2000 California Academy of Sciences
among large rhyolite boulders cresting steep volcanic flowstone hill just above Rio Grande River with Buddleia marrubifolia, Tecoma stans, Yucca thompsoniana, Perityle parryi.
among large rhyolite boulders cresting steep volcanic flowstone hill just above Rio Grande River with Buddleia marrubifolia, Tecoma stans, Yucca thompsoniana, Perityle parryi.
among large rhyolite boulders cresting steep volcanic flowstone hill just above Rio Grande River with Buddleia marrubifolia, Tecoma stans, Yucca thompsoniana, Perityle parryi.
among large rhyolite boulders cresting steep volcanic flowstone hill just above Rio Grande River with Buddleia marrubifolia, Tecoma stans, Yucca thompsoniana, Perityle parryi.
basal leaves. Plants among large rhyolite boulders cresting steep volcanic flowstone hill just above Rio Grande River with Buddleia marrubifolia, Tecoma stans, Yucca thompsoniana, Perityle parryi.
Cauline leaves. Plants among large rhyolite boulders cresting steep volcanic flowstone hill just above Rio Grande River with Buddleia marrubifolia, Tecoma stans, Yucca thompsoniana, Perityle parryi.
Fruit & flower. Plants among large rhyolite boulders cresting steep volcanic flowstone hill just above Rio Grande River with Buddleia marrubifolia, Tecoma stans, Yucca thompsoniana, Perityle parryi.
Siliques. Plants among large rhyolite boulders cresting steep volcanic flowstone hill just above Rio Grande River with Buddleia marrubifolia, Tecoma stans, Yucca thompsoniana, Perityle parryi.
Overall. Plants among large rhyolite boulders cresting steep volcanic flowstone hill just above Rio Grande River with Buddleia marrubifolia, Tecoma stans, Yucca thompsoniana, Perityle parryi.
in habitat, among large rhyolite boulders cresting steep volcanic flowstone hill just above Rio Grande River with Buddleia marrubifolia, Tecoma stans, Yucca thompsoniana, Perityle parryi.
plants among rhyolite boulders cresting steep volcanic flowstone hill just above Rio Grande River with Larrea tridentata, Buddleia marrubifolia, Tecoma stans, Yucca thompsoniana, Perityle parryi.