
Comprehensive Description ( 英語 )

由North American Flora提供
Sphagnum henryense Warnst. Hedwigia 39 : 107. 1900 Plants fairly robust, pale-green. Wood-cylinder brown; cortical cells of the stem in 3 layers, their inner walls reinforced by fibril-bands, the outer cells generally quadrilateral, seldom longer than broad, each with 2-5 rounded pores : stem-leaves large, lingulate-spatulate, their hyaline cells generally not divided, somewhat fibrillose, the membrane largely resorbed on the outer surface: branches in fascicles of 4 or 5, 2 spreading, their cortical cells in a single layer, with prominent fibril-bands, the outer wall sometimes showing a large pore in the upper end: branch-leaves spreading, broadly ovate, denticulate; hyaline cells fibrillose, rhomboidal, 6-8 times as long as wide at the base, gradually shorter above, on the inner surface with a few ringed pores in the corners of the cells in the apical part of the leaf, the sideregions with rather large rounded pores in the middle portion of the cell, in the marginal row of cells sometimes very numerous (up to 12) in 2 rows, on the outer surface with very numerous, small, elliptic pores along the commissures, 5-20 per cell, with single large membrane-gaps in the apical cells; chlorophyl-cells narrowly triangular in section with the base exposed on the inner surface, the lumen of similar shape ; inner surface of hyaline cells where overlying chlorophyl-cells beset with a net-work of prominently projecting ridges, especially in the lower part of the leaf; hyaline cells convex on the outer surface, up to one fourth of the diameter of the cell or slightly more; resorption-furrow present. Antheridia and archegonia unknown.
Type locality: Cape Henry, Virginia.
Distribution: Delaware, Virginia, Georgia, and Louisiana.
Albert LeRoy Andrews, Elizabeth Gertrude Britton, Julia Titus Emerson. 1961. SPHAGNALES-BRYALES; SPHAGNACEAE; ANDREAEACEAE, ARCHIDIACEAE, BRUCHIACEAE, DITRICHACEAE, BRYOXIPHIACEAE, SELIGERIACEAE. North American flora. vol 15(1). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
North American Flora