
Kodkod ( Scots )

provided by wikipedia emerging languages

The kodkod (Leopardus guigna), an aa cried güiña, is the smawest cat in the Americas an an aa haes the smawest distribution, bein foond primarily in central an soothren Chile an marginally in adjynin auries o Argentina. In 2002, the IUCN classified the kodkod as Vulnerable as the tot effective population size mey be fewer nor 10,000 mature individuals, wi a declinin trend due tae habitat an prey base loss an persecution, an na subpopulation havin an effective population size lairger nor 1,000 mature breedin individuals.[2]


  1. Wozencraft, W. C. (2005). "Order Carnivora". In Wilson, D. E.; Reeder, D. M (eds.). Mammal Species of the World (3rd ed.). Johns Hopkins University Press. p. 538. ISBN 978-0-8018-8221-0. OCLC 62265494.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Acosta, G., Lucherini, M. (2008). "Leopardus guigna". IUCN Reid Leet o Threatened Species. Version 2011.1. Internaitional Union for Conservation o Naitur.CS1 maint: uises authors parameter (link)
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Kodkod: Brief Summary ( Scots )

provided by wikipedia emerging languages

The kodkod (Leopardus guigna), an aa cried güiña, is the smawest cat in the Americas an an aa haes the smawest distribution, bein foond primarily in central an soothren Chile an marginally in adjynin auries o Argentina. In 2002, the IUCN classified the kodkod as Vulnerable as the tot effective population size mey be fewer nor 10,000 mature individuals, wi a declinin trend due tae habitat an prey base loss an persecution, an na subpopulation havin an effective population size lairger nor 1,000 mature breedin individuals.

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