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Aphelandra squarrosa Nees

Comprehensive Description ( 英語 )

由Smithsonian Contributions to Botany提供
Aphelandra squarrosa Nees

Aphelandra squarrosa Nees in Martius, Fl. Bras. 9:89. 1847; in de Candolle, Prodr. 11:300. 1847.—Lindau in Engler & Prantl, Natürl. Pflanzenfam. 4, Abt. 3b:322. 1895.

Aphelandra squarrosa Nees var. laxior Nees in Martius, Fl. Bras. 9:89. 1847; in de Candolle, Prodr. 11:300. 1847.

Aphelandra squarrosa Nees var. angustifolia Nees in Martius, Fl. Bras. 9:89. 1847; in de Candolle, Prodr. 11:300. 1847.

Aphelandra squarrosa Nees var. citrina Planchon Fl. Des Serres 8: 161, pl. 809. 1852–1853.

Aphelandra squarrosa Nees var. leopoldi Van Houtte Fl. Des Serres 9:85, pl. 889. 1853–1854.—L. H. Bailey, Stand. Cycl. Hort. 308. 1914.—Anonymous. Gard. Chron. ser. 3. 82:283. 1927.

Aphelandra leopoldii (Van Houtte) Lowe, Beautiful-leaved Plants, 55, pl. 27. 1861.—O. Krauss, Gartenwelt, 35:689. 1931.

Aphelandra oostachya Wawra, Oester. Bot. Zeitschr. 12:172. 1862; Bot. Ergeb. Reise Bras. 79, pl. 13. 1866.

Aphelandra chrysops Bull, Cat. 7, 9. 1887.—Anonymous, Gard. Chron. ser. 3; 1:736, fig. 140. 1887.

Aphelandra coccinna Rizzini, Arquiv. Jard. Bot. Rio de Janeiro 8:324. 1948.

Plants subherbaceous, showy, scarcely branched, 30–60 cm high, glabrous; stems terete, thick, succulent, collapsed and brownish when dry, the internodes 2.5–6.5 cm long; leaves crowded; leaf blades elliptic, glabrous, 25–30 cm long, 7–10 cm wide, shortly acuminate, the tip obtuse, cuneately narrowed and decurrent on the petiole at base, entire or slightly undulate, membranaceous to firm, the upper surface drying dark green, the lower surface paler, drying almost yellowish green, the costa and lateral veins (8–13 pairs) rather prominent, arcuate; petioles (unwinged portion) 2.4–3.2 cm long, flattened when dry, glabrous, very similar to the stem; flowers terminal, on 1–3 peduncled spikes, the central spike about 11 cm long and 4 cm wide (without flowers), the peduncle thick, 5 cm long, glabrous, the lateral spikes somewhat shorter, about 4 cm long, the peduncle 2.5 cm wide, the bracts closely imbricate, spreading somewhat with age; bracts yellow to orange, oval to ovate, 25–38 mm long, 18–25 wide, conduplicate, shortly acute and reflexed at apex, the tip mucronulate, slightly narrowed and truncate at base, papery, entire, shining and glabrous; bractlets lanceolate, 4.5–8 mm long, 1–1.5 mm wide, subhyaline, striate-nerved, glabrous and sparingly glandular-puncticulate; calyx 8–10 mm long, the segments lanceolate (the posterior segment lance-subulate), subhyaline, striate-nerved (the anterior and lateral pair ending in a stiff bristlelike awn), glabrous and sparingly glandularpuncticulate, the posterior segment 1.5–2 mm wide just below the middle, the anterior pair 1.25–1.5 mm wide, the lateral pair 0.75–1 mm wide; corolla showy, yellow, 3.75–5 cm long, well exserted beyond the subtending bracts, glabrous without, pubescent within at the lips, the tube erect, 3–3.5 cm long, 3–5 mm wide at base, narrowed to 1–2 mm at 5 mm above base, thence gradually enlarged to 7 mm wide at mouth, the upper lip erect, oblong, 8 mm long and 5 mm wide, bifid, the lobes 3 mm long and 3 mm wide, obtuse and somewhat hooded at apex, the lower lip 3-lobed, the lobes spreading, subequal, the middle lobe ovate, 7 mm long, 5 mm wide, acute and slightly hooded, the lateral lobes obliquely curved, oval-oblong, 6.5–7 mm long, 33.5 mm wide, slightly acute to obtuse; stamens equal to or slightly exserted beyond the upper lip; anthers 5.5 mm long, dorsally and apically villous, acute, mucronate at base; filaments epipetalous near base of the corolla tube, pubescent at base and near apex, otherwise glabrous; style filiform, somewhat shorter than the anthers, glabrous except for the villous apex; stigma barely thickened, infundibular, bilobed, short; ovary 4 mm long, cylindric, glabrous; capsule 8 mm long, glabrous.

