Volkameria is a genus of flowering plants in the family Lamiaceae. It is pantropical in distribution.[2][3] Many of the species are found in coastal habitats.
The species of Volkameria are mostly shrubs, sometimes subshrubs or lianas, rarely small trees. The stems have swollen nodes. The flowers are usually fragrant. The fruit matures black or brown, separating into four corky pyrenes.
Volkameria aculeata and Volkameria glabra are grown as ornamentals in the tropics.[4] Volkameria heterophylla is also known in cultivation.[5] Volkameria inermis is planted as a sand binder.[6]
Volkameria was originally named (as "Volcameria") by German botanist Lorenz Heister in Index plantarum rariorum (1730), the name subsequently being adopted by Swedish scientist Carl Linnaeus[7] and validly published in his Species Plantarum (1753).[8] Heister named the genus after the German botanist Johann Georg Volckamer the Younger (1662-1744),[9] who had described the plant in his Flora Noribergensis (1700).
In 1895, John Isaac Briquet defined the genus Clerodendrum broadly, to include all of those species now placed in Rotheca, Clerodendrum, Volkameria, and Ovieda.[10] This was considered questionable by many, but for the next 100 years, Briquet's circumscription was usually followed, mostly because of confusion and uncertainty regarding this group of at least 200 species.[3]
In 2010, a molecular phylogenetic analysis of DNA sequences showed that most of the Clerodendrum species that had been in Volkameria were more closely related to Aegiphila, Ovieda, Tetraclea, and Amasonia than to other species of Clerodendrum.[3] (See the phylogenetic tree at Lamiaceae). Following these results, Volkameria was reinstated. Some species that had been erroneously placed in Volkameria were excluded. Some of the poorly known species in Clerodendrum might still need to be transferred to Volkameria.
Volkameria is a genus of flowering plants in the family Lamiaceae. It is pantropical in distribution. Many of the species are found in coastal habitats.
The species of Volkameria are mostly shrubs, sometimes subshrubs or lianas, rarely small trees. The stems have swollen nodes. The flowers are usually fragrant. The fruit matures black or brown, separating into four corky pyrenes.
Volkameria aculeata and Volkameria glabra are grown as ornamentals in the tropics. Volkameria heterophylla is also known in cultivation. Volkameria inermis is planted as a sand binder.
Species Volkameria acerbiana Vis. - northeastern Africa from Egypt to Tanzania and west to Chad; also Guinea-Bissau + Gambia in West Africa Volkameria aculeata L. - West Indies, northern South America, Honduras, Veracruz State in eastern Mexico Volkameria aggregata(Gürke) Mabb. & Y.W.Yuan - Madagascar Volkameria eriophylla (Gürke) Mabb. & Y.W.Yuan - eastern + southern Africa from Tanzania to Namibia Volkameria glabra (E.Mey.) Mabb. & Y.W.Yuan - western + southern Africa from South Africa to Somalia; Seychelles, Comoros Volkameria heterophylla Poir. - Mauritius, Réunion; naturalized in India, Madagascar, Australia Volkameria inermis L. - China, Indian Subcontinent, Australia, Pacific Islands Volkameria ligustrina Jacq. - Mexico, Central America Volkameria mollis (Kunth) Mabb. & Y.W.Yuan - Panama, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Galápagos Volkameria pittieri (Moldenke) Mabb. & Y.W.Yuan - Guatemala, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Venezuela, EcuadorVolkameria es un género de plantas fanerógamas de la familia de las lamiáceas. Comprende 12 especies descritas y de estas, 11 aceptadas.[2]
El género es nativo de zonas tropicales del mundo.
El género fue descrito por Carlos Linneo y publicado en Species Plantarum 2: 637. 1753.[3]
Volkameria es un género de plantas fanerógamas de la familia de las lamiáceas. Comprende 12 especies descritas y de estas, 11 aceptadas.
Volkameria L. é um gênero botânico da família Lamiaceae. tem cerca de 30 espécies, tendo uma distribuição pantropical.[1] Muitas das espécies são encontradas em habitats costeiros. A espécie-tipo é Volkameria aculeata.[2]
As espécies deste género são a maioria arbustos, por vezes subarbustos ou lianas, raramente pequenas árvores. Os caules têm nós inchados. A flor é habitualmente fragrante. O fruto amadurece com cor preta ou castanha, separando em 4 pirenos.
Volkameria aculeata e Volkameria glabra são usadas como plantas ornamentais nos trópicos.[3] Volkameria heterophylla também é cultivada.[4] Volkameria inermis é plantada como meio de controlar erosão.[5]
Algumas das espécies são:
Volkameria L. é um gênero botânico da família Lamiaceae. tem cerca de 30 espécies, tendo uma distribuição pantropical. Muitas das espécies são encontradas em habitats costeiros. A espécie-tipo é Volkameria aculeata.
As espécies deste género são a maioria arbustos, por vezes subarbustos ou lianas, raramente pequenas árvores. Os caules têm nós inchados. A flor é habitualmente fragrante. O fruto amadurece com cor preta ou castanha, separando em 4 pirenos.
Volkameria aculeata e Volkameria glabra são usadas como plantas ornamentais nos trópicos. Volkameria heterophylla também é cultivada. Volkameria inermis é plantada como meio de controlar erosão.
Volkameria là một chi thực vật có hoa trong họ Hoa môi (Lamiaceae).[1]
Chi Volkameria gồm các loài:
Volkameria là một chi thực vật có hoa trong họ Hoa môi (Lamiaceae).
Huxleya Ewart[1]
属ヴォルカメリア属(学名 : Volkameria L.)は、被子植物で、シソ科の植物である。熱帯地方のあらゆる地域に生育している[2][3]。多くは、沿岸にて生育している。
Volkameria aculeata と Volkameria glabraは、熱帯の観賞植物として栽培されている [4]。Volkameria heterophyllaは、栽培品種として栽培されている[5]。 イボタクサギは、 砂防として植えられている[6]。
ヴォルカメリア属は1753 年にリンネによって命名された[7] 。オックスフォード英語辞典によると、ヴォルカメリア属は、ドイツの植物学者であるJohann Georg Volckamer (1616年 - 1693年)にちなんで命名されたとされるが、他の資料では、彼の息子であるJohann Georg Volckamer, the Younger (1662年 - 1744年)[8][9]、あるいは、別のドイツの植物学者であるJohann Christoph Volkamer(1644年 - 1720年)にちなんだとされる。
1895年、John Isaac Briquetは、クサギ属を幅広く定義し、それによりヴォルカメリア属は、ロテカ属(英語版)、オヴィデダ属(英語版)とともにクサギ属に含まれた[10]。
ヴォルカメリア属(学名 : Volkameria L.)は、被子植物で、シソ科の植物である。熱帯地方のあらゆる地域に生育している。多くは、沿岸にて生育している。
Volkameria aculeata と Volkameria glabraは、熱帯の観賞植物として栽培されている 。Volkameria heterophyllaは、栽培品種として栽培されている。 イボタクサギは、 砂防として植えられている。