
Comments ( англиски )

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Source of dye, food, medicine, and perfume.
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Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
библиографски навод
Flora of China Vol. 15: 337 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
Flora of China @ eFloras.org
Wu Zhengyi, Peter H. Raven & Hong Deyuan
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Description ( англиски )

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Shrubs 1--4 m tall; branchlets, leaves abaxially, petioles, and inflorescences densely stellate tomentose. Branchlets terete or slightly 4-angled. Petiole 0.2--3 cm; leaf blade ovate to elliptic or narrowly so, 4--19 X 2--8 cm, adaxially glabrescent, base cuneate to decurrent, margin entire, sinuate, or repand dentate, apex acuminate, acute, or obtuse, lateral veins 8--14 pairs. Inflorescences terminal, paniculate or thyrsoid, 5--15(--30) X 2--10 cm. Calyx campanulate, 2.5--4.5 mm, outside densely stellate tomentose and with some glandular hairs; lobes triangular to broadly triangular, 0.6--1.2 X 1--1.2 mm. Corolla pinkish, lilac, or pale purple, with an orange throat, 1--1.3 cm, outside densely stellate tomentose and with some glandular hairs; tube 8--10 X (1.6--)2--2.2 mm, inside densely pilose; lobes suborbicular, 2--3 X 1.8--2.8 mm, inside glabrous. Stamens included, inserted just above middle of corolla tube; anthers oblong, 0.8--1.3 mm. Ovary ovoid, 1.5--2.2 X 1.2--1.8 mm, stellate tomentose and with some glandular hairs but glabrous below middle. Style 1--1.5 mm, basal hairs like those of ovary; stigma clavate. Capsules ellipsoid, 4--8 X 2--3 mm, stellate tomentose, glabrescent. Seeds narrowly elliptic, 1--1.2 X 0.3--0.5 mm, winged all around. Fl. Mar-Apr.
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Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
библиографски навод
Flora of China Vol. 15: 337 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
Flora of China @ eFloras.org
Wu Zhengyi, Peter H. Raven & Hong Deyuan
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соработничко мреж. место

Distribution ( англиски )

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Anhui, Fujian, Gansu, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangsu, Shaanxi, Shanxi, Sichuan, Xizang, Yunnan [Myanmar, Vietnam].
авторски права
Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
библиографски навод
Flora of China Vol. 15: 337 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
Flora of China @ eFloras.org
Wu Zhengyi, Peter H. Raven & Hong Deyuan
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соработничко мреж. место

Habitat ( англиски )

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Forest edges in mountains, thickets on riverbanks; 200--2800 m.
авторски права
Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
библиографски навод
Flora of China Vol. 15: 337 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
Flora of China @ eFloras.org
Wu Zhengyi, Peter H. Raven & Hong Deyuan
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соработничко мреж. место

Synonym ( англиски )

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Buddleja officinalis Maximowicz var. macrantha Lingelsheim.
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Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
библиографски навод
Flora of China Vol. 15: 337 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
Flora of China @ eFloras.org
Wu Zhengyi, Peter H. Raven & Hong Deyuan
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соработничко мреж. место

Buddleja officinalis ( каталонски; валенсиски )

добавил wikipedia CA

Buddleja officinalis és una espècie d'arbust caducifoli que floreix durant l'inici de la primavera. És nativa de l'oest de la Xina, a Hubei, Sichuan i Yunnan.[1] Va ser descoberta el 1875 per Pavel Piasetski, un cirurgià de l'exèrcit rus.[2] B. officinalis va ser denominada i descrita per Maximowicz el 1880. Introduïda al cultiu occidental el 1908, B. officinalis li va ser atorgada la medalla Award of Merit de la Royal Horticultural Society tres anys més tard,[3] i l'Award of Garden Merit (record 689) en 2002.[4]


B. officinalis s'assembla força a Buddleja davidii en forma i grandària, aconseguint una grandària d'uns 2,5 m d'altura. Les inflorescències tenen aroma de mel i es presenten en panícules més curtes (<8 cm) que les de B.davidii, i més còniques. Les fulles són lanceolades, d'uns 15 cm de llarg, suaument pubescents, la superfície superior de color verd, i la inferior de color gris. Té un nombre de cromosomes de 2n = 38.[5]


B. officinalis no és resistent a les gelades, i és incapaç de sobreviure a temperatures inferiors a - 10 ° C; creix millor en una paret orientada al sud. L'arbust s'ha de tallar amb força cada any immediatament després de la floració a la primavera. La propagació per estaques de fusta tova s'aconsegueix fàcilment, utilitzant vermiculita com un mitjà de arrelament.

