Coleosporium ipomoeae (Schwein.) Burrill 1885的圖片
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Coleosporium ipomoeae (Schwein.) Burrill 1885

Comprehensive Description ( 英語 )

由North American Flora提供
Coleosporium ipomoeae (Schw.) Burrill, Bull. 111. Lab. Nat. Hist
2: 217. 1885.
Uredo Ipomoeae Schw. Schr. Nat. Ges. Leipzig 1 : 70. 1822.
Caeoma Ipomoeae Link, in Willd. Sp. PI. V : 14. 1825.
Coleosporium guaraniticum Speg. Anal. Soc. Ci. Argent. 17: 95. 1884.
O and I. Pycnia and aecia unknown.
Uredinia hypophyllous, widely scattered, or somewhat clustered, 0.25-1 mm. across, early naked, orange-yellow fading to white, ruptured epidermis usually inconspicuous ; urediniospores ellipsoid, 13-21 by 18-27 u y more or less angular and irregular; wall thin, 1-1.5 0, closely and noticeably verrucose.
Joseph Charles Arthur. 1907. UREDINALES; COLEOSPORIACEAE, UREDINACEAE, AECIDIACEAE (pars). North American flora. vol 7(2). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
North American Flora