
Tasmanische Scheinulme ( германски )

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Die Tasmanische Scheinulme (Eucryphia lucida) ist eine in Tasmanien heimische Baumart aus der Gattung der Scheinulmen (Eucryphia) in der Familie Cunoniaceae. In Australien heißt der Baum Leatherwood.

Verbreitung und Standort

Die Tasmanische Scheinulme ist auf ganz Tasmanien weit verbreitet, kommt aber vor allem im Westen der Insel vor, wo gemäßigter Regenwald vorherrscht. Der Baum braucht zum Gedeihen ein feucht-gemäßigtes Klima mit etwa 1500–2500 mm jährlichem Niederschlag und ist in Mitteleuropa nur eingeschränkt winterhart.

Fossile Pflanzenreste aus dem frühen Pleistozän, die am Regatta Point auf Tasmanien gefunden wurden, zeigen Ähnlichkeiten zur Tasmanischen Scheinulme.[1]


Die Tasmanische Scheinulme erreicht etwa 25 Meter Wuchshöhe. Manche Exemplare sind mit 2 bis 10 Metern Wuchshöhe aber eher große Büsche als Bäume.

Die kleinen grünen, glänzenden Blätter haben eine schmale, elliptische Form und sind etwa 2 bis 4 Zentimeter lang. Die weißen Blüten mit etwa 2,5 bis 4 Zentimeter Durchmesser bestehen aus vier Blütenblättern. Sie erscheinen im Frühjahr bis Sommer und verströmen einen intensiven Duft.

Die Chromosomenzahl beträgt 2n = 30.[2]


  • Das harte Holz wird zum Bau von Musikinstrumenten, wie zum Beispiel Gitarren, genutzt.
  • Bienen erzeugen aus dem Nektar einen Honig, der Farben von dunkelgelb-cremig bis braun-klar hat. In der deutschen Honigverordnung bestehen Ausnahmen bei dem Saccharosegehalt u. a. für den Leatherwood-Honig. Er darf bis 10 g Saccharose pro 100 g Honig enthalten.[3]
  • Es existieren zahlreiche Kreuzungen mit anderen Arten der Scheinulme, die landwirtschaftlich genutzt werden.


  1. Robert S. Hill: Leaves of Eucryphia (Eucryphiaceae) from tertiary sediments in south-eastern Australia. In: Australian Systematic Botany Bd. 4 Nr. 3, 1991, S. 481–497.
  2. Eucryphia lucida bei Tropicos.org. In: IPCN Chromosome Reports. Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis.
  3. https://bienenkunde.uni-hohenheim.de/honigverordnung.html
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Tasmanische Scheinulme: Brief Summary ( германски )

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Die Tasmanische Scheinulme (Eucryphia lucida) ist eine in Tasmanien heimische Baumart aus der Gattung der Scheinulmen (Eucryphia) in der Familie Cunoniaceae. In Australien heißt der Baum Leatherwood.

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Eucryphia lucida ( англиски )

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Opening ripe fruits. Overland Track, Cradle Mountain-Lake St Clair National Park, Tasmania, Australia, 17 April 2013 by Doug Beckers

Eucryphia lucida, the leatherwood, is a species of tree or large shrub endemic to forests of western Tasmania, Australia. An attractive plant used in both horticulture and apiculture, it was promoted by the Tasmanian Branch of the then SGAP as an alternative to the Tasmanian blue gum (Eucalyptus globulus) for Tasmania's floral emblem. It was described as E. billiarderi at one stage, this now being a synonym.


Ranging from 2–10 m (6.6–32.8 ft) in height, it can sometimes grow to 25 m (82 ft) in favourable conditions. The small dark green glossy leaves are elliptical in shape and 2–4 cm (1–1.5 in) long. Appearing in spring and summer, the 2.5–4 cm (1–1.5 in) diameter white flowers have four petals and resemble small single roses and have a strong fragrance, especially on warmer days. The flower parts are often covered with a sticky sap. Flowering is followed by leathery capsules which mature in autumn.