En el Regne Unit l'arbust es conrea sovint com una font de nèctar per a les papallones Vanessa com a emergència per a la hibernació.[6]


Buddleja officinalis va ser descrita per Carl Johann Maximowicz i publicada al Bulletin de l'Academie Imperiale donis Sciences de St-Petersbourg 26(3): 496–497. 1880.[7]

  • Buddleja acutifolia C.H.Whight
  • Buddleja delavayi L.F.Gagnep.
  • Buddleja delavayi var. tomentosa H.F. Comber
  • Buddleja glabrescens W.w.sm.
  • Buddleja heliophila var. adenophora Hand.-Mazz.
  • Buddleja lavandulacea Kraenzl.
  • Buddleja mairei H.Lév.
  • Buddleja officinalis var. macrantha Lingelsh.
  • Buddleja truncata L.F.Gagnep.[8]


  1. Phillips, R. & Rix, M. (1989). Shrubs. Pan Books, London. ISBN 0-330-30258-2
  2. Bryce, W. J. (2007). Pavel Yakovlevich Pyatsetski (1843 – 1919): his botanical collections in China (1875) and paintings of Chinese gardens. Archives of Natural History. Vol. 39, pp 171 – 174. ISSN 0260 – 9541, E – ISSN 1755 – 6260. Edinburgh University Press.
  3. Hillier & Sons. (1977). Hilliers' Manual of Trees and Shrubs, 4ª edició. David & Charles, Newton Abbot, England. ISBN 0-7153-7460-5
  4. «Copia archivada». Arxivat de l'original el 8 de juny de 2013. [Consulta: 18 juny 2013].
  5. Chen, G, Sun, W-B, & Sun, H. (2007). Ploidy variation in Buddleja L. (Buddlejaceae) in the Sino - Himalayan region and its biogeographical implications. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society. 2007, 154, 305 – 312. The Linnean Society of London.
  6. Brookes, A. H. (2007). Winter flowering buddlejas. Plant Heritage: Hampshire and Isle of Wight Group, Spring 2007.. Plant Heritage, UK.
  7. «Buddleja officinalis». Tropicos.org. Missouri Botanical Garden. [Consulta: 31 desembre 2013].
  8. Buddleja officinalis a PlantList
  • Leeuwenberg, A. J. M. (1979) The Loganiaceae of Africa XVIII Buddleja L. II, Revision of the African & Asiatic species. H. Veenman & Zonen, Wageningen, Nederland.
  • Li, P. T. & Leeuwenberg, A. J. M. (1996). Loganiaceae, in Wu, Z. & Raven, P. (eds) Flora of China, Vol. 15. Science Press, Beijing, and Missouri Botanical Garden Press, St. Louis, USA. ISBN 978-0915279371 online at www.efloras.org

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Buddleja officinalis: Brief Summary ( каталонски; валенсиски )

добавил wikipedia CA

Buddleja officinalis és una espècie d'arbust caducifoli que floreix durant l'inici de la primavera. És nativa de l'oest de la Xina, a Hubei, Sichuan i Yunnan. Va ser descoberta el 1875 per Pavel Piasetski, un cirurgià de l'exèrcit rus. B. officinalis va ser denominada i descrita per Maximowicz el 1880. Introduïda al cultiu occidental el 1908, B. officinalis li va ser atorgada la medalla Award of Merit de la Royal Horticultural Society tres anys més tard, i l'Award of Garden Merit (record 689) en 2002.

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Buddleja officinalis ( англиски )

добавил wikipedia EN

Buddleja officinalis is a deciduous early-spring flowering shrub native to west Hubei, Sichuan, and Yunnan provinces in China.[1] Discovered in 1875 by Pavel Piasetski,[2] a surgeon in the Russian army, B. officinalis was named and described by Maximowicz in 1880. Introduced to western cultivation in 1908, B. officinalis was accorded the Royal Horticultural Society's Award of Merit three years later,[3] and the Award of Garden Merit (record 689) in 2002.[4]


Buddleja officinalis largely resembles the commoner B. davidii in shape and size, growing to less than 2.5 m in height. The inflorescences are honey-scented mauve panicles, shorter (under 8 cm) than those of davidii, and more conical. The leaves are lanceolate, under 15 cm long, softly pubescent, the upper surface rich green in colour, the underside grey.[1] 2n = 38.[5]


Buddleja officinalis is not fully frost hardy, unable to survive temperatures lower than −10° C, and is best grown against a south-facing wall.[1] The shrub should be cut back hard each year immediately after flowering in spring. Propagation by softwood cuttings is easily accomplished, using vermiculite as a rooting medium.

