Description: English: This is an SEM view of the face of an adult male Habronattus ophrys Griswold 1987 (p. 90). This spider was collected at the same time (4-V-1974) as the male holotype, on a meadow northwest of Witham Hill in Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon, USA. This photo reveals the heavy, decorative scalation and setation of these males. The color in life is more impressive, with delicate shades of black, green, and yellow. Griswold (1987) erroneously wrote that the clypeus is "covered with erect, blunt scales." From this SEM you can see that the clypeal scales are not erect, but the associated setae are. Date: 27 June 2006, 21:03:27. Source: Author: David E. Hill.