Comprehensive Description
provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Tinea oxymora Meyrick
Tinea oxymora Meyrick, 1919:274.—Clarke, 1955 [1955–1970]: 230; 1970 [1955–1970], 8:99, pl. 49: figs. 3–3b.
Male genitalia slides USNM 25027, 25030, 25040. Harpe simple, narrow, of nearly equal width throughout; cucullus with oblique, straight outer edge. Gnathos unusually long and narrow, pointed distally. Uncus elongate, triangular, twice as long as tegumen. Vinculum a weak, narrow band; saccus slender, about half as long as harpe. Tegumen short, broad. Anellus tubular with a small ventral plate. Aedeagus straight, as long as harpe, distally armed with a cluster of stout, short spines; vesica armed with a single, weak cornutus.
Female genitalia slides USNM 25031, 25041. Ostium funnel-shaped; lamella antevaginalis two sclerotized plates clothed posteriorly with long setae. Inception of ductus seminalis well before ostium. Ductus bursae membranous, about as long as bursa copulatrix. Bursa copulatrix membranous. Signum three or four small sclerotized plates each with a long, attenuated spine.
LECTOTYPE.—In the British Museum (Natural History).
TYPE-LOCALITY.—Peru, Chosica.
DISTRIBUTION.—Peru, Marquesas Islands.
Nuku Hiva: Taiohae, 14 Jan 1968, 1. Hiva Oa: Atuona, 15 Feb to 6 Mar 1968, 11, 4. Fatu Hiva: Omoa, 14 Mar 1968, 1.
FOODS.—Probably refuse and decaying vegetable matter.
The venation shows nothing to prevent retention of this species in Tinea, although the genitalia suggest that a new genus may be necessary to accomodate oxymora.
Despite the fact that this species was described from Peru, there appears to be no doubt about the identity of the Marquesan examples. The species is probably a refuse feeder, a “tramp species,” but all of our material was collected at black light.
Wyoma, new genus
TYPE-SPECIES.—Wyoma dysgnoia, new species; by monotypy and present designation. The gender of the generic name is feminine.
Antenna simple, slightly thicker in male than in female, about as long as forewing; scape with weak pecten. Labial palpus drooping; second segment with strong cluster of bristles on outer side distally; third segment shorter than second. Maxillary palpus long, folded, four-segmented. Tongue well developed, naked. Head roughened with hairlike scales. Forewing smooth, costa very slightly arched, termen oblique, apex rounded; 12 veins, all separate; 1b simple; 2 from near angle; 4 nearer to 5 than to 3; 7 to costa slightly before apex; 9 nearer to 8 than to 10; 10 distant from 11; 11 from basal fourth. Hindwing with 8 veins, all separate; anal veins obsolete; 2 from well before angle; 3 nearer to 2 than to 4; 4 to 6 about equidistant; 7 to costa slightly before apex.
Male genitalia symmetrical; uncus and gnathos present; socius absent.
Female genitalia, presence or absence of signum not known (genitalia badly disintegrated; Figure 260d).
Apparently this genus is closely related to Tinea, having similar male genitalia; but the female genitalia are very different. The venation of both fore- and hindwings of Wyoma is simple, all veins being separate. In Tinea, however, 6 and 7 are stalked in forewing, and 5 and 6 are stalked in hindwing.
- bibliographic citation
- Clarke, J. F. Gates. 1986. "Pyralidae and Microlepidoptera of the Marquesas Archipelago." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-485.