La musaranya de Sulawesi (Crocidura rhoditis) és una espècie de musaranya (Soricidae)[2] endèmica de Sulawesi (Indonèsia).[3]
La musaranya de Sulawesi (Crocidura rhoditis) és una espècie de musaranya (Soricidae) endèmica de Sulawesi (Indonèsia).
The Sulawesi white-handed shrew or Temboan shrew (Crocidura rhoditis) is a species of mammal in the family Soricidae. It is endemic to the island of Sulawesi in Indonesia. It is a fairly common species and the population seems stable so the International Union for Conservation of Nature has assessed its conservation status as being of "least concern".
The Sulawesi white-handed shrew was first described in 1921 by the American zoologists Gerrit Smith Miller Jr. and Hollister as Crocidura rhoditis. The type locality is Temboan in North Sulawesi. Crocidura rhoditis is part of an assemblage of shrews endemic to northern and central Sulawesi which also includes the Sulawesi shrew (Crocidura lea), the black-footed shrew (Crocidura nigripes), the elongated shrew (Crocidura elongata) and the mossy forest shrew (Crocidura musseri). [2] Deep genetic divergences have been detected within Crocidura rhoditis, suggesting the existence of potential cryptic diversity in this species [3]
The Sulawesi white-handed shrew is a small species of white-toothed shrew; it lacks the deposits of iron in the enamel of the teeth which is seen in the red-toothed shrews. The dorsal pelage is short and velvety, being greyish-brown or reddish-brown and the underside is paler. The ears are prominent, the legs are short, the feet are white, and the tail is long and clad with a few long well-scattered hairs.[4]
The Sulawesi white-handed shrew is endemic to the Indonesian island of Sulawesi where it is found in the northern, central and southwestern parts of the island. Its typical habitat is primary tropical lowland or montane forests, but it seems able to survive in secondary forests as well. The extent to which it can adapt to degraded habitats is unclear.[1]
Very little is known of its natural history and behaviour of the Sulawesi white-handed shrew.[1] Like other members of its family it lives among the leaf litter and is insectivorous and is likely to eat insects and small arthropods.[4]
The Sulawesi white-handed shrew is fairly common in some locations and is regularly caught in pitfall traps. The population trend appears to be steady and no particular threats to this species have been recognised although it is likely to be adversely affected by forest clearance. It has a wide range and is believed to be present in several protected areas, and the International Union for Conservation of Nature has assessed its conservation status as being of "least concern".[1]
The Sulawesi white-handed shrew or Temboan shrew (Crocidura rhoditis) is a species of mammal in the family Soricidae. It is endemic to the island of Sulawesi in Indonesia. It is a fairly common species and the population seems stable so the International Union for Conservation of Nature has assessed its conservation status as being of "least concern".
Crocidura rhoditis es una especie de musaraña (mamífero placentario de la familia Soricidae).
Crocidura rhoditis Crocidura generoko animalia da. Lehen Insectivora edo Soricomorpha deitzen zen taldearen barruan daude. Gaur egun Lipotyphla deitzen den taldearen barruko Crocidurinae azpifamilia eta Soricidae familian sailkatuta dago.
Crocidura rhoditis Crocidura generoko animalia da. Lehen Insectivora edo Soricomorpha deitzen zen taldearen barruan daude. Gaur egun Lipotyphla deitzen den taldearen barruko Crocidurinae azpifamilia eta Soricidae familian sailkatuta dago.
Crocidura rhoditis (Miller & Hollister, 1921) è un toporagno della famiglia dei Soricidi endemico di Sulawesi.[1][2]
Toporagno di piccole dimensioni, con la lunghezza della testa e del corpo tra 84 e 88 mm, la lunghezza della coda tra 69 e 74 mm, la lunghezza del piede tra 16,1 e 16,8 mm e un peso fino a 13,2 g.[3]
La pelliccia è densa. Le parti superiori sono brunastre scure, mentre le parti ventrali sono più chiare con dei riflessi bruno-rossicci chiari. I piedi sono chiari con i peli delle dita biancastri. La coda è poco più corta della testa e del corpo, finemente rivestita di peli marroni scuri con la punta bianca e con alcuni peli più lunghi chiari alla base.
