Quercus ithaburensis is a common tree of the Mediterranean lowlands of Israel. Now acorns are ripening, falling under the trees or dispersed by birds and rodents. They loose viability if 2-3 weeks if they are not in wet soil.
Mt tabor Oak (Quercus ithaburensis) has the largest acorns in the region. The acorns are loved by jays that eat the sweet part and leave the bitter part with the enbrio, thus dispersing it. The species grows in israel, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon.
Quercus ithaburensis is an impressive deciduous tree of Israel and its surroundings, it has huge acorns. The embrio is located at the bitter tip of the acords, white the other side is sweeter. Rodents and jays disperse the acorns, enjoy and food and disperse the bitter part to a new location.
Mt Tabor Oak is a lovely tree, reaching huge sizes and hundreds of years. It grows in Israel, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon. It is deciduous and has huge acorns.