Comprehensive Description
provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Botany
Hypotrachyna bahiana
Parmelia bahiana Nylander, 1885: 612. [Type collection: Bahia, Brazil, Blanchet (H, lectotype; M, P, isolectotopes).]
Parmelia insinuans Nylander, 1885:612. [Type collection: Tropical America, Bonpland (H, lectotype; P, isolectotype).]
Parmelia flava f. albescens Krempelhuber, 1873:10. [Type collection: Serra da Mantiqueira, Brazil, Warming (M, lectotype).]
Thallus adnate, mineral gray, 3–6 cm broad; lobes sublinear, short, 1–2 mm wide; upper surface plane, continuous, soredia and isidia lacking; lower surface moderately to densely rhizinate, the rhizines densely dichotomously branched. Apothecia common, adnate, 2–4 mm in diameter; spores 6μ–8μ × 10μ–13μ.
CHEMISTRY.—Cortex K+ yellow, medulla K−, C−, P+ orange-red (atranorin, protocetraric acid, and, if pigmented in the lower medulla, rhodophyscin).
DISTRIBUTION.—West Indies, Brazil.
HABITAT.—On trees in open forest at 1000–2000 m elevation.
- bibliographic citation
- Hale, Mason E., Jr. 1975. "A Revision of the Lichen Genus Hypotrachyna (Parmeliaceae) in Tropical America." Smithsonian Contributions to Botany. 1-73.