The species was first described by Jacques Labillardière.[2]

Distribution and habitat

It is widespread and common in moister forests in Tasmania, occurring mainly across the western parts of the state, from the northwest in such places as the Tarkine and through the South West Wilderness. It grows as an understorey plant and prefers wetter climates of 1500–2500 mm annual rainfall.

Fossil leaves from Early Pleistocene sediments at Regatta Point in Western Tasmania show similarities to Eucryphia lucida and suggest a close relationship.[3]


Leatherwood is easily propagated by seed or cutting and makes an attractive, fast-growing garden plant. It thrives in well-drained soil in a position with some shelter and extra moisture. It does require regular pruning to keep a neat shape. It is also used by Tasmanian beekeepers in the making of leatherwood honey, a noted monofloral honey that has been recognised by the international Slow Food movement in its Ark of Taste. For many years, the Tasmanian Beekeepers' Association has had to lobby the Tasmanian government to ensure continued access to this resource, and to protect it from logging.

Much of the leatherwood is difficult to access, growing deep within the forests of Tasmania's wild west coast. Beekeepers from the Tasmanian Honey Company camp in the forest during the leatherwood harvest, which occurs between January and March.


  • E. 'Ballerina' (ACRA reference: ACC469) is a larger flowered form with pink flowers rimmed with red, collected from a plant in western Tasmania in 1986. It is a paler pink than 'Pink Cloud'.
  • E. 'Dumpling' is a compact white-flowered form to 1 metre high developed in the UK by Suttons of Devon.
  • E. 'Gillanders' Rose' is a pink flowered form.
  • E. 'Gilt Edge' has trifoliate leaves with a creamy yellow margin on the topside. It produces white flowers that open flat.
  • E. 'Gold Rim'
  • E. 'Leatherwood Cream' (ACRA reference: ACC006) is another selection, this time with variegated cream-edged leaves.
  • E. 'Pink Cloud' (ACRA reference: ACC368) is a pink-flowered cultivar collected from plants growing near Smithton in North-West Tasmania in 1984 by Ken Gillanders.
  • E. 'Spring Glow' is a variegated Eucryphia with eye-catching cream-edged evergreen leaves and attractive white flowers.


  1. ^ The Plant List: A Working List of All Plant Species, retrieved 21 August 2016
  2. ^ "Eucryphia lucida (Labill.) Baill". Australian Plant Name Index (APNI), IBIS database. Centre for Plant Biodiversity Research, Australian Government.
  3. ^ Hill, Robert S. (1991). "Leaves of Eucryphia (Eucryphiaceae) from tertiary sediments in south-eastern Australia". Australian Systematic Botany. 4 (3): 481–497. doi:10.1071/SB9910481.


  • Gray, AM (1966). "Leatherwood: Wildflowers of Tasmania - Part 2". Australian Plants. ASGAP. 3 (26): 253–4.
  • Elliot, Rodger W.; Jones, David L. (1986). "Eu-Go". In Elliot, Rodger W.; Jones, David L. (eds.). Encyclopaedia of Australian Plants suitable for cultivation. Vol. 4. Lothian Publishing. pp. 1–447. ISBN 0-85091-213-X.

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Eucryphia lucida: Brief Summary ( англиски )

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Opening ripe fruits. Overland Track, Cradle Mountain-Lake St Clair National Park, Tasmania, Australia, 17 April 2013 by Doug Beckers

Eucryphia lucida, the leatherwood, is a species of tree or large shrub endemic to forests of western Tasmania, Australia. An attractive plant used in both horticulture and apiculture, it was promoted by the Tasmanian Branch of the then SGAP as an alternative to the Tasmanian blue gum (Eucalyptus globulus) for Tasmania's floral emblem. It was described as E. billiarderi at one stage, this now being a synonym.

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Eucryphia lucida ( виетнамски )

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Eucryphia lucida là một loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Cunoniaceae. Loài này được (Labill.) Baill. mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1869.[1]

Chú thích

  1. ^ The Plant List (2010). Eucryphia lucida. Truy cập ngày 15 tháng 9 năm 2013.

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Eucryphia lucida: Brief Summary ( виетнамски )

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Eucryphia lucida là một loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Cunoniaceae. Loài này được (Labill.) Baill. mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1869.