LECTOTYPE.—Pohl 6034 (syntype W), Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Serra de Macacu.

DISTRIBUTION.—Southeastern Brazil, in woods in the states of Pernambuco, Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro, and São Paulo. BRAZIL. PERNAMBUCO: Pernambuco, 1842, Herb. Martius s.n. (BR, syntype). MINAS GERAIS: 1816–1821, St. Hilaire 61 (P); Lagoa Santa, Warming s.n. (C, W); Juiz de Fora, 1879, Wawra 199, 200 (W), 200a (W, F photo 32680); Est. Experimental, Agua Limpa, 21 Feb 1956, Gomes 2483 (RB, US). RIO DE JANEIRO:Karwinski s.n. (syntype BR); Feb 1888, Bull s.n. (K); Cantagallo, Peckolt 262 (W); Alto Macahé de Novo Friburgo, 12 Mar 1870, Glaziou 4166 (K, P); Municipio de Novo Friburgo, between Teodoro de Oliveira & Nova Friburgo, 800–1000 m alt, 20 Apr 1952, L. B. Smith 6684 (R, US); highway along Río Friburgo, 26 Feb 1939, Lutz 1285 (K); between Cachoeira de Macacú and Friburgo, 25 Mar 1953, Pereira 1344 (RB, US); road to Friburgo, km 70, 18 Jan 1957, Emygdio 1141 (RB, US); Friburgo, 21 Feb 1944, Constantino s.n. (RB, holotype of A. concinna Rizzini); Teresópolis, Apr 1918, Frasao 8621 (RB); Serra de Teresópolis, 2 Dec 1966, Duarte 9595 (K, RB, US); Serra dos Orgãos, near Rio de Janeiro, May 1839, Guillemin 249 (cat. no. 1007), (P, holotype of A. squarrosa var. laxior Nees); Serra dos Orgãos, Picada Saudade, July 1915, Luetzelburg 6497 (M); Parque Nacional da Serra dos Orgãos, 20 May 1944, Paes s.n. (RB); Serra dos Orgãos, 3 Jul 1948, Pereira 594 (RB); descent from Serra dos Orgãos to Freohal, Burchell 2561 (K); Mage, Apr 1823, Riedel 0.57 (LE); Petrópolis, 1859–60, Wawra & Maly 411 (W, holotype of A. oostachya Wawra); Petrópolis, 24 Mar 1879, Glaziou 11345 (K, P); Petrópolis, 1879, Binot 38 pro parte (RB); Petrópolis, edge of forest, 1879, Wawra 42 (W); Petrópolis, Morro do Retiro, 6 Jan 1883, Glaziou 14170a (K, P); Petrópolis, 1947, Goes 120 (RB); Itatiaia, Fazenda Henrique, 1000 m alt, Feb 1899, Gounelle s.n. (G); Itatiaia, Monte Serrat, 800 m alt, 21 Feb 1936, Brade 15046 (RB); Parque Nacional de Itatiaia, 17 Feb 1960, Barth I-198 (US); Serra d’Estrella, 2 Apr 1823, Riedel s.n. (LE). SAO PAULO: Serra do Cubatão, Sellow 478 (B, destroyed, holotype of A. squarrosa var. angustifolia Nees); Cubatão, 15 May 1957, Kuhlmann 4076 (NY). WITHOUT EXACT LOCALITY:Pohl 6051 (W, F photo 32681); Schott 6122 (W, syntype); 18161821, St. Hilaire s.n. (P); Novara Exped. 179 (W); 1821–36, Riedel 0.60 (LE); Riedel & Langsdorff 107, 108 (LE). CULTIVATED MATJ.RIAL. Cult in Hort. Bot. Reg. Kew., Oct 1893, labeled “A. chrysops = A. squarrosa var. leopoldii,” (K); cult. in Hort. Bot. Reg. Kew., Aug 1908, House s.n. (K, labeled A. squarrosa var. louisiae); cult. in Hort. Bot. Reg. Kew, 14 Dec 1887, Bull s.n. (K, labeled holotype of A. chrysops Bull).

Both Aphelandra squarrosa var. citrina and A. squarrosa var. leopoldi are horticultural varieties without any designated types. When comparing the plates with the Pohl syntype I cannot find any distinguishing characters for retaining these varieties.

A. chrysops is a horticultural name without any designated type. Nicholson (1900:60) states that A. chrysops represents a synonym of A. squarrosa var. leopoldii. In comparing the plates with the Pohl syntype, no distinguishing characters for the retention of the epithet can be found.
Wasshausen, Dieter C. 1975. "The genus Aphelandra (Acanthaceae)." Smithsonian Contributions to Botany. 1-157. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.0081024X.18
Smithsonian Contributions to Botany