
Euscorpius lycius ( ranska )

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Euscorpius lycius est une espèce de scorpions de la famille des Euscorpiidae.



Cette espèce est endémique de Turquie[1]. Elle se rencontre dans la province de Muğla vers Faralya et sur le Babadağ et dans la province de Antalya vers Gömücü et İkizce entre 349 et 1 140 m d'altitude.


Euscorpius lycius
Euscorpius lycius
Euscorpius lycius

Le mâle holotype mesure 21,14 mm et la femelle paratype 20,91 mm[1]. Euscorpius lycius mesure de 21 à 25 mm.

Comme pour toutes les espèces du genre Euscorpius, sa piqûre est bénigne pour les humains[2].


Son nom d'espèce lui a été donné en référence au lieu de sa découverte, la Lycie[1].

Publication originale

  • Yağmur, Tropea & Yeşilyurt, 2013 : A new species of Euscorpius Thorell, 1876 (Scorpiones, Euscorpiidae) from south western Turkey. ZooKeys, no 348, p. 29–45 (texte intégral).

Notes et références

  1. a b et c Yağmur, Tropea & Yeşilyurt, 2013 : A new species of Euscorpius Thorell, 1876 (Scorpiones, Euscorpiidae) from south western Turkey. ZooKeys, no 348, p. 29–45 (texte intégral).
  2. (en) Euscorpius lycius — New Species Of Scorpion Found In Vicinity Of Ancient Lycia, sur le site planetsave.com
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Euscorpius lycius: Brief Summary ( ranska )

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Euscorpius lycius est une espèce de scorpions de la famille des Euscorpiidae.

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Euscorpius lycius ( norja )

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Euscorpius lycius er en art av skorpioner.


Nokså små (gjerne 30-50 mm), middels kraftige skorpioner med kraftige pedipalper (klør). Kroppen er temmelig jevnbred, halen kort og tynn med et temmelig slankt broddsegment (dermed også små giftkjertler).


Disse skorpionene finnes gjerne i tørre, åpne områder, for eksempel maquis.


Slekten finnes i familien Euscorpiidae som er den artsrikeste skorpiongruppen i Europa, der det er funnet 14 arter i denne slekten. Arten finnes i Tyrkia.[1][2]

Systematisk inndeling

Familien Euscorpiidae ble tidligere, og noen ganger ennå, regnet til familien Chactidae.




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Euscorpius lycius: Brief Summary ( norja )

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Euscorpius lycius er en art av skorpioner.

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Description ( englanti )

