Leptaena rhomboidalis (Silurian). A, External view of ventral valve.; B, Interior of ventral valve; a, occlusor scars; d, pseudo-deltidium; d,f, divaricator scars; c,a, hinge are; t, teeth
Stages in the development of the larva of Terebratulina septentrionalis.... The youngest larva has two segments, a third then appears, the larva then fixes itself, and the second segment folds over the first and develops bristles round its edge.
Terebratula sella (Lower Greensand) d, Deltidium; f, foramen.
Three specimens of Crania anomala on a stone dredged in Loch Fyne. The topmost specimen is seen in profile.
Brood-pouch of Thecidium mediterraneum. Part of the wall of the pouch has been removed to show the clusters of larvae.. 1. Mouth, overhung by lip.; 2. One of the two median tentacles which are enlarged and modified to bear the larvae.
Muscle-scars of Lingula anatina. Inner survace of A, Pedicle-valve or ventral valve. B, Brachial or dorsal valve..
Productus giganteus. Carboniferous Limestone.. A, Interior of dorsal valve.; B, Interior of ventral valve.