
Comprehensive Description ( 英語 )

由Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology提供
La clave los generos de Leptophlebiidae de las Antillas

Farrodes Peters, new genus

IMAGO.—Length of male: body, 4.2–5.5 mm.; fore wings, 4.0–6.2 mm. Length of female: body, 4.2–5.8 mm.; fore wings, 5.2–5.6 mm. Eyes of male meet on meson of head, upper portion of eyes on short stalk, lower portion of eyes two-thirds length of upper portion; eyes of female separated on meson of head by a length 4 times maximum width of an eye. Wings (Figures 6–14): vein Rs of fore wings forked one-third of distance from base to margin; vein MA forked more than half of distance from base to margin, fork asymmetrical; vein MP forked less than half of distance from base to margin, fork symmetrical; cubital area as in Figures 6, 9, and 12; cross veins few. Costal projection of hind wings acute, short, and well developed (Figures 7–8, 10–11, 13–14), apex located half to more than half the distance from base; apex of wings broad and angularly truncated (Figures 7–8, 10–11, 13–14); cross veins few. Legs: ratios of segments in male fore legs, 0.45: 1.00 (2.30 mm.): 0.05: 0.36: 0.27: 0.11: 0.07. Claws of a pair dissimilar, one apically hooked (Figure 97), other obtuse, padlike. Male genitalia (Figures 73–78): segments 2 and 3 of forceps short, basal segment of forceps narrow, strongly bowed; styliger plate deeply cleft apically and extends posteriorly dorsal to forceps (Figures 73–78); apical two-thirds of penes divided, a ventral appendage arising from apex of each penis lobe as in Figures 73–78. Ninth sternum of female entire (Figure 104). Terminal filament longer than cerci.

MATURE NYMPH.—Head prognathous. Antennae 2½ times maximum length of head. Mouthparts (Figures 139, 148, 157, 166, 176–177): dorsal hair on labrum as in Figure 176; submedian and anterolateral areas of hair ventrally; 5 equal-sized denticles on anteromedian emargination (Figure 177). Clypeus as in Figure 176. Left mandible as in Figure 166. Lingua of hypopharynx with well-developed lateral processes (Figure 157), anterior margin deeply cleft; superlingua of hypopharynx as in Figure 157, with a row of hair along anterior margin. Segment 2 of maxillary palpi one and one-third length of segment 1; segment 3 one-third to half the length of segment 2, triangular; a V-shaped ridge near the ventral, inner anterolateral margin of maxillae; hair on maxillae as in Figure 148. Labium as in Figure 139; segment 2 of palpi equal to one and one-third length of segment 1; segment 3 one-third to half the length of segment 2, triangular; paraglossae ventral to glossae. Fine hair on anterolateral margins of prothorax only. Legs (Figure 197): claws apically hooked, denticles on claws progressively larger apically except apical denticle much larger. Gills (Figure 204): gills on segments 1–7 alike; each portion of gills long and slender. Posterolateral spines on abdominal segments 8–9, spines progressively larger posteriorly. Terminal filament slightly longer than cerci.

ETYMOLOGY.—Genus is named for Dr. Thomas H. Farr, Institute of Jamaica, Kingston, who has greatly contributed to and encouraged my work on the West Indian Leptophlebiidae.

TYPE SPECIES.—Farrodes hyalinus Peters, new species.
Peters, William L. 1971. "A revision of the Leptophlebiidae of the West Indies (Ephemeroptera)." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-48. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.62
Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology