Sivun <i>Megalopsalis porongorupensis</i> Kauri 1954 kuva
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Megalopsalis porongorupensis Kauri 1954

Description ( englanti )

tarjonnut Zookeys
MALE (N = 10). Prosoma length 0.81 (0.65–0.91), width 1.55 (1.41–1.74); total body length 1.94 (1.70–2.33). Dorsal prosomal plate including ocularium tan with dark mottling; unarmed. Ozopore large. Dorsum of opisthosoma tan with iridescent white spots and broad white median stripe. Chelicerae. Segment I 1.35 (0.69–2.20), segment II 2.04 (1.23–3.00). Tan; heavily and uniformly denticulate. Cheliceral fingers medium length; mobile finger crescent-shaped (Fig. 4c). Pedipalps. Femur 0.83 (0.75–1.00), patella 0.38 (0.31–0.45), tibia 0.45 (0.40–0.52), tarsus 1.05 (0.94–1.19). Tan. Femur and patella heavily denticulate, few scattered large setae only; tibia lightly denticulate proximally. Inner dorsal distal patella slightly bulging but no distinct apophysis. Microtrichia on distal part of tibia and tarsus; claw with ventral tooth row. Legs. Femora 3.46 (3.08–3.92), 6.68 (6.00–7.34), 3.24 (2.92–3.48), 5.20 (4.65–5.67); patellae 0.73 (0.66–0.84), 0.84 (0.67–0.89), 0.66 (0.56–0.78), 0.80 (0.64–1.00); tibiae 3.16 (2.88–3.42), 7.12 (6.60–7.83), 3.03 (2.70–3.24), 4.78 (4.15–5.27). Penis (Figs 4d–e). Glans short, dorsal edge in line with shaft; stylus at 90° to glans and shaft. Left anterior bristle group reduced; waist in shaft behind bristle groups. Deep pores. Spiracle (Fig. 2a). Spines almost entirely absent, residual reticulate bases only towards lateral corner; dense field of lace tubercles at lateral corner.
Christopher K. Taylor
bibliografinen lainaus
Taylor C (2013) Further revision of the genus Megalopsalis (Opiliones, Neopilionidae), with the description of seven new species ZooKeys 328: 59–117
Christopher K. Taylor
käy lähteessä

Distribution ( englanti )

tarjonnut Zookeys
5 males, Glenbourne, Old Ellensbrook Road, S of Gracetown, Western Australia, 33°53'S, 115°00'E, 27–28 October 1996, L. Marsh et al., pitfalls (WAM T72175 [2 measured]; T72184 [1 measured]); 2 males, ditto, 27–29 December 1997, L. Marsh et al., dry pitfalls (WAM T72152–3; measured); 1 male, ditto, 33°54'50"S, 115°00'57"E, 24–26 October 1998, L. Marsh et al., dry pitfall traps (WAM T72161; measured); 1 male, ditto, 33°54'32"S, 115°00'24"E, 20–23 October 2000, L. Marsh et al., dry pitfall traps (WAM T72200); 1 male, ditto, 33°54'40"S, 115°00'34"E, 24-26 October 1998, L. Marsh et al., dry pitfall traps (WAM T72173); 1 male, ditto, 25–27 October 2003, L. Marsh et al., dry pitfall traps (WAM T72198; measured); 1 male, ditto, 33°54'35"S, 115°00'15"E, 30 October–1 November 1999, L. Marsh et al., dry pitfall traps (WAM T72155; measured); 3 males, ditto, 33°54'50"S, 115°00'57"E, 30 October–1 November 1999, L. Marsh et al., dry pitfall traps (WAM T72143; 2 measured); 1 male, Pemberton, Crowea Block, Western Australia, 240 m, 17 December 1976, S. J. Curry, pitfall trap (WAM 90/1319); 2 males, ditto, 24 October 1977, S. J. Curry, ridge site, pitfall traps (WAM 90/1321–2); 1 male, ditto, 31 October 1977, S. J. Curry, ridge site, pitfall trap (WAM 90/1335); 1 male, ditto, 11 November 1977, S. J. Curry, ridge site, pitfall trap (WAM 90/1326); 1 male, Porongurup Range, Western Australia, 20 January 1932, E. W. Bennett (WAM 32/217); 1 male, Porongurup National Park, Porongurups, Western Australia, 34°40'55.8"S, 117°51'58.6"E, 570 m, 13 June 1996, S. Barrett, wet pitfalls (WAM T72214); 3 males, Mordalup Road, Unicup, Western Australia, 34°19'01"S, 116°31'49"E, 15 Oct 1999–31 Oct 2000, P. van Heurck, wet pitfalls (WAM T73035).
Christopher K. Taylor
bibliografinen lainaus
Taylor C (2013) Further revision of the genus Megalopsalis (Opiliones, Neopilionidae), with the description of seven new species ZooKeys 328: 59–117
Christopher K. Taylor
käy lähteessä