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Sophoreae ( saksa )

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Sophoreae ist eine Tribus in der Unterfamilie der Schmetterlingsblütler (Faboideae) innerhalb der Familie der Hülsenfrüchtler (Fabaceae).


Illustration von Details einiger Arten der Tribus
Illustration von Camoensia scandens

Vegetative Merkmale

Es sind meist verholzende Pflanzen: immergrüne oder laubabwerfende Sträucher und Bäume, selten sind es Lianen (Beispiel: Bowringia callicarpa); oder ausdauernde krautige Pflanzen.

Die Laubblätter sind oft gefiedert oder gefingert. Nebenblätter sind vorhanden oder fehlen.

Generative Merkmale

Es werden seiten- oder endständige, traubige oder rispige Blütenstände gebildet.

Die Blüten sind zygomorph bis fast radiärsymmetrisch und oft fünfzählig mit doppelter Blütenhülle. Die fünf Kelchblätter sind unterschiedlich weit verwachsen. Die selten ein bis, meist fünf Kronblätter können weiß, gelb oder lila sein. Es sind meist zehn (sechs bis dreißig) Staubblättern vorhanden. Die Staubfäden können alle vollkommen frei sein oder die äußersten bis auf der Hälfte ihrer Länge verwachsen sein, selten sind neun bis weit nach oben verwachsen. Die Staubbeutel sind alle gleich. Das einzelne Fruchtblatt enthält ein bis einige Samenanlagen.

Es werden nicht bei allen Arten Hülsenfrüchte gebildet, sondern auch Flügelnüsse (Samaras) die geflügelt sind. Die nierenförmigen, elliptischen oder kugeligen Samen besitzen ein kleines Hilum und manchmal einen Arillus.


Die Chromosomengrundzahlen im Tribus reichen von x = 8 bis 14, am häufigsten sind x = 11 und x = 9.

Blütenstände von Airyantha schweinfurthii
Australische Kastanie (Castanospermum australe)
Blüten des Amerikanischen Gelbholz (Cladrastis kentukea)
Blüten der Sophora chrysophylla
Blüten der Sophora tetraptera
Japanischer Schnurbaum (Styphnolobium japonicum)

Systematik und Verbreitung

Die Tribus Sophoreae wurde 1825 durch Curt Polycarp Joachim Sprengel in Augustin Pyramus de Candolle: Prodromus Systematis Naturalis Regni Vegetabilis, 2, S. 94 aufgestellt.[1][2] Reaktiviert wurde die Tribus Sophoreae 1981 durch Roger Marcus Polhill: Sophoreae. S. 213–230, in: R. M. Polhill, P. H. Raven (Hrsg.): Advances in Legume Systematics.[3]

Die Tribus Sophoreae gehört zur Unterfamilie der Faboideae innerhalb der Familie der Fabaceae.[4] Die Arten dieser Tribus gehören zu den ursprünglichsten in dieser Unterfamilie.

Arten der Tribus Sophoreae gedeihen in den tropischen und gemäßigten Gebieten der Neuen Welt und der Alten Welt.

Die Tribus Sophoreae enthält 42 bis 46 Gattungen (vollständige Liste nach GRIN[4]) mit etwa 370 bis 400 Arten[5]:



  • Hang Sun, Bojian Bao, Michael A. Vincent: Sophoreae., S. 72 – textgleich online wie gedrucktes Werk, In: Wu Zheng-yi, Peter H. Raven & Deyuan Hong (Hrsg.): Flora of China, Volume 10 – Fabaceae, Science Press und Missouri Botanical Garden Press, Beijing und St. Louis, 2010, ISBN 978-1-930723-91-7. (Abschnitte Beschreibung und Systematik)
  • D. Cardoso, R. T. Pennington, L. P. de Queiroz, J. S. Boatwright, B.-E. Van Wyk, M. F. Wojciechowski, M. Lavin: Reconstructing the deep-branching relationships of the papilionoid legumes In: S. Afr. J. Bot., Volume 89, 2013, S. 58–75. doi:10.1016/j.sajb.2013.05.001
  • M. F. Wojciechowski: Towards a new classification of Leguminosae: Naming clades using non-Linnaean phylogenetic nomenclature. In: S. Afr. J. Bot., Volume 89, 2013, S. 85–93. doi:10.1016/j.sajb.2013.06.017


  1. Curt Polycarp Joachim Sprengel in Augustin Pyramus de Candolle: Prodromus Systematis Naturalis Regni Vegetabilis, 2, 1825, S. 94. eingescannt bei biodiversitylibrary.org.
  2. Sophoreae bei Tropicos.org. Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis, abgerufen am 23. Oktober 2021
  3. Roger Marcus Polhill: Sophoreae. S. 213–230. In: R. M. Polhill, P. H. Raven (Hrsg.): Advances in Legume Systematics, Parts 1 and 2. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, 1981, ISBN 9780855212247.
  4. a b Sophoreae im Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN), USDA, ARS, National Genetic Resources Program. National Germplasm Resources Laboratory, Beltsville, Maryland. Abgerufen am 14. Mai 2015.
  5. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj Taxon in Suchfenster eingeben bei International Legume Database – ILDIS = International Legume Database & Information Service, Version 10.01. vom November 2005.
  6. a b c d Fabaceae bei Tropicos.org. In: Catalogue of the Vascular Plants of Madagascar. Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis.

Weiterführende Literatur

  • R. T. Pennington, C. H. Stirton, B. D. Schrire: "Tribe Sophoreae." In: G. Lewis, B. Schrire, B. Mackinder, M. Lock: Legumes of the World. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, 2005, ISBN 1900347806, S. 227–249.
Autoren und Herausgeber von Wikipedia
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Sophoreae: Brief Summary ( saksa )

tarjonnut wikipedia DE

Sophoreae ist eine Tribus in der Unterfamilie der Schmetterlingsblütler (Faboideae) innerhalb der Familie der Hülsenfrüchtler (Fabaceae).

Autoren und Herausgeber von Wikipedia
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Sophoreae ( englanti )

tarjonnut wikipedia EN

The tribe Sophoreae is one of the subdivisions of the plant family Fabaceae. Traditionally this tribe has been used as a wastebasket taxon to accommodate genera of Faboideae which exhibit actinomorphic, rather than zygomorphic floral symmetry and/or incompletely differentiated petals and free stamens.[2][3][4] Various morphological[5][6][7][8] and molecular[9][10][11][12][13] analyses indicated that Sophoreae as traditionally circumscribed was polyphyletic.[14] This led to a re-circumscription of Sophoreae, which resulted in the transfer of many genera to other tribes (Amburaneae, Angylocalyceae, Baphieae, Camoensieae, the Cladrastis clade, Exostyleae, Leptolobieae, Ormosieae, Podalyrieae, and the Vataireoids).[2] This also necessitated the inclusion of two former tribes, Euchresteae and Thermopsideae, in the new definition of Sophoreae.[2][15][16][17][18] Tribe Sophoreae, as currently circumscribed, consistently forms a monophyletic clade in molecular phylogenetic analyses.[2][12][17][19][20][21][22] The Sophoreae arose 40.8 ± 2.4 million years ago (in the Eocene).[8][23]

Description of morphological synapomorphies has yet to be undertaken, but members of this tribe can be distinguished by the relatively simple flowers, unspecialized pinnate leaves, accumulation of quinolizidine alkaloids,[24] and the presence of free stamens.[2] The tribe does have a node-based definition: the crown clade originating from the most recent common ancestor of Bolusanthus speciosus (Bolus) Harms and Sophora davidii (Franch.) Pavol..[23]


Sophoreae comprises the following genera:[2]


  1. ^ Often included in Sophora, rather than treated as a segregate genus.


