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Description of the male holotype. Length, 11.5 mm (male paratype, 12 mm) including wings in repose. Head (Fig. 2), in dorsal view, well produced anteriorly; median length of crown approximately seven-tenths interocular width and four-tenths transocular width. Crown (Fig. 2), in dorsal view, with anterior margin broadly rounded; without carina at transition from crown to face; without median fovea; ocelli located slightly behind imaginary line between anterior angles of eyes, each ocellus closer to adjacent eye angle than to median line of crown; without longitudinal keel laterad of each ocellus; with broad M-shaped elevation bordering posterior margin; with pubescence; frontogenal sutures extending onto crown and approaching ocelli; coronal suture distinct. Antennal ledges (Fig. 2), in dorsal view, protuberant; in lateral view (Fig. 3), with dorsal carina, anterior margin strongly declivous and with concavity. Face (Fig. 3) pubescent, especially on inferior portions; frons convex, swollen, muscle impressions distinct, median portion granulate; epistomal suture incomplete medially; clypeus not produced, its contour continuing profile of frons. Thorax (Fig. 2), in dorsal view, with pronotal width less than transocular width of head; pronotum with lateral margins slightly sinuous and slightly divergent anteriorly; pronotal surface rugose and punctate (except on anterior third) and pubescent; posterior margin distinctly concave; dorsopleural carinae (Fig. 3) complete, slightly arched downward anteriorly, strongly declivous posteriorly. Mesonotum (Fig. 2) with scutellum only very slightly striate. Forewings (Fig. 4) mostly hyaline with large sclerotized area extending mainly over outer discal cell, outer and median anteapical cells and adjacent portions of costal margin; veins elevated and distinct; claval veins fused through most of their length, separated only basally and apically; outer discal cell reduced, about half length of inner discal cell; with three closed anteapical cells (inner one broadened anteriorly) and four apical cells, base of fourth more proximal than base of third; without anteapical plexus of veins and without supernumerary anteapical cross veins to costal margin. Hindwings extending almost as far posteriorly as forewings; vein R2+3 incomplete. Hindleg with femoral setal formula (visible only on right leg of holotype) 2:1:1:1 (with additional, unaligned slender seta located anteriorly to the row of three setae; this additional seta absent in the male paratype); length of first tarsomere less than combined length of second and third ones; first tarsomere with two parallel rows of small setae on plantar surface. Color. Anterior dorsum (Figs 1-3) mostly brown. Crown with three maculae anteriorly (median one elongate), outer portion of antennal ledges, macula adjacent to inner eye margin, area around ocelli, and elongate macula from posterior margin to interocellar portion, pale yellow; inner portion of antennal ledges and pair of conspicuous maculae on posterior coronal margin, dark brown. Pronotum with irregular maculae on anterior third, five distinct, transversely aligned maculae on median third and pair of maculae on posterior third at lateral margins, pale yellow. Mesoscutum with median macula basally, pair of maculae basilaterally, and pair of irregular areas medially, pale yellow; mesoscutellum with pair of maculae basally and macula on apical portion, pale yellow. Forewings (Figs 1, 4) mostly translucent with brown veins; small brown area along basal portion of costal margin; distal half of costal margin, outer discal cell, outer anteapical cell, median anteapical cell, and part of inner anteapical cell brown (mostly darker than other wing portions); outer discal, outer anteapical, and median anteapical cell each with distinct orange macula; additional orange macula on costal area adjacent to anterior limit of outer anteapical cell; additional irregular yellow to orange marks also present in this area; apical cells brown. Body (Fig. 3), in lateral view, with broad yellow area extending from lateral portions of frons to posterior limit of thorax, bordered inferiorly by irregular brown marks. Face (Fig. 3) mostly pale yellow; muscle impressions and diffuse area on median portion of frons, brown to dark brown. Male genitalia with pygofer (Fig. 5), in lateral view, short, considerably reduced posteriorly, exposing aedeagal shaft; posterior margin obliquely truncate; ventroapical portion with conspicuous long process directed mesally; in caudal view (Fig. 7), processes crossing each other medially; pygofer surface with small setae distributed mostly ventrally and on posterior half. Valve (Fig. 8), in ventral view, with short lateral margins; posterior margin distinctly produced posteriorly. Subgenital plates (Fig. 8), in ventral view, triangular, narrowing gradually toward apex; not fused to each other, close to each other for short distance on basal portion and then with distinct space between inner margins; surface with many scattered small setae; in lateral view (Fig. 5), plates extending beyond pygofer apex, with small dentiform projection associated with style apical portion. Connective (Fig. 9), in dorsal view, broadly Y-shaped with both arms and stalk short; with short median keel. Styles (Fig. 9), in dorsal view, elongate, extending posteriorly distinctly beyond apex of connective, portion before connective approximately of same size as portion behind it; apical portion directed posteriorly, not distinctly curved; apex obtuse. Aedeagus (Fig. 10) symmetrical; shaft, in lateral view, simple, directed dorsally, lobulate apically; dorsal and ventral margins sinuous; gonopore located on apex. Paraphyses absent. Anal tube (Figs 5, 6), in dorsal view, strongly developed in comparison to pygofer size; segment X (Fig. 5), in lateral view, longer than dorsal pygofer margin, expanded toward apex; in dorsal view (Fig. 6), broad, distinctly rounded.
Gabriel Mejdalani, Claudia Garcia
bibliographic citation
Mejdalani G, Garcia C (2011) A remarkable new species of the sharpshooter genus Egidemia (Insecta, Hemiptera, Cicadellidae, Cicadellinae). ZooKeys 97: 1-10. doi: 10.3897/zookeys.97.741
Gabriel Mejdalani
Claudia Garcia
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