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General. Figs 9A, 10A. Body. Formelongate; head long and broad, eyes large, prominent and slightly bulging; pronotum square; elytra elongate only sightly broadened distad, apices separately rounded. Size.Males, length 6.6-6.7 mm, width 1.9-2.0 mm; females, length 7.1-7.5 mm; width 2.1-2.2 mm.
Head. Figs 9B, 9D, 10D, 10F. Shiny copper red dorsally and copper blue green ventrally; entire surface glabrous except for two pairs of supraorbital sensory setae. Frons finely and longitudinally rugose. Vertex more coarsely rugose, transverse rugae along anterior margin narrow and irregularly arranged, 15-18 more or less complete longitudinal rugae between eyes and middle where rugae converge into an arcuate pattern; rugae transition abruptly into a posterior area with a finely and irregularly granulate surface. Eyes large, prominent and slightly bulging in both sexes. Genae longitudinally rugose. Clypeus finely and irregularly granulate, narrowed mesad. Labrum testaceous with a dark brown margin, subrectangular, width to length ratio 3.5 in holotype male, ratio 2.8 in allotype female; anterior margin in female slightly sinuate, protruding at middle with a small bulge on either side of a small tooth; anterior margin in male less sinuate, not protruding and tooth minute in some specimens or indented mesad in others; posterior margin broadly arcuate mesad; medial carina narrowly and distinctly raised, very slight depression on each side near posterior margin; 6-10 setae in an irregular row near middle most often symmetrically arranged. Maxillae and labium mainly testaceous, only distal palpal segments dark brown with metallic blue green reflections. Mandibles sexually dimorphic; in male, surface mainly testaceous, only teeth metallic green; in female, surface only testaceous in basal half, apical half and teeth shiny brown; mandibles symmetrical, four teeth distad of molar, apical tooth longest, first and third tooth coequal in length, second tooth shortest; gaps between three intermediate teeth narrow in male, wide in female. Antennae 11 segmented; scape dorsally shiny green, ventrally testaceous with a single subapical sensory seta; antennomeres 2-4 shiny green, glabrous except for a few, short erect setae along their length and distally; antennomeres 5-11 dull brown, sheathed with dense short sensory setae.
Prothorax. Figs 9C, 9D, 10C, 10D. Pronotum shiny copper. Proepisterna shiny, dark copper brown, surface wrinkled dorsad. Prosternum shiny green. Pronotum glabrous except for short, decumbent, white setae distributed in several, irregular rows medially directed, originating close to, and lying in a narrow band slightly impinging on lateral suture, in a sparse narrow band transversely and anteriorly oriented within broad anterior margin, and in a sparse narrow band laterally oriented on each side of midline extending nearly to the narrow posterior margin; transverse submarginal sulci distinct, anterior sulcus shallow, posterior sulcus deeper and deepest at posterior angles; transverse rugae within broad anterior margin irregular and shallow, interrupted at middle by an irregularly arranged pattern, within posterior margin more distinctly and deeply engraved especially medially and extending onto midline; surface sculptured by fine, transverse rugae angled on disc and interrupted by a finely engraved longitudinal midline, and more finely and irregularly sculptured elsewhere. Proepisterna glabrous except for white, erect and appressed setae arising from small, setigerous punctures scattered over ventral and posterior surfaces in males, only near ventral margin in females. Prosternum glabrous, surface wrinkled.
Pterothorax. Figs 9C, 10C. Mesepisterna glabrous except for appressed setae near ventral margin; female coupling sulcus represented by an elongate depression medially situated with a slightly deeper center, a distinct groove extends only dorsally from center, surface smooth below center. Mesepimeron with sparse appressed setae. Metepisterna with scattered appressed setae, more abundant in male than female. Prosternum and mesosternum glabrous, smooth to slightly wrinkled; metasternum glabrous except for long, dense white appressed setae laterad, surface smooth mesad and coarsely sculpted laterad where setae originate. Scutellum triangular, cupreous.
