslacht): Brief Summary ( Dutch; Flemish )

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Issus is een geslacht van insecten dat behoort tot de cicaden en de familie Issidae.

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Issus ( Russian )

provided by wikipedia русскую Википедию

Латинское название Issus Fabricius, 1803

на Викивидах

на Викискладе

NCBI 1897833

Issus (лат.) — род равнокрылых цикадовых насекомых из семейства Issidae (Fulgoroidea, Homoptera). Более 30 видов[1].


Палеарктика, в Средиземноморье встречается большинство видов[1].


Передние крылья без гипокостальной пластини. Метопе (лоб) в верхней части с горизонтальным поперечным килем. Форма тела компактная, голова короткая и широкая. Крылья развиты, надкрылья плотные, короткие. Ноги короткие и крепкие[1][2]. Среди растений хозяев на которых они развиваются отмечены: Alnus sp. (Fagales, Betulaceae), Artemisia sp. (Asterales, Asteraceae), Corylus avellana L. (Betulaceae), Quercus (Fagaceae), Salix sp. (Malpighiales, Salicaceae)[3].

У вида Issus coleoptratus в конечностях была обнаружена зубчатая передача и в результате эту цикадку журнал «Science» назвал «беспозвоночным года» (2013)[4][5].


  1. 1 2 3 Гнездилов В. М., В. Е. Хольцингер, М. Р. Уилсон. 2014. Issidae Западной Палеарктики (Hemiptera, Fulgoroidea): иллюстрированный аннотированный список с определительными таблицами родов и подродов (англ.) = The western palaearctic Issidae (Hemiptera, Fulgoroidea): an illustrated checklist and key to genera and subgenera (V. M. Gnezdilov, W. E. Holzinger, M.R. Wilson) // Труды ЗИН РАН : Журнал. — Санкт-Петербург,: Зоологический институт РАН, 2014. — Vol. 318. Приложение 1. — P. 1-124. — ISBN 978-5-98092-046-3. — ISSN 0206-0477.
  2. Определитель насекомых европейской части СССР. Т. I. Низшие, древнекрылые, с неполным превращением. / под общ.ред. чл.-корр. Г. Я. Бей-Биенко. — М.-Л.: «Наука», 1964. — 936 с. — (Определители по фауне СССР, издаваемые Зоологическим институтом АН СССР; вып.84.). — 6300 экз.
  3. Issus. hemiptera-databases.org (англ.)
  4. Юлия Смирнова. Медицина и биология: итоги 2013 года (рус.). Новости науки и техники. Наука и жизнь (30 декабря 2013). Проверено 3 января 2014.
  5. Юлия Смирнова. Самая древняя «шестерёнка» обнаружена на ногах насекомых (рус.). Новости науки и техники. Наука и жизнь (17 сентября 2013). Проверено 3 января 2014.
Авторы и редакторы Википедии

Issus: Brief Summary ( Russian )

provided by wikipedia русскую Википедию

Issus (лат.) — род равнокрылых цикадовых насекомых из семейства Issidae (Fulgoroidea, Homoptera). Более 30 видов.

Авторы и редакторы Википедии