È una specie terricola, attiva sia di giorno che di notte.
Si nutre di piccoli invertebrati.
Questa specie è diffusa nella parte centrale, sud-occidentale e nord-orientale dell'isola indonesiana di Sulawesi.
Vive nelle foreste primarie e secondarie fino a 3.000 metri di altitudine.
La IUCN Red List, considerato il vasto areale e la popolazione presumibilmente numerosa, classifica C.rhoditis come specie a rischio minimo (LC).[1]
Crocidura rhoditis (Miller & Hollister, 1921) è un toporagno della famiglia dei Soricidi endemico di Sulawesi.
Crocidura rhoditis is een spitsmuis uit het geslacht Crocidura die voorkomt in de bossen van Noord-, Midden- en Zuidwest-Celebes (Indonesië). Deze soort is waarschijnlijk verwant aan andere spitsmuizen uit Celebes (C. lea, C. levicula, C. musseri en C. elongata), hoewel een verwantschap met C. lepidura uit Sumatra ook niet uitgesloten is.
Na C. elongata is C. rhoditis de grootste spitsmuis van Celebes. De dikke, dichte vacht is donkergrijs. De handen en voeten zijn wit tot roze. De kop-romplengte bedraagt 84 tot 88 mm, de staartlengte 69 tot 74 mm, de achtervoetlengte 16,1 tot 16,8 mm en het gewicht 11,6 tot 13,2 g. Het karyotype bedraagt 2n=30, FN=50.
Crocidura rhoditis is een spitsmuis uit het geslacht Crocidura die voorkomt in de bossen van Noord-, Midden- en Zuidwest-Celebes (Indonesië). Deze soort is waarschijnlijk verwant aan andere spitsmuizen uit Celebes (C. lea, C. levicula, C. musseri en C. elongata), hoewel een verwantschap met C. lepidura uit Sumatra ook niet uitgesloten is.
Na C. elongata is C. rhoditis de grootste spitsmuis van Celebes. De dikke, dichte vacht is donkergrijs. De handen en voeten zijn wit tot roze. De kop-romplengte bedraagt 84 tot 88 mm, de staartlengte 69 tot 74 mm, de achtervoetlengte 16,1 tot 16,8 mm en het gewicht 11,6 tot 13,2 g. Het karyotype bedraagt 2n=30, FN=50.
Crocidura rhoditis[2][3] är en däggdjursart som beskrevs av Miller och Hollister 1921. Crocidura rhoditis ingår i släktet Crocidura och familjen näbbmöss.[4][5] IUCN kategoriserar arten globalt som livskraftig.[1] Inga underarter finns listade i Catalogue of Life.[4]
Denna näbbmus förekommer på Sulawesi med undantag av de östliga halvöarna. Den lever i kulliga områden och i bergstrakter mellan 200 och 3000 meter över havet. Arten vistas i ursprungliga skogar och i områden med skogsbruk.[1]
Crocidura rhoditis är en däggdjursart som beskrevs av Miller och Hollister 1921. Crocidura rhoditis ingår i släktet Crocidura och familjen näbbmöss. IUCN kategoriserar arten globalt som livskraftig. Inga underarter finns listade i Catalogue of Life.
Denna näbbmus förekommer på Sulawesi med undantag av de östliga halvöarna. Den lever i kulliga områden och i bergstrakter mellan 200 och 3000 meter över havet. Arten vistas i ursprungliga skogar och i områden med skogsbruk.
Crocidura rhoditis là một loài động vật có vú trong họ Chuột chù, bộ Soricomorpha. Loài này được Miller & Hollister mô tả năm 1921.[1]
Phương tiện liên quan tới Crocidura rhoditis tại Wikimedia Commons
Crocidura rhoditis là một loài động vật có vú trong họ Chuột chù, bộ Soricomorpha. Loài này được Miller & Hollister mô tả năm 1921.
술라웨시흰손땃쥐(Crocidura rhoditis)는 땃쥐과에 속하는 포유류의 일종이다.[2] 인도네시아의 토착종이다.