Diagnostic Description
provided by Fishbase
Nemuroglanis furcatus is distinguished from all congeners by the possession of a long lateral line, reaching middle portion of the adipose-fin base (vs. lateral line extending slightly beyond dorsal-fin base origin); narrow posterior cranial fontanel in adult specimens, 16 to 27% of its length (vs. greater than 40% of its length); and pointed contour of the anterior border of the pectoral bridge (vs. rounded contour). The new species differs further from N. lanceolatus and N. pauciradiatus by possessing a forked caudal fin (vs. lanceolate); the ventral caudalfin lobe with six branched rays (vs. three or four rays); the dorsal caudal plate supporting eight rays (vs. six rays); and seven pairs of pleural ribs (vs. five or six). In addition, it is distinguished from N. mariai by having fewer anal fin rays (12â14, mode = 13, vs. 13â15) and vertebrae (41 vs. 42â44); and by possessing more branched pectoral-fin rays (seven, rarely six vs. six, rarely seven) (Ref. 86655).