
Distribution Notes ( англиски )

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Inner Seychelles: Silhouette. Endemic to the Malagasy Subregion. Recorded from Madagascar.
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California Academy of Sciences
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AntWeb. Version 8.45.1. California Academy of Science, online at https://www.antweb.org. Accessed 15 December 2022.
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Taxonomic History ( англиски )

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Strumigenys scotti Forel, 1912l PDF: 159 (w.) SEYCHELLES IS. Malagasy. Primary type information: Seychelles Is, Silhouette, Mare aux Cochons, 1000 feets, coll. Scott; CASENT0102290; MHNG AntCat AntWiki HOL

Taxonomic history

See also: Brown, 1954k PDF: 23; Bolton, 1983 PDF: 391; Fisher, in Bolton, 2000: 694.
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California Academy of Sciences
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AntWeb. Version 8.45.1. California Academy of Science, online at https://www.antweb.org. Accessed 15 December 2022.
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Diagnostic Description ( англиски )

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[[ worker ]]. L. 2,2 a 2,5 mill. Mandibules droites, paralleles, lineaires, aussi epaisses a

l'extremite qu'a la base, sans bord terminal, longues comme la moitie de la tete; leur bord

externe est a peine convexe et leur bord interne a peine concave. Elles se terminent par

deux dents longues, pointues, courbees en dedans, dont la superieure est un peu plus longue que l'inferieure. Le bord interieur a en outre pres de son extremite deux dents dont la basale est presque deux fois plus longue que la suivante (preapicale). Tete cordiforme a peu pres comme chez godeffroyi Mayr et rogeri Emery, mais encore un peu plus allongee et moins elargie derriere; sa portion allant de l'epistome au bord occipital est plus longue que large. Les yeux sont visibles de devant et regardent de cote, le bord anterieur de la tete, sous les aretes frontales, n'etant nullement incise devant eux (ce caractere la distingue nettement de rogeri Em., dont elle est du reste fort parente). Le scape atteint environ le 5 me posterieur de la tete. Dernier article de l'antenne environ aussi long que le reste du funicule. Promesonotum sans suture, ascendant devant, puis descendant derriere. La 2 me moitie du profil du dos du thorax est horizontale, comprenant le derriere du mesonotum et la face basale de l'epinotum qui est plus longue que la face declive et se termine par deux epines triangulaires tres pointues, fines, beaucoup plus longues que larges. Le thorax n'est nullement borde, sauf la face declive; mais celle-ci ne l'est que d'une tres petite arete mousse, non translucide et sans trace de matieres spongieuses. Premier n oe ud conique-arrondi, avec un petiole anterieur plus long que lui et des masses spongieuses seulement dessous, pas derriere. Second n oe ud en ovale transversal, deux fois plus large que long et que le 1 er, avec les masses spongieuses dessous, de cote et derriere.

Tete mate, densement peticulee-ponctuee. Thorax et petiole du 1 er n oe ud subopaques, en partie rides en long, en partie reticules. Le reste lisse. Sur le corps quelques rares soies dressees assez longues et faiblement clavees. Une rangee de poils obliques, courbes) a peine subclaves aux scapes devant et au bord interne des mandibules. La tete et les pattes n'ont que des poils subadjacents et faiblement claves, jaunatres, assez espaces.

D'un jaune testace legerement roussatre; dessus de l'abdomen d'un jaune brunatre ou d'un brun jaunatre.

Seychelles: Silhouette, Mare aux Cochons, vers 1000 pieds.

not applicable
библиографски навод
Forel, A., 1912, The Percy Sladen Trust Expedition to the Indian Ocean in 1905, under the leadership of Mr. J. Stanley Gardiner, M.A. Volume 4, No. 11. Fourmis des Seychelles et des Aldabras, reçues de M. Hugh Scott., Transactions of the Linnean Society of London, Zoology, pp. 159-167, vol. (2)15
Forel, A.
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Plazi (legacy text)

Diagnostic Description ( англиски )