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光亮密藏花 ( кинески )

добавил wikipedia 中文维基百科
二名法 Eucryphia lucida
Labill.) Baill.
 src= 维基共享资源中相关的多媒体资源:光亮密藏花

光亮密藏花(学名:Eucryphia lucida),在澳大利亚俗称革木(Leatherwood),是塔斯馬尼亞州特有的乔木或亚灌木。是相当热门的园艺及蜜源植物,并被澳大利亚植物学会塔斯马尼亚分部(ANPSA)推介为塔州州花的其一候选(另一候选为蓝桉)。在早期的文獻紀錄中被紀錄為 E. billiarderi,目前为该植物之別名。


成株的高度平均有2至10米(6.6至32.8英尺),但在特殊情況下也能長到最多25米(82英尺)的高度。橢圓形深綠色葉片長約2至4厘米(0.79至1.57英寸)。 春夏季開白花,直徑2.5至4厘米(0.98至1.57英寸),四片花瓣,樣貌與單瓣玫瑰近似,花香氣濃重,尤其天暖時會更強烈。開花的部位時常會覆蓋著黏稠的樹液。花謝後結蒴果,於秋季成熟。

該物種最初由法國自然學家雅克·拉比亚迪埃記載於文獻中。 [1]


該物種廣布於塔斯馬尼亞的潮濕森林中,主要分布於島上自塔基恩(Takine)至西南原野(South West Wilderness)的西海岸地區。它作為林下植物分布,喜好年降雨量1,500至2,500毫米(59至98英寸)之多濕氣候。 在塔州西部之賽艇角(Regatta Point)的早期更新世地層挖掘出與今日光亮密藏花特徵相近之葉片化石,可以推測出該物種的近親自更新世起就已經遍布於島上。 [2]





  • Eucryphia 「Pink Cloud」 (粉紅雲)(ACRA reference: ACC368),是開粉紅色花的品種,在1984年,由肯·吉蘭德斯於塔州西北角的史密斯頓發現。
  • E. 「Leatherwood Cream」 (奶油皮革樹)(ACRA reference: ACC006),葉片邊緣有奶油色斑點的品種。
  • E. 「Ballerina」 (芭蕾舞女)(ACRA reference: ACC469)開粉紅色、紅邊大花的品種,於1986年塔州西部被發現。
  • E. 「Gilt Edge」 (燙金箔)
  • E. 「Gold Rim」 (金輪框)
  • E. 「Dumpling」 (餃子),矮小的白花品種,最多只能長到1米(3.3英尺)高。由英國德文郡的園藝公司薩頓斯(Suttons)栽培。


  1. ^ Eucryphia lucida (Labill.) Baill.. 宜必思數據庫澳洲植物名稱索引(APNI). 澳大利亞政府植物生物多樣性研究中心。.
  2. ^ Hill, Robert S. Leaves of Eucryphia (Eucryphiaceae) from tertiary sediments in south-eastern Australia. Australian Systematic Botany. 1991, 4 (3): 481–497. doi:10.1071/SB9910481.


  • Gray, AM. Leatherwood: Wildflowers of Tasmania - Part 2. Australian Plants (ASGAP). 1966, 3 (26): 253–4.
  • Elliot, Rodger W. & Jones, David L. Eu-Go. (编) Elliot, Rodger W. & Jones, David L. Encyclopaedia of Australian Plants suitable for cultivation 4. Lothian Publishing: 1–447. 1986. ISBN 0-85091-213-X.
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wikipedia 中文维基百科

光亮密藏花: Brief Summary ( кинески )

добавил wikipedia 中文维基百科

光亮密藏花(学名:Eucryphia lucida),在澳大利亚俗称革木(Leatherwood),是塔斯馬尼亞州特有的乔木或亚灌木。是相当热门的园艺及蜜源植物,并被澳大利亚植物学会塔斯马尼亚分部(ANPSA)推介为塔州州花的其一候选(另一候选为蓝桉)。在早期的文獻紀錄中被紀錄為 E. billiarderi,目前为该植物之別名。

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wikipedia 中文维基百科