Figure 1.Drawing of the Holotype of Eustiromastix guianae male palp (A prolateral view B ditto ventral view) MA: median apophysis, E: embolus. Scale 1 mm.
Figure 2.Pictures of the male palp of Eustiromastix guianae. A–C male palp in lateral, retrolateral and ventral views, respectively D detail of the tibial apophysis, ventral view. MA median apophysis, E embolus. Scales: A–C 1 mm, D 0.5 mm.
Figure 4.Pictures of the epigyne and spermathecae of Eustiromastix guianae. A dorsal view B vulva, ventral view after maceration C ditto latero dorsal view. Scale: 0.5 mm.