Comprehensive Description
provided by North American Flora
Phyllosticta dearnessii Sacc. Ann. Myc. 11:549. 1913
Spots indefinite and more or less irregular, whitish or cinereous in the center, grading off into reddish, finally brown, the brown color often extending around the margin of the leaf, reaching a diameter of nearly 1 cm., visible on both sides but less distinct on the under side; pycnidia scattered over the infected spot, mainly on the upper surface of the leaf, reaching a diameter of 150-180 m; spores minute, rod-like, 1-1.5 X 4.5-5 m-
On Rosaceae :
Rubus triflorus Richards., Ontario. Type locality: Near Lake Huron, Ontario, on Rubus triflorus. Distribution: Known only from the type locality.
- bibliographic citation
- Fred Jay Seaver. 1922. PHYLLOSTICTALES; PHYLLOSTICTACEAE (pars). North American flora. vol 6(1). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY