The grey-headed goshawk (Accipiter poliocephalus) is a lightly built, medium-sized bird of prey in the family Accipitridae.
The upperparts are grey, paler on the head and neck; the wings are dark; the underparts are mainly white; the cere and legs are red-orange. The body is 30–38 cm long; females are larger than males. Juveniles have dark brown wings.
The grey-headed goshawk is endemic to New Guinea and adjacent islands. It has been recorded from Saibai Island, Queensland, an Australian territory in the north-western Torres Strait. It lives in forests, forest edges and secondary growth.
This species nests in tall trees on a platform of sticks and leaves.
It eats small reptiles and insects.
The grey-headed goshawk (Accipiter poliocephalus) is a lightly built, medium-sized bird of prey in the family Accipitridae.