M. nigra; capite thoraceque pube fulva vestitis; abdominis segmentis apicalibus fulvo marginatis; pedibus rufis.
Female. Length 7 lines. Black: the head and thorax clothed above with fulvous pubescence, on the cheeks and thorax beneath it is slightly griseous; the clypeus shining and punctured, with a longitudinal carina in the middle, thinly covered with pubescence; the flagellum fulvous beneath. Thorax: the tegulae and legs ferruginous; the wings fusco-hyaline, the nervures fusco-ferruginous, brightest towards the base of the wings. Abdomen: the two basal segments clothed with fulvous pubescence, the four apical segments with black; all the segments with a fascia of short fulvous pubescence on their apical margins; beneath, the three basal segments thinly clothed with pale fulvous pubescence, the three apical ones with black.
Allied to, but very distinct from, the Anthophora rufipes of Fabricius.
Hab. Borneo (Sarawak).
Megachile amputata is a species of bee in the family Megachilidae.[1] It was described by Smith in 1857.[1]
Megachile amputata is a species of bee in the family Megachilidae. It was described by Smith in 1857.