
Comprehensive Description

provided by Memoirs of the American Entomological Society
Aeshna (Aeshna) rufipes Ris
Tables 1, 3, 4. 6, 9, 12, 14; PI. XXXIV, figs. 454-5; Map 1. 1918. Aeschna rufipes Ris, Arch. Naturgesch. 82 Jahrg. Abt. A (9) : 167. 1
Colombia, Sosomuco. holotype 2 in coll. Ris, now presumably in Mus.
Senckenberg, Frankfurt am Main. 1947. Aeschna rufipes Fraser, Acta Zool. Lilloana 4: 445. 2
Material studied. — Peru, La Merced in Chanchamayo, Dr. P. Martin, 1 2 no. 3986, (let. Cowley, in coll. J. Cowley, Bridgewater, Somerset, England.
The following differences from Ris' description 1 were noted on comparing 2 no. 3986 with it : Frons somewhat crushed in ; eye suture 2.45 mm. ; hind margin of the occipital triangle concave; third femur 9.16 mm., third tibia 9.65 mm.; width of thorax 7.5 mm. No ventral tubercle on abd. seg. 1, but at its site (of other species) a transverse band of about 23 black spinules. Membranule not " gross ", its free margin 5.24 mm. long. Triangle of front wing costal side 6.21 mm., proximal side 2.45 mm. ; of hind wing costal side 5.00 mm., proximal side 2.78 mm. ; these measurements confirm Ris's statement * pp. 168-9 that rufipes is no Coryphaeschna, although both Williamson 1903, p. 5, and Ris 1 p. 169 compared the proximal and distal (not proximal and costal) sides of the triangle of the hind wings for proportions in Coryphaeschna and Aeschna. Lateral plates of ovipositor reaching to .37 of the length of the inflexed tergum of abd. segment 9. Wings almost colorless, costa yellowish, pterostigma cadmium yellow.
S unknown.
bibliographic citation
Calvert, P.P. 1956. The Neotropical Species of the Subgenus Aeschna Sensu Selysii 1883 (Odonata). Memoirs of the American Entomological Society vol. 15. Philadelphia, USA