In the UK the shrub is often grown as a nectar source for vanessid butterflies such as the peacock on emergence from hibernation.[6] Hardiness: RHS H2, USDA zones 8 – 9. One notable cultivar of B. officinalis is Buddleja 'Winter Sun'.[7]


  1. ^ a b c Phillips, R. & Rix, M. (1989). Shrubs. Pan Books, London. ISBN 0-330-30258-2
  2. ^ Bryce, W. J. (2007). Pavel Yakovlevich Pyatsetski (1843 – 1919): his botanical collections in China (1875) and paintings of Chinese gardens. Archives of Natural History. Vol. 39, 171–174. ISSN 0260-9541, E-ISSN 1755-6260. Edinburgh University Press.
  3. ^ Hillier & Sons. (1977). Hilliers' Manual of Trees and Shrubs, 4th Edition. David & Charles, Newton Abbot, England. ISBN 0-7153-7460-5
  4. ^ "RHS Plantfinder - Buddleja officinalis". Royal Horticultural Society. Retrieved 21 January 2018.
  5. ^ Chen, G, Sun, W-B, & Sun, H. (2007). Ploidy variation in Buddleja L. (Buddlejaceae) in the Sino - Himalayan region and its biogeographical implications. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society. 2007, 154, 305 – 312. The Linnean Society of London.
  6. ^ Brookes, A. H. (2007). Winter flowering buddlejas. Plant Heritage: Hampshire and Isle of Wight Group, Spring 2007.. Plant Heritage, UK.
  7. ^ Large, Andrew. "Buddleja 'Winter Sun' - Trees and Shrubs Online". Trees and Shrubs Online. International Dendrology Society. Retrieved 2021-12-04.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  • Leeuwenberg, A. J. M. (1979) The Loganiaceae of Africa XVIII Buddleja L. II, Revision of the African & Asiatic species. H. Veenman & Zonen, Wageningen, Nederland.
  • Li, P. T. & Leeuwenberg, A. J. M. (1996). Loganiaceae, in Wu, Z. & Raven, P. (eds) Flora of China, Vol. 15. Science Press, Beijing, and Missouri Botanical Garden Press, St. Louis, USA. ISBN 978-0915279371 online at www.efloras.org
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Wikipedia authors and editors
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wikipedia EN

Buddleja officinalis: Brief Summary ( англиски )

добавил wikipedia EN

Buddleja officinalis is a deciduous early-spring flowering shrub native to west Hubei, Sichuan, and Yunnan provinces in China. Discovered in 1875 by Pavel Piasetski, a surgeon in the Russian army, B. officinalis was named and described by Maximowicz in 1880. Introduced to western cultivation in 1908, B. officinalis was accorded the Royal Horticultural Society's Award of Merit three years later, and the Award of Garden Merit (record 689) in 2002.

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Wikipedia authors and editors
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wikipedia EN

Buddleja officinalis ( шпански; кастиљски )

добавил wikipedia ES

Buddleja officinalis es una especie de arbusto caducifolio que florece durante el inicio de la primavera y es nativa a oeste de Hubei, Sichuan y Yunnan de China.[1]​ Fue descubierta en 1875 por Pavel Piasetski,[2]​ un cirujano del ejército ruso, B. officinalis fue nombrada y descrita por Maximowicz en 1880. Introducida al cultivo occidental en 1908, a B. officinalis le fue otorgada la medalla Award of Merit de la Royal Horticultural Society tres años más tarde[3]​ y el Award of Garden Merit (record 689) en 2002.[4]


B. officinalis se asemeja en gran medida el vulgar Buddleja davidii en forma y tamaño, alcanzando un tamaño de B.davidii, y más cónicas. Las hojas son lanceoladas , [1]​ Tiene un número de cromosomas de 2 n = 38.[5]


B. officinalis no es resistente a las heladas, e incapaz de sobrevivir a temperaturas inferiores a - 10 ° C., crece mejor en una pared orientada al sur.[1]​ El arbusto se debe cortar de nuevo con fuerza cada año inmediatamente después de la floración en primavera. La propagación por estacas de madera blanda se logra fácilmente, utilizando vermiculita como un medio de enraizamiento.

En el Reino Unido el arbusto se cultiva a menudo como una fuente de néctar para las mariposas Vanessa como emergencia para la hibernación.[6]


Buddleja officinalis fue descrita por Carl Johann Maximowicz y publicado en Bulletin de l'Academie Imperiale des Sciences de St-Petersbourg 26(3): 496–497. 1880.[7]


Buddleja: nombre genérico otorgado en honor de Adam Buddle, botánico y rector en Essex, Inglaterra.

officinalis: epíteto latino que significa "planta medicinal de venta en herbarios".

