Diploprora is a genus of flowering plants from the orchid family, Orchidaceae. It contains two recognized species, native to Asia:[1][2]
It has been established, that Diploprora truncata is more closely related to Malleola baliensis, which is a synonym of Robiquetia aberrans (Schltr.) Kocyan & Schuit, than to the type species of the genus Diploprora championii. Thus, the genus is polyphyletic.[3]
Diploprora is a genus of flowering plants from the orchid family, Orchidaceae. It contains two recognized species, native to Asia:
Diploprora championii (Lindl.) Hook.f. - India, Assam, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam, Fujian, Guangxi, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Yunnan Diploprora truncata Rolfe ex Downie - Thailand, Arunachal PradeshIt has been established, that Diploprora truncata is more closely related to Malleola baliensis, which is a synonym of Robiquetia aberrans (Schltr.) Kocyan & Schuit, than to the type species of the genus Diploprora championii. Thus, the genus is polyphyletic.