  1. ^ Wojciechowski MF (2013). "Towards a new classification of Leguminosae: Naming clades using non-Linnaean phylogenetic nomenclature". S Afr J Bot. 89: 85–93. doi:10.1016/j.sajb.2013.06.017.
  2. ^ a b c d e f g h Cardoso D, Pennington RT, de Queiroz LP, Boatwright JS, Van Wyk B-E, Wojciechowski MF, Lavin M (2013). "Reconstructing the deep-branching relationships of the papilionoid legumes". S Afr J Bot. 89: 58–75. doi:10.1016/j.sajb.2013.05.001.
  3. ^ Polhill RM (1981). "Sophoreae". In Polhill RM, Raven PH (eds.). Advances in Legume Systematics, Parts 1 and 2. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. pp. 213–230. ISBN 9780855212247.
  4. ^ Polhill RM (1994). "Classification of the Leguminosae". In Bisby FA, Buckingham J, Harborne JB (eds.). Phytochemical Dictionary of the Leguminosae, Plants and Their Constituents, Volume 1. Chapman and Hall/CRC Press, London. pp. xxv–xlvii. ISBN 9780412397707.
  5. ^ Chappill JA (1995). "Cladistic analysis of the Leguminosae: the development of an explicit hypothesis". In Crisp MD, Doyle JJ (eds.). Advances in Legume Systematics, Part 7: Phylogeny. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. pp. 1–9. ISBN 978-0947643799.
  6. ^ Herendeen PS (1995). "Phylogenetic relationships of the tribe Swartzieae". In Crisp MD, Doyle JJ (eds.). Advances in Legume Systematics, Part 7: Phylogeny. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. pp. 123–132. ISBN 978-0947643799.
  7. ^ Ferguson IK, Schrire BD, Shepperton R (1994). "Pollen morphology of the tribe Sophoreae and relationships between subfamilies Caesalpinioideae and Papilionoideae". In Ferguson IK, Tucker SC (eds.). Advances in Legume Systematics, Part 6: Structural Botany. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. pp. 53–96. ISBN 978-0947643782.
  8. ^ a b Crepet WL, Herendeen PS (1992). "Papilionoid flowers from the early Eocene of southeastern North America". In Herendeen PS, Dilcher DL (eds.). Advances in Legume Systematics, Part 4: The Fossil Record. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. pp. 43–55. ISBN 978-0947643409.
  9. ^ Käss E, Wink M (1996). "Molecular evolution of the Leguminosae: Phylogeny of the three subfamilies based on rbcL-sequences". Biochem Syst Ecol. 24 (5): 365–378. doi:10.1016/0305-1978(96)00032-4.
  10. ^ Doyle JJ, Doyle JL, Ballenger JA, Palmer JD (1996). "The distribution and phylogenetic significance of a 50-Kb chloroplast DNA inversion in the flowering plant family Leguminosae". Mol Phylogenet Evol. 5 (2): 429–438. doi:10.1006/mpev.1996.0038. PMID 8728401.
  11. ^ Doyle JJ, Doyle JL, Ballenger JA, Dickson EE, Kajita T, Ohashi H (1997). "A phylogeny of the chloroplast gene rbcL in the Leguminosae: taxonomic correlations and insights into the evolution of nodulation". Am J Bot. 84 (4): 541–554. doi:10.2307/2446030. JSTOR 2446030. PMID 21708606.
  12. ^ a b Pennington RT, Lavin M, Ireland H, Klitgaard B, Preston J, Hu J-M (2001). "Phylogenetic relationships of basal papilionoid legumes based upon sequences of the chloroplast trnL intron". Syst Bot. 55 (5): 818–836. doi:10.1043/0363-6445-26.3.537 (inactive 31 December 2022). JSTOR 3093980.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: DOI inactive as of December 2022 (link)
  13. ^ Pennington RT, Klitgaard BB, Ireland H, Lavin M (2000). "New insights into floral evolution of basal Papilionoideae from molecular phylogenies". In Herendeen PS, Bruneau A (eds.). Advances in Legume Systematics, Part 9. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. pp. 233–248. ISBN 978-1842460177.
  14. ^ Pennington RT, Stirton CH, Schrire BD (2005). "Tribe Sophoreae". In Lewis G, Schrire B, Mackinder B, Lock M (eds.). Legumes of the World. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. pp. 227–249. ISBN 978-1900347808.
  15. ^ Lock JM (2005). "Tribe Thermopsideae". In Lewis G, Schrire B, Mackinder B, Lock M (eds.). Legumes of the World. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. pp. 263–265. ISBN 978-1900347808.
  16. ^ Ohashi H. (2005). "Tribe Euchresteae". In Lewis G, Schrire B, Mackinder B, Lock M (eds.). Legumes of the World. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. pp. 260–261. ISBN 978-1900347808.
  17. ^ a b LPWG [Legume Phylogeny Working Group] (2013). "Legume phylogeny and classification in the 21st century: progress, prospects and lessons for other species-rich clades" (PDF). Taxon. 62 (2): 217–248. doi:10.12705/622.8. hdl:10566/3455.
  18. ^ Wang HC, Sun H, Compton JA, Yang JB (2006). "A phylogeny of Thermopsideae (Leguminosae: Papilionoideae) inferred from nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences". Bot J Linn Soc. 151 (3): 365–373. doi:10.1111/j.1095-8339.2006.00512.x.
  19. ^ Hu J-M, Lavin M, Wojciechowski MF, Sanderson MJ (2002). "Phylogenetic analysis of nuclear ribosomal ITS/5.85 sequences in the tribe Millettieae (Fabaceae): PoecilantheCyclolobium, the core Millettieae, and the Callerya group". Syst Bot. 27 (4): 722–733. doi:10.1043/0363-6445-27.4.722 (inactive 31 December 2022).{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: DOI inactive as of December 2022 (link)
  20. ^ Cardoso D, de Queiroz LP, Pennington RT, de Lima HC, Fonty É, Wojciechowski MF, Lavin M (2012). "Revisiting the phylogeny of papilionoid legumes: new insights from comprehensively sampled early-branching lineages". Am J Bot. 99 (12): 1991–2013. doi:10.3732/ajb.1200380. PMID 23221500.
  21. ^ Wojciechowski MF, Lavin M, Sanderson MJ (2004). "A phylogeny of legumes (Leguminosae) based on analysis of the plastid matK gene resolves many well-supported subclades within the family". Am J Bot. 91 (11): 1846–1862. doi:10.3732/ajb.91.11.1846. PMID 21652332.
  22. ^ Kajita T, Ohashi H, Takeishi Y, Bailey CD, Doyle JJ (2001). "RbcL and legume phylogeny, with particular reference to Phaseoleae, Millettieae, and allies". Syst Bot. 26 (3): 515–536. doi:10.1043/0363-6445-26.3.515 (inactive 31 December 2022).{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: DOI inactive as of December 2022 (link)
  23. ^ a b Lavin M, Herendeen PS, Wojciechowski MF (2005). "Evolutionary rates analysis of Leguminosae implicates a rapid diversification of lineages during the tertiary". Syst Biol. 54 (4): 575–94. doi:10.1080/10635150590947131. PMID 16085576.
  24. ^ Wink M, Mohamed GIA (2003). "Evolution of chemical defense traits in the Leguminosae: mapping of distribution patterns of secondary metabolites on a molecular phylogeny inferred from nucleotide sequences of the rbcL gene". Biochem Syst Ecol. 31 (8): 897–917. doi:10.1016/S0305-1978(03)00085-1.
  25. ^ Edwards D, Hawkins JA (2007). "Are Cape floral clades the same age? Contemporaneous origins of two lineages in the genistoids s.l. (Fabaceae)". Mol Phylogenet Evol. 45 (3): 952–70. doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2007.09.014. PMID 17980626.
  26. ^ Uysal T, Ertuğrul K, Bozkurt M (2014). "A new genus segregated from Thermopsis (Fabaceae: Papilionoideae): Vuralia". Plant Systematics and Evolution. 300 (7): 1627–1637. doi:10.1007/s00606-014-0988-x. S2CID 15019593.