  • Buddleja acutifolia C.H.Whight
  • Buddleja delavayi L.F.Gagnep.
  • Buddleja delavayi var. tomentosa H.F. Comber
  • Buddleja glabrescens W.W.Sm.
  • Buddleja heliophila var. adenophora Hand.-Mazz.
  • Buddleja lavandulacea Kraenzl.
  • Buddleja mairei H.Lév.
  • Buddleja officinalis var. macrantha Lingelsh.
  • Buddleja truncata L.F.Gagnep.[8]


  1. a b c Phillips, R. & Rix, M. (1989). Shrubs. Pan Books, London. ISBN 0-330-30258-2
  2. Bryce, W. J. (2007). Pavel Yakovlevich Pyatsetski (1843 – 1919): his botanical collections in China (1875) and paintings of Chinese gardens. Archives of Natural History. Vol. 39, pp 171 – 174. ISSN 0260 – 9541, E – ISSN 1755 – 6260. Edinburgh University Press.
  3. Hillier & Sons. (1977). Hilliers' Manual of Trees and Shrubs, 4th Edition. David & Charles, Newton Abbot, England. ISBN 0-7153-7460-5
  4. «Copia archivada». Archivado desde el original el 8 de junio de 2013. Consultado el 18 de junio de 2013.
  5. Chen, G, Sun, W-B, & Sun, H. (2007). Ploidy variation in Buddleja L. (Buddlejaceae) in the Sino - Himalayan region and its biogeographical implications. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society. 2007, 154, 305 – 312. The Linnean Society of London.
  6. Brookes, A. H. (2007). Winter flowering buddlejas. Plant Heritage: Hampshire and Isle of Wight Group, Spring 2007.. Plant Heritage, UK.
  7. «Buddleja officinalis». Tropicos.org. Missouri Botanical Garden. Consultado el 31 de diciembre de 2013.
  8. Buddleja officinalis en PlantList

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Autores y editores de Wikipedia
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wikipedia ES

Buddleja officinalis: Brief Summary ( шпански; кастиљски )

добавил wikipedia ES

Buddleja officinalis es una especie de arbusto caducifolio que florece durante el inicio de la primavera y es nativa a oeste de Hubei, Sichuan y Yunnan de China.​ Fue descubierta en 1875 por Pavel Piasetski,​ un cirujano del ejército ruso, B. officinalis fue nombrada y descrita por Maximowicz en 1880. Introducida al cultivo occidental en 1908, a B. officinalis le fue otorgada la medalla Award of Merit de la Royal Horticultural Society tres años más tarde​ y el Award of Garden Merit (record 689) en 2002.​

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Autores y editores de Wikipedia
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Buddleja officinalis ( виетнамски )

добавил wikipedia VI

Buddleja officinalis là một loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Huyền sâm. Loài này được Maxim. mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1880.[1]

Chú thích

  1. ^ The Plant List (2010). Buddleja officinalis. Truy cập ngày 13 tháng 6 năm 2013.

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Buddleja officinalis: Brief Summary ( виетнамски )

добавил wikipedia VI

Buddleja officinalis là một loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Huyền sâm. Loài này được Maxim. mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1880.

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密蒙花 ( кинески )

добавил wikipedia 中文维基百科
二名法 Buddleja officinalis

密蒙花学名Buddleja officinalis)是玄参科醉鱼草属的植物。






蒙花(本草求真) 小锦花(雷公炮炙论) 黄饭花(南宁市药物志) 疙瘩皮树花(中药材手册) 鸡骨头花(四川中药志) 羊耳朵(滇南本草) 蒙花树(陕西平行) 米汤花(四川) 染饭花(云南丽江) 黄花树(广西那坡)


  • 昆明植物研究所. 密蒙花. 《中国高等植物数据库全库》. 中国科学院微生物研究所. [2009-02-23]. (原始内容存档于2016-03-05).


  • 密蒙花, Mimenghua 藥用植物圖像數據庫 (香港浸會大學中醫藥學院) (繁体中文)(英文)
  • 密蒙花 Mi Meng Hua 中藥標本數據庫 (香港浸會大學中醫藥學院) (繁体中文)(英文)

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wikipedia 中文维基百科

密蒙花: Brief Summary ( кинески )

добавил wikipedia 中文维基百科

密蒙花(学名:Buddleja officinalis)是玄参科醉鱼草属的植物。

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wikipedia 中文维基百科