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WORKER. TL 2.7 - 3.1, HL 0.64 - 0.70, HW 0.46 - 0.52, CI 70 - 74, ML 0.30 - 0.34, MI 46 - 49, SL 0.39 - 0.47, SI 84 - 92, PW 0.31 - 0.36, AL 0.71 - 0.80 (14 measured). Characters of scotti-complex. Mandibles in full-face view with outer margins very shallowly and evenly convex, the width approximately constant from the level of the proximal preapical tooth to near the base. Upper scrobe margin evenly and shallowly convex in full-face view, not bordered by a rim or flange, the eyes visible. Maximum diameter of eye distinctly greater than maximum width of scape, with 5 - 6 ommatidia in longest row. Scape long slender and subcylindrical, only very feebly curved near the base; hairs on leading edge small, slender, slightly flattened or spoon-shaped apically. Cephalic dorsum densely clothed with curved narrow spatulate to spoon-shaped ground-pilosity, the upper scrobe margins fringed with a dense row of hairs which are the same shape and size as those on the dorsum. Cephalic dorsum with 6 simple standing hairs arranged in a transverse row of 4 close to the occipital margin and a more anteriorly situated pair. Pronotal humeral hair flagellate. Mesonotum with a single pair of standing hairs, rarely with one or two pairs of short decumbent filiform hairs situated posteriorly on the mesonotum. Propodeum with one pair of short, posteriorly curved hairs immediately anterior of propodeal spines. Ground-pilosity on alitrunk as on head but the hairs smaller and sparser. Posterior portion of mesonotum shallowly depressed behind the level of the standing hairs. Anterior mesonotum with a narrow carina above the mesothoracic spiracle; mesopleural gland set in a small circular notch. Propodeal tooth triangular, lamellate, pointed apically, and subtended by a narrow lamella. Pronotal dorsum longitudinally feebly rugulose and punctate, with a longitudinal carina mid-dorsally. Remainder of dorsal alitrunk reticulate-punctate. Sides of alitrunk superficially punctulate peripherally, the pleurae mostly smooth. Petiole node in dorsal view at least as long as broad, often longer than broad. Postpetiole disc smooth and shining. Spongiform appendages well developed, the petiole with a ventral strip and conspicuous lateral lobe on the node; postpetiole with large lateral and ventral spongiform lobes of which the ventral is the larger, about as large as the exposed area of the postpetiole disc in profile. In dorsal view the spongiform material not or only very slightly projecting beyond the lateral outline of the disc. Basigastral costulae arising on each side of a central clear area. Dorsal surfaces of petiole, postpetiole and gaster with standing hairs which are simple or very slightly thickened apically. Colour yellowish brown to medium brown.

A widely distributed but easily recognized member of the scotti-complex. Among the species which have the dorsum of the petiole node reticulate-punctate, scotti is the only one with the following characters in combination.

1 The mesonotum with only a single pair of erect hairs, located at the anterior margin.

2 A well developed spongiform curtain ventrally on petiolar peduncle.

3 A transverse band of appressed spoon-shaped hairs arranged in several rows on the cephalic dorsum immediately behind the clypeus.

4 Postpetiole smooth and shiny, even at lateral margins. In addition its large size, HL 0.64 - 0.70, HW 0.46 - 0.52, helps to characterise this species. Afrotropical material considered to be scotti by Bolton (1983) is now referred to a separate species, sibyna; see there.


Seychelles Is: Silhouette I. (H. Scott). Madagascar: R. S. Manongarivo, 14.5 km. 220 ° SW Antanambao, 1175 m. (B. L. Fisher); Marojejy, 375 m. (Alpert et a /.); 17 km. W Andapa, Res. d'Anjanaharibe-Sud, 875 m. (G. D. Alpert); Nosy Mangabe, 300 m. (P. S. Ward); 1 km. W Andampibe, Cap Masoala, 125 m. (G. D. Alperi); F. C. Didy, 960 m. (H. J. Ratsirarson); EC. Andrianantantely, 530 m. (H. J. Ratsirarson); Tananarive, Botanical Garden (P. Saranya); Perinet (W. L. Brown); 27.4 km. S Ambositra, 1600 m. (B. L. Fisher); 3 km. W Ranomafana, 950 m. (P. S. Wtrd); 40 km. S Ambalavao, Res. Andringitra, 1275 m. (B. L. Fisher); 45 km. S Ambalavao, 785 m. (B. L. Fisher); R. S. Ivohibe, 7.5 km. ENE Ivohibe, 900 m. (S. Razafimandimby); 8.0 km. E Ivohibe, R. S. Ivohibe, 1200 m. (S. Razafimandimby); 10 km. NW Enakara, Res. Andohahela, 430 m. (B. L. Fisher); 13 km. NW Enakara, Res. Andohahela, 1250 m. (B. L. Fisher).

not applicable
библиографски навод
Bolton, B., 2000, The ant tribe Dacetini. With a revision of the Strumigenys species of the Malgasy Region by Brian L. Fisher, and a revision of the Austral epopostrumiform genera by Steven O. Shattuck., Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute, pp. 1-1028, vol. 65
Bolton, B.
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Plazi (legacy text)

Strumigenys scotti ( холандски; фламански )

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Strumigenys scotti is een mierensoort uit de onderfamilie van de Myrmicinae.[1][2] De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1912 door Forel.

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