Wikipedia authors and editors
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Sophoreae: Brief Summary ( englanti )

tarjonnut wikipedia EN

The tribe Sophoreae is one of the subdivisions of the plant family Fabaceae. Traditionally this tribe has been used as a wastebasket taxon to accommodate genera of Faboideae which exhibit actinomorphic, rather than zygomorphic floral symmetry and/or incompletely differentiated petals and free stamens. Various morphological and molecular analyses indicated that Sophoreae as traditionally circumscribed was polyphyletic. This led to a re-circumscription of Sophoreae, which resulted in the transfer of many genera to other tribes (Amburaneae, Angylocalyceae, Baphieae, Camoensieae, the Cladrastis clade, Exostyleae, Leptolobieae, Ormosieae, Podalyrieae, and the Vataireoids). This also necessitated the inclusion of two former tribes, Euchresteae and Thermopsideae, in the new definition of Sophoreae. Tribe Sophoreae, as currently circumscribed, consistently forms a monophyletic clade in molecular phylogenetic analyses. The Sophoreae arose 40.8 ± 2.4 million years ago (in the Eocene).

Description of morphological synapomorphies has yet to be undertaken, but members of this tribe can be distinguished by the relatively simple flowers, unspecialized pinnate leaves, accumulation of quinolizidine alkaloids, and the presence of free stamens. The tribe does have a node-based definition: the crown clade originating from the most recent common ancestor of Bolusanthus speciosus (Bolus) Harms and Sophora davidii (Franch.) Pavol..

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