provided by eFloras
This species is used medicinally.
- license
- cc-by-nc-sa-3.0
- copyright
- Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
provided by eFloras
Plants 6--20 cm tall, glabrous, powdery white, or sometimes glandular pubescent. Roots many, ca. 15 cm. Rhizomes present. Stems branched, ascending or erect. Cauline leaf petiole 0.3--1.5 cm; leaf blade 3- or 4-pinnate, 3--9 cm; leaflets sessile, ovate, broadly triangular-ovate, or cordate, 1--2 × 0.6 mm, thinly leathery, margin entire, revolute when dry; veins flat on both surfaces; lateral leaflets smaller, ovate, narrowly so, or elliptic. Inflorescence reduced to a solitary flower. Pedicel 1.5--6.5(--20) mm. Sepals 4, deciduous, yellow tinged, elliptic-ovate, 2--3 mm. Stamens 10--20; filament filiform; anther narrowly oblong, 1.8--2 mm, apex mucronate. Carpels 4--6; style persistent, ca. 0.8 mm. Achene body broadly ellipsoid, slightly compressed, ca. 3 mm; veins ca. 8, stout. Fl. Jul.
- license
- cc-by-nc-sa-3.0
- copyright
- Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
provided by eFloras
S Qinghai, W Sichuan, S Xizang, NW Yunnan [Bhutan, Sikkim].
- license
- cc-by-nc-sa-3.0
- copyright
- Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
provided by eFloras
Forest margins, rocky slopes, damp rocky ledges; 3600--5000 m.
- license
- cc-by-nc-sa-3.0
- copyright
- Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
provided by eFloras
Schlagintweitiella fumarioides Ulbrich; S. glareosa (Handel-Mazzetti) Ulbrich; Thalictrum cultratum Wallich var. tsangense Brühl; T. glareosum Handel-Mazzetti.
- license
- cc-by-nc-sa-3.0
- copyright
- Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
provided by Plants of Tibet
provided by Plants of Tibet
Thalictrum squamiferum is occurring in S Qinghai, W Sichuan, S Xizang, NW Yunnan of China, Bhutan, Sikkim.
General Description
provided by Plants of Tibet
Plants 10-25 cm tall, glabrous, powdery white, or sometimes glandular pubescent. Roots many, ca. 15 cm in diameter. Rhizomes present. Stems branched, ascending or erect. Cauline leaf petiole 5-15 mm long; leaf blade 3-4-pinnate, 5-10 cm long; leaflets sessile, ovate, broadly triangular-ovate, or cordate, thinly leathery, margin entire, revolute when dry; veins flat on both surfaces; lateral leaflets smaller, ovate, narrowly ovate to elliptic. Inflorescence reduced to a solitary flower. Pedicel 1-2 cm long. Sepals 4, deciduous, yellow tinged, elliptic-ovate. Stamens 10-20; filament filiform; anther narrowly oblong, apex mucronate. Carpels 4-6; style persistent. Achene body broadly ellipsoid, slightly compressed; veins stout.
provided by Plants of Tibet
Growing in forest margins, rocky slopes; 3500-4800 m.
provided by Plants of Tibet
Thalictrum squamiferum is used medicinally.