Legs. Figs 9A, 10B. Segmentstestaceous brown with metallic brown green reflections. Coxae shiny metallic brown green; trochanters shiny testaceous brown; femora and tibiae entirely metallic green to partially metallic green except for testaceous distal ends and posterior margin; tarsomeres dark metallic brown; white, appressed setae on front and middle coxae, and laterally on hind coxae; erect setae and suberect closely spaced in several regular and irregular rows on all femora; setae widely spaced in a few rows on all tibiae; middle tibiae with patch of appressed setae dorsally along distal half; tarsomeres with short scattered setae on ventral surface; distal tarsomeres with two asymmetrical rows each with a few to several small, erect setae; an erect subapical seta present only on front trochanter, absent on middle and hind trochanters; males with dense pad of erect setae ventrally on proximal three tarsal segments; tarsal claws small.
Elytra. Figs 9A, 10A. Form elongate, narrow in male, broadened distad and broadest at outer apical angle in female; obliquely curved along posterior margins with apices separately rounded; sutural spine feebly withdrawn from apex; posterior margins finely microserrulate. Surface finely granulate, impunctate, numerous small, irregular, shiny green to copper green flecks of various sizes scattered over a dull, cupreous to copper brown background; pale elytral markings barely contrasting with the darker elytral ground color in most marked female specimens, or obscured by ground color in others of both sexes; setigerous punctures with short, erect, transparent setae indistinct in subsutural rows on disc, but distinct at elytral base, and at inner humeral angles, each surrounded by a metallic fleck slightly larger than flecks elsewhere on elytra; surface slightly depressed in humeral area and on disc creating a slight but distinct raised area basally. Elytra marked with a complete pattern of pale, tawny lunules and bands in most specimens, especially females, or inconspicuous and obscured by ground color in others; complete pattern consisting of humeral and apical lunules and middle band, but pattern wide or thin or broken or obscured depending on the specimen; in marked specimens humeral lunule complete terminating on disc in a slightly enlarged end or isolated spot, middle band slightly sinuate and slightly enlarged near suture and slightly expanded along lateral margin; apical lunule wide, complete and broadened along suture. Elytral epipleura testaceous except for narrow, metallic green to copper green band along dorsal margin.
Abdomen. Figs 10B, 10E. Surface of 1st-5th sterna shiny black with green reflections, sterna 6th entirely shiny black to black brown; posterior margins of male 3rd-5th sterna and female 3rd-4th sterna narrowly black; posterior margin female 5th sternum broadly black; sterna 3rd-5th medially smooth with scattered, fine, erect setae in both sexes; male 1st-6th sterna and female 1st-5th sterna laterally covered with dense, scattered, appressed white setae and roughened from setal punctures; male 6th sternum glabrous medially with a broad, deep concave notch; female 5th sternum with moderately raised, transverse wrinkles interrupted by a membranous band along midline extending anteriorly from a short transverse membranous wedge along posterior margin; female 6th sternum entirely glabrous, posterior margin with a row of 6-10 erect spines and a small lateral gibbosity on each side.
Male Genitalia. Figs 9E, 9F, 9G. Shape narrow near base, gradually wider and uniformly broad along most of its length, distally ending in a short, wide apical neck; apical tip acutely bent and tapering evenly to an elongated point. Aedeagus inner sac sclerites: stylet broad, tip wide and recurved; shield rounded distad; large tooth short, bluntly rounded at tip with large root and dark fields; arched piece short and wide; spine field within aedeagus neck long and narrow.
- license
- cc-by-3.0
- copyright
- Robert E. Acciavatti
- bibliographic citation
- Acciavatti R (2011) Taxonomic Revision of Hispaniola Tiger Beetles in the Genus Brasiella Rivalier 1954 (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Cicindelinae) ZooKeys 147: 99–182
- author
- Robert E. Acciavatti
provided by Zookeys
Fig. 22. DOMINICAN REPUBLIC: Pedernales Province, Las Abejas, ca. 35 km N Cabo Rojo, 1250 m, in moist ravines at higher elevations on the southern slopes of the Sierra de Baoruco.
- license
- cc-by-3.0
- copyright
- Robert E. Acciavatti
- bibliographic citation
- Acciavatti R (2011) Taxonomic Revision of Hispaniola Tiger Beetles in the Genus Brasiella Rivalier 1954 (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Cicindelinae) ZooKeys 147: 99–182
- author
- Robert E. Acciavatti