Longitude (deg): -1.5. Latitude (deg): 51.4. Longitude (deg/min): 1° 30' W. Latitude (deg/min): 51° 20' N. Vice county name: North Wilts. Vice county no.: 7. Country: England. Stage: Nest. Identified by: Malcolm Storey. Comment: Molehills and castle in pasture. Category: standard photograph or close-up. Photographic equipment used: Nikon D100 dSLR with Nikon 50mm AF.
Longitude (deg): -1.5. Latitude (deg): 51.4. Longitude (deg/min): 1° 30' W. Latitude (deg/min): 51° 20' N. Vice county name: North Wilts. Vice county no.: 7. Country: England. Stage: Nest. Identified by: Malcolm Storey. Comment: Molehills and castle in pasture. Category: standard photograph or close-up. Photographic equipment used: Nikon D100 dSLR with Nikon 50mm AF.
Longitude (deg): -1.5. Latitude (deg): 51.4. Longitude (deg/min): 1° 30' W. Latitude (deg/min): 51° 20' N. Vice county name: North Wilts. Vice county no.: 7. Country: England. Stage: Nest. Identified by: Malcolm Storey. Comment: Molehills and castle in pasture. Category: standard photograph or close-up. Photographic equipment used: Nikon D100 dSLR with Nikon 50mm AF.
Plevenon, Brittany, France
Plevenon, Brittany, France
Plevenon, Brittany, France
Plevenon, Brittany, France
Mole (Talpa europaea) is widespread and numerous in Belarus, but most of all people see their holes, not the mole itself. Its because the major part of moles life is hidden in the soil. There is a strange belief that its possible to see a mole only one time in the whole life has some spread in Belarus. If that were true, I must was be reincarnated not less than 5 times ;)
Plevenon, Brittany, France
2011-09-04 Lower Austria, district Wien Umgebung, wet meadow in 'Feuchte Ebene' near Mitterndorf (185 msm Quadrant 7964/4).German name: (for soil) Niedermoor-Torf (peaty soil); (for the animal) Europischer MaulwurfPitch-black molehills like those are very typical for some places in 'Feuchte Ebene' or the broader region of
'Mitterndorfer Becken' (as defined in the album description) where low moors developed. I thought at first that this is chernozem, but I was told it isn't.
Plevenon, Brittany, France
Plevenon, Brittany, France
This mole was wandering around on a path next to a stream. It didn't seem at all concerned by my presence.
Lincoln, England, United Kingdom
Orlando, Florida, United States
Found dead in my yard--I had not realized there were any moles in the area, as the heavy clay soil is not the best for tunneling, and I've never seen mole hills in my yard. (My immediate area lacks most widespread burrowing mammals: chipmunks, woodchucks, skunks.) This individual was killed by a dog, unfortunately. The upturned foot reminded me of a human palm.
Orlando, Florida, United States
Cabin John, Maryland, United States