Description: English: Thomas Horsfield and Frederic Moore. A catalogue of the lepidopterous insects in the Museum of the Hon. East-India Company. Alternative Title:Catalogue of the lepidopterous insects in the Museum of Natural History at the East-India House. Multiple dates 1857 - 1859; 1857-1859.Plate IX
text figure 1 Acherontia styx Westwood, 1847 1 larva, 1a pupa figure 2 Acherontia satanas Boisduval, 1836 synonym for Acherontia lachesis(Fabricius, 1798) 2 larva, 2a pupa figure 3 Sphinx convolvuli synonym for Agrius convolvuli (Linnaeus, 1758) 3 larva, 3a pupa figure 4 Philampelus anceus synonym for Acosmeryx anceus (Stoll, [1781]) 4 larva, 4a pupa figure 5 Panacra scapularis synonym for Eupanacra mydon(Walker, 1856) 5 larva, 5a pupa. Date: 14 November 2013, 19:29:45. Source: Author: Horsfield and Moore.