Geotrypetes is a genus of caecilians in the family Dermophiidae,[1][2] although some classifications place it in the family Caeciliidae.[3] They occur in tropical West Africa and are sometimes known as the West African caecilians.[1]
There are three species:[1][2][3]
Binomial name and author Common name Geotrypetes angeli Parker, 1936 Angel's caecilian Geotrypetes pseudoangeli Taylor, 1968 false Angel's caecilian Geotrypetes seraphini (Duméril, 1859) Gaboon caecilianGeotrypetes is a genus of caecilians in the family Dermophiidae, although some classifications place it in the family Caeciliidae. They occur in tropical West Africa and are sometimes known as the West African caecilians.