Potamogeton americanus. 1, seed; 2, seedling 5 days old; 3, seedling 14 days old; 4, seedling of four months; A, winter buds; 5, germinating winter bud, natural size; the last two winter buds belated in development. Aquarium specimen, January 24, 1914
Potamogeton americanus. 1, seed; 2, seedling 5 days old; 3, seedling 14 days old; 4, seedling of four months; A, winter buds; 5, germinating winter bud, natural size; the last two winter buds belated in development. Aquarium specimen, January 24, 1914; 6, rootstock with winter bud A, natural size. September
Long-leaved pondweed (Potamogeton lonchites). Found in ponds and slow streams, New Brunswick to Washington, south to Florida and California (After Britton & Brown)