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Doassansiopsis occulta (H. Hoffm.) Dietel 1897

Comprehensive Description ( englanti )

tarjonnut North American Flora
Doassansia occulta (Hoffm.) Cornu ; Farl. Trans. Ottawa Field
Nat. Club 2 : 129. 1884.
Sclerohum occuUum Hoffm. Ic. Anal. Fung. 67. 1863. Doassansiopsis occulta Dietel, in K. &l P. Nat. Pfl. li**: 21, 1897.
Sori in ovaries, causing them to become considerably swollen, ovate, olive-green to reddish-brown ; spore-balls situated in the endocarp, consisting of a distinct cortex within which is a single layer of fertile cells surrounding a central mass of parenchymatous cells, ellipsoidal to spherical, often irregular, 100-160 fJ. in length ; cortical cells polyhedral or more elongate tangentially, 8-10 // in length ; spores adhering rather firmly, about 10-12 (i in length.
On Zannichelliaceae :
Potamogeton Nnitallii {P. pennsylvantcus) , Connecticut, New York.
Potamogeton sp., Illinois, Kansas. Type locality : Germany, on Potamogeton sp.
Distribution : Connecticut, New York, Illinois, and Kansas ; also in Ktirope.
bibliografinen lainaus
George Perkins Clinton. 1906. USTILAGINALES; USTILAGINACEAE, TILLETIACEAE. North American flora. vol 7(1). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
käy lähteessä
North American Flora