Figures 127–132.Iridopelma vanini sp. n. 127–131 male 127–129 left palpal bulb (IBSP 11328) 127 prolateral 128 retrolateral 129 frontal 130 tibial spur of left leg I 131 tibial spur of left leg II 132 holotype female (IBSP Ref. 74.595) spermathecae. Scale bar = 1mm.
Figure 133.Iridopelma vanini sp. n., holotype female, habitus, from Parnamirim, state of Piaui. Photo: R. Bertani.
Figures 150–155.Variation in spermathecae 150–152 Iridopelma vanini sp. n. 150–151 Barreirinhas, state of Maranhão (IBSP 11343, IBSP 11330) 152 Colinas de Tocantins, state of Tocantins (IBSP 3918) 153–155 Iridopelma katiae sp. n. 153 Rio de Contas, state of Bahia (IBSP 10317) 154 Mucugê, Parque Nacional da Chapada Diamantina, state of Bahia (MZSP 36890) 155 Ibicoara, state of Bahia (MZSP 22762). Scale bar = 1mm.
Figure 169.Map showing records of Iridopelma species in Northestern, Central western and Northern Brazil. Diamond = Iridopelma hirsutum Pocock, 1901, star = Iridopelma zorodes (Mello-Leitão, 1926), square = Iridopelma vanini sp. n., retangle = Iridopelma marcoi sp. n., triangle = Iridopelma katiae sp. n., circle = Typhochlaena oliveirai sp. n. The gray area represents the approximate original distribution of Brazilian Atlantic rainforest. White area represents open environments (cerrado and caatinga).
Figures 134–139. Iridopelma katiae sp. n. 134–138 paratype male (MZSP 36888) 134–136 left palpal bulb 134 prolateral 135 retrolateral 136 frontal 137 tibial spur of left leg I 138 tibial spur of left leg II 139 holotype female (MZSP 36887) spermathecae. Scale bar = 1mm.
Figures 140–143.Iridopelma katiae sp. n., habitus 140 small immature 141 large immature 142 female 143 male, all from Chapada Diamantina National Park, Mucuge, state of Bahia. Photos: R. Bertani.
Figures 144–149.Iridopelma katiae sp. n. habitats 144 general view of Chapada Diamantina showing “Chapada” formation 145 detail of top of “Chapada” formation showing “campo rupestre” area and a bromeliad (Vriesea atra)“island” 146 detail of the bromeliad “island” 147 Iridopelma katiae sp. n. inside Vriesea atra leaves 148 Vriesea atra leaf folded and linked with silk threads making retreat 149 opened retreat, showing young. Photos: R. Bertani.
Figures 150–155.Variation in spermathecae 150–152 Iridopelma vanini sp. n. 150–151 Barreirinhas, state of Maranhão (IBSP 11343, IBSP 11330) 152 Colinas de Tocantins, state of Tocantins (IBSP 3918) 153–155 Iridopelma katiae sp. n. 153 Rio de Contas, state of Bahia (IBSP 10317) 154 Mucugê, Parque Nacional da Chapada Diamantina, state of Bahia (MZSP 36890) 155 Ibicoara, state of Bahia (MZSP 22762). Scale bar = 1mm.
Figure 169.Map showing records of Iridopelma species in Northestern, Central western and Northern Brazil. Diamond = Iridopelma hirsutum Pocock, 1901, star = Iridopelma zorodes (Mello-Leitão, 1926), square = Iridopelma vanini sp. n., retangle = Iridopelma marcoi sp. n., triangle = Iridopelma katiae sp. n., circle = Typhochlaena oliveirai sp. n. The gray area represents the approximate original distribution of Brazilian Atlantic rainforest. White area represents open environments (cerrado and caatinga).
Figures 156–161.Iridopelma oliveirai sp. n. 156–160 male (IBSP 10100) 156–158 left palpal bulb 156 prolateral 157 retrolateral 158 frontal 159 tibial spur of left leg I 160 tibial spur of left leg II 161 female (IBSP 8714), spermathecae. Scale bar = 1mm.
Figures 162–165.Iridopelma oliveirai sp. n., habitus 162–163 immatures in progression 164 paratype female (IBSP 8714) 165 holotype male (IBSP 10100), all from Central, state of Bahia. Photos: R. Bertani.
Figure 169.Map showing records of Iridopelma species in Northestern, Central western and Northern Brazil. Diamond = Iridopelma hirsutum Pocock, 1901, star = Iridopelma zorodes (Mello-Leitão, 1926), square = Iridopelma vanini sp. n., retangle = Iridopelma marcoi sp. n., triangle = Iridopelma katiae sp. n., circle = Typhochlaena oliveirai sp. n. The gray area represents the approximate original distribution of Brazilian Atlantic rainforest. White area represents open environments (cerrado and caatinga).
Figure 166.Iridopelma marcoi sp. n. holotype female (IBSP 36891), spermathecae. Scale bar = 1 mm.
Figures 167–168.Iridopelma marcoi sp. n. 167 holotype female (IBSP 36891), habitus 168 habitat, São Desidério, state of Bahia. Photos: Marco A. Freitas.
Figure 169.Map showing records of Iridopelma species in Northestern, Central western and Northern Brazil. Diamond = Iridopelma hirsutum Pocock, 1901, star = Iridopelma zorodes (Mello-Leitão, 1926), square = Iridopelma vanini sp. n., retangle = Iridopelma marcoi sp. n., triangle = Iridopelma katiae sp. n., circle = Typhochlaena oliveirai sp. n. The gray area represents the approximate original distribution of Brazilian Atlantic rainforest. White area represents open environments (cerrado and caatinga).