Acrida cinereaOriental longheaded locust female scientific name: Acrida cinerea
日本語: ショウリョウバッタ(精霊蝗虫)のメスCamera location 35° 57′ 3.60″ N, 139° 40′ 50.10″ EFrom
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Sam W. Heads, Steven J. Taylor
Figures 1–5.Holotype ♂ ofRipipteryx mopana Heads & Taylor, sp. n. 1 frontal view of head capsule with antennae omitted (scale bar 0.5 mm) 2 lateral habitus (scale bar 2.0 mm) 3 dorsal view of terminalia with setae omitted for clarity (scale bar 0.25 mm) 4 ventral view of subgenital plate with setae omitted for clarity (scale bar 0.25 mm) 5 dorsal view of phallic complex (scale bar 0.25 mm). Abbreviations: ap apodemes of cingulum; bp basal plate; br brachium; ce cercus; cg cingulum; dv dorsal valve; uc uncus; vr virga.
Sam W. Heads, M. Jared Thomas, Yinan Wang
Figures 1–2.Electrotettix attenboroughi Heads & Thomas, gen. et sp. n. 1 holotype in oblique right lateral view (scale bar 1.0 mm) 2 holotype in oblique left lateral view (scale bar 1.0 mm).
Wei-An Deng, Chao-Liang Lei, Zhe-Min Zheng
Figure 1.Teredorus parvipulvillus sp. n. A female, lateral view of body B female, dorsal view of body C male, dorsal view of body D male, lateral view of body. (scale bar = 1mm).
Sam W. Heads, M. Jared Thomas, Yinan Wang
Figure 3.Electrotettix attenboroughi Heads & Thomas, gen. et sp. n., explanatory drawing of holotype in oblique left lateral view (scale bar 1.0 mm).
Wei-An Deng, Chao-Liang Lei, Zhe-Min Zheng
Figure 2.Teredorus parvipulvillus sp. n. A dorsal view of head B lateral view of head C frontal view of head D dorsal view of head and pronotum E lateral view of tegmina and mid femur F lateral view of fore femur G lateral view of mid femur H lateral view of hind femur I lateral view of hind tibia and tarsus J lateral view of hind tarsus K lateral view of ovipositor of female L ventral view of subgenital fig of female N lateral view of subgenital fig of male. (scale bar = 1mm).
Sam W. Heads, M. Jared Thomas, Yinan Wang
Figure 4.Electrotettix attenboroughi Heads & Thomas, gen. et sp. n., frontal view of head capsule; the flower bud preserved alongside the head is visible to the left (scale bar 0.5 mm).
Wei-An Deng, Chao-Liang Lei, Zhe-Min Zheng
Figure 3.Teredorus hunanensis sp. n. A female, lateral view of body B female, dorsal view of body C male, dorsal view of body D male, lateral view of body. (scale bar = 1mm).
Sam W. Heads, M. Jared Thomas, Yinan Wang
Figure 5.Electrotettix attenboroughi Heads & Thomas, gen. et sp. n., explanatory drawing of head capsule in frontal view (scale bar 0.5 mm).
Wei-An Deng, Chao-Liang Lei, Zhe-Min Zheng
Figure 4.Teredorus hunanensis sp. n. A dorsal view of head B lateral view of head C frontal view of head D dorsal view of head and pronotum E lateral view of tegmina and mid femur F lateral view of fore femur G lateral view of mid femur H lateral view of hind femur I lateral view of hind tibia J lateral view of hind tarsus K lateral view of ovipositor of female L ventral view of subgenital fig of female N lateral view of subgenital fig of male. (scale bar = 1mm).
Sam W. Heads, M. Jared Thomas, Yinan Wang
Figures 6–7.Electrotettix attenboroughi Heads & Thomas, gen. et sp. n. 6 right hind wing (scale bar 0.25 mm) 7 detail of the superior marginal and medial areas of right metafemur (scale bar 0.25 mm).
Photographed on a pineapple sage plant in a small garden area near the house. Seems to be confusion as to whether this should be called a grasshopper or a locust. Perhaps an expert will clarify.
Tentative i.d.
Photographed on blue false indigo (Baptisia australis) plant.
Flightless animal collected from a migratory band that had walked about 20 km in about 3 weeks. Large numbers died trying to cross a local stream, and thousands more killed by burning, poisoning, and trenching by land owners. Tucura sapo toad-like locust. Tucura (Spanish) derived from Tupi-Guarani language (tu + cura = animal voracious). Three species of Bufonacris, all in southern South America. Only this species has mass migrations.
Flightless animal collected from a migratory band that had walked about 20 km in about 3 weeks. Large numbers died trying to cross a local stream, and thousands more killed by burning, poisoning, and trenching by land owners. Tucura sapo toad-like locust. 'Tucura' (Spanish) derived from Tupi-Guarani language ('tu' + 'cura' = animal voracious). Three species of Bufonacris, all in southern South America. Only this species has mass migrations.