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Coloration: Very light brown-reddish with carapace and pedipalps darker. Granules on the femora of the legs, especially ventrally, dark. The sternites, pectines and genital operculum are very light brownish-whitish. Carapace. Length 3.06 mm; posterior width 3.12. Finely granulated. Distance from the center of the median eyes to the anterior margin of the carapace is 39.21% of the prosoma; the length from the center of the median eyes to the posterior margin of the carapace is 60.79% of the prosoma. Length/Posterior width ratio 0.981 (Fig. 1A). Mesosoma. Tergites finely granulated; sternites smooth. The area of overlap between the sternites is lighter in color. Pectinal teeth count is 9–9. The spiracles are very small and little visible, oval-shaped and it is inclined about 45° downwards towards outside. Metasoma. Medium size with respect to body length. Dorsal carinae of segment I-IV are granulated, obsolete on the segment V; ventromedian carinae of segment I-III absent, barely visible angularities on the IV, ventromedian carinae on segment V granulated; ventrolateral carinae of segment I absent, on segments II and III obsolete, on segment IV formed by small spaced granules, on segment V is formed by serrulate granules (Fig. 2E, F). Telson. Vesicle weakly swollen; smooth, with ventral setae of different sizes; telson height 1.26; telson length 3.24; vesicle length 2.52; vesicle width 1.20; L/H ratio of the vesicle 2 (Fig. 2A, B). Pectines. Pectinalteeth count 9-9; middle lamellae count 5-5. Genital operculum. Partially divided with genital papillae protruding. Sternum. Pentagonal shape, type 2. Length similar to width, deep posterior emargination. Pedipalp. Coxa and trochanter granulated. Femur: dorsal internal carinae formed by large dark tubercles;dorsal external carinae formed by slightly serrulated and spaced tubercles; intercarinal spaces uniformly granulated with fine granules; external median carinae serrulate; anterior median carinae formed by conical big dark tubercles (Fig. 1E, F). Patella length 2.58; patella width 1.02; dorsal internal carinae dark and crenulate with few larger tubercles distally; dorsal and ventral external carinae rough; ventral internal carinae dark and tuberculate; dorsal intercarinal tegument very finely granulated; ventral intercarinal tegument almost smooth with a few scattered very small granules; internal intercarinal tegument uniformly finely granulate. Dorsal patellar spur well developed (Fig. 1G, H). Chelal carina D1 isdistinctly strong, a bit darker and from smooth to rough; D4 little marked, roughly smooth with a few very low granules; V1 isdistinctly strong, rough and dark; V3 with a few scattered very minuscule granules; external carina rough; intercarinal tegument from smooth to rough except between carinae D4 and V3, granulate. Movable finger dentition: MD form a straight line of very small denticles closely spaced with a DD on the distal tip; OD formed of 7 denticles on movable finger and 6 denticles on fixed finger, immediately outside of MD, their size increases progressively but the terminal denticle is not very pronounced; ID formed of 7 denticles on movable finger and 6 denticles on fixed finger, spaced from MD, their size increases progressively but the terminal denticle is not very pronounced; IAD on both movable and fixed finger formed of 4 small denticles; L/W ratio of the chela 2.74 (Fig. 1I, J) Trichobothria. Chela trichobothria series V standard: V=4/4 (3 V+Et 1); patella ventral (Pv): 9/9; Patella external (Pe): et=5/6, est=4/4, em=4/4, esb=2/2, eba=4/4, eb=4/4. Legs. legs with two pedal spurs. Tarsal ventral row with 10-14 spinules (including the ventral distal spinule); 3 flanking pairs of tarsal setae adjacent to the ventral spinules row. Little marked granulation present above leg femora, a bit more marked on III leg; dark conical tubercles on ventral leg femora. Chelicerae. smooth, without marbling, uniformly coloured; typical dentition pattern of Euscorpius genus (Soleglad and Sissom 2001). Variation. The variation observed in 26 studied specimens (12 males, 14 females) is as follows (left/right asymmetry not specified). Pectinal teeth in males (n=12): 7/8 (1), 8/8 (6), 8/9 (3), 9/9 (2); 8 in 66.66% and 9 in 29.16%; mean=8.25, SD=0.52. Pectinal teeth in females (n=14): 7/7 (12), 8/7 (2); 7 in 92.28% and 8 in 7.72%; mean=7.07, SD=0.26. Pedipalp patella trichobothria Pv (n=26): 9/10 (1), 9/9 (20), 8/9 (4), 8/8 (1); 9 in 86.54 % and 8 in 11.54 %; mean=8.90, SD=0.35. Pedipalp patella trichobothria Pe (n=26): et=?/6 (1), 5/6 (3), 6/6 (12), 7/7 (9), 7/8 (1); 6 in 54.90 % and 7 in 37.25 %; mean=6.35, SD=0.56. est=4/4 (26); em=4/3 (3), 4/4 (23); esb=2/2 (26); eba=4/3 (2), 4/4 (24); eb=3/4 (1), 4/4 (25). The telson vesicle in males is more swollen than in females: average L/H ratio of the vesicle is 1.93 in male and 2.28 in females. Dorsal patellar spur well developed. Average value of the length from center median eyes to anterior margin of the carapace is 40.30% of the carapace length. Average value of the length from center median eyes to posterior margin of the carapace is 59.70% of the carapace length. Hemispermatophore. Were checked both right and left hemispermatophore of 5 specimens. Well developed lamina with well developed basal constriction, tapered distally; truncal flexure present and well developed; capsular lobe complex well developed, with acuminate process; ental channel spinose distally, exhibiting 8–11 tines in its crown (Fig. 7). The number of tines of the crown may be different between the right and the left hemispermatophore. Pectinal tooth and trichobothrial counts of Euscorpius species discussed in this paper. Between the brackets are the values most found. Species Dp ♂ Dp ♀ Pv Pe-et Pe-est Pe-em Pe-esb Pe-eba Pe-eb Euscorpius lycius sp. n. 8 7 9 6–7 4 4 2 4 4 Euscorpius avcii 8 7 7 5–6 (5) 4 4 2 4 4 Euscorpius rahsenae 9 7 8 5–6 (6) 4 4 2 4 4 Euscorpius candiota 8–9 7 9-10 6–7 4 4 2 4 4 Euscorpius ossae 9 7 7–8 (7) 5–6 (5) 4 4 2 4 4 Euscorpius koschewnikowi 8 6–7 8 5–6 4 4 2 4 4 Euscorpius scaber 10–11 8 8 5–6 (6) 4 4 2 4 4 Euscorpius carpathicus aegaeus 9 8 8 6 4 4 2 4 4 Pectinal tooth and trichobothrial serie Pv and Pe-et counts of Euscorpius species discussed in this paper: max-min (average) {number of pectines and pedipalps examined}. Species Dp ♂ Dp ♀ Pv Pe-et Euscorpius lycius sp. n. 7–9 (8.25) {24} 7–8 (7.07) {28} 8–10 (8.90) {52} 5–7 (6.35) {51} Euscorpius avcii 7–9 (8.07) {58} 6–7 (6.79) {100} 6–8 (7.04) {158} 5–6 (5.36) {158} Euscorpius rahsenae 8–10 (8.91) {36} 6–9 (7.20) {82} 7–9 (7.89) {118} 5–6 (5.78) {118} Euscorpius candiota 8–9 (8.60) {16} 5–8 (6.87) {28} 8–10 (9.44) {46} 5–7 (6.52) {46} Euscorpius ossae 8–10 (9.07) {14} 6–8 (7.25) {40} 6–9 (7.29) {55} 4–6 (5.36) {55} Euscorpius scaber 9–13 (10.53) {53} 6–10 (7.85) {212} 7–10 (7.96) {273} 4–8 (5.86) {257} Euscorpius carpathicus aegaeus 9–10 (9.16) {6} 8 (8.00) {4} 7–8 (7.9) {10} 5–6 (5.9) {10}
Ersen Aydın Yağmur, Gioele Tropea, Fatih Yeşilyurt
bibliografinen lainaus
Yağmur E, Tropea G, Yeşilyurt F (2013) A new species of Euscorpius Thorell, 1876 (Scorpiones, Euscorpiidae) from south western Turkey ZooKeys 348: 29–45
Ersen Aydın Yağmur
Gioele Tropea
Fatih Yeşilyurt
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