Diagnostic Description
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Diagnosis: small species, less than 100 mm long; eyes small, diameter not exceeding 23% of head length; inner margin of pectoral-fin spine weakly denticulate (Ref. 43912, 57127, 81643). Head rounded (Ref. 43912). Nasal barbels always extending beyond hind margin of eye (Ref. 57127, 81643) but not beyond anterior border of opercle (Ref. 43912). Adipose fin always present (Ref. 43912, 57127, 81643) and fully developed (Ref. 57127, 81643). 34-39 branched anal-fin rays and 6-8 gill rakers on lower limb of first gill arch (Ref. 57127, 81643). Colour pattern marbled (Ref. 43912, 57127, 81643). Barbels well developed (Ref. 81643). Posterior nostrils at same distance or closer to each other than the anterior pair (Ref. 43912, 81643).Description: maxillary and outer mandibular barbels at least reaching to anterior border of opercle and at maximum to somewhat beyond its posterior border; inner mandibular barbels short and never reach beyond posterior eye border; 34-44 branched anal rays; 37-44 non-fused vertebrae; 6-10 gill rakers on lower part of anterior arch; 9 branchiostegal rays on one side of head; caudal peduncle as long as deep or somewhat deeper than long (Ref. 43912). Schilbe brevianalis closely resembles the Congolese S. yangambianus, another small marbled species found in small forest streams; both species are easily distinguished by the circumoral barbels which are considerably longer in S. yangambianus, the nasal barbel always reaching beyond the anterior border of the opercle while never reaching as far in S. brevianalis (Ref. 43912).Coloration: Preserved specimens: irregularly brownish; base and margin of anal fin dark brown, other fins brownish or blackish (Ref. 43912, 57127, 81643). Belly and underside of head finely spotted (Ref. 43912, 57127).
Life Cycle
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Distinct pairing (Ref. 205).
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Dorsal spines (total): 1; Analsoft rays: 34 - 39
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Oviparous, eggs are unguarded (Ref. 205). Occasionally imported from Nigeria to Europe or America for aquarium purposes (Ref. 43912).