Charcos, Puntarenas, Costa Rica
X Cc Phng, Ninh Binh, Vietnam
X Cc Phng, Ninh Binh, Vietnam
X Cc Phng, Ninh Binh, Vietnam
X Cc Phng, Ninh Binh, Vietnam
, Ninh Binh, Vietnam
X Cc Phng, Ninh Binh, Vietnam
X Cc Phng, Ninh Binh, Vietnam
Lago Norte, Federal District, Brazil
Sterculia striata A.St.-Hil. & NaudinMALVACEAE (STERCULIACEAE) Local: Asa Norte, Braslia, Brasil.Ref.: Lorenzi, H. rvores Brasileiras. Vol 1. 5 edio. Plantarum, 2008.
Lago Norte, Federal District, Brazil
Sterculia striata A.St.-Hil. & NaudinMALVACEAE (STERCULIACEAE) Local: Asa Norte, Braslia, Brasil.Ref.: Lorenzi, H. rvores Brasileiras. Vol 1. 5 edio. Plantarum, 2008.
Lago Norte, Federal District, Brazil
Sterculia striata A.St.-Hil. & NaudinMALVACEAE (STERCULIACEAE) Local: Asa Norte, Braslia, Brasil.Ref.: Lorenzi, H. rvores Brasileiras. Vol 1. 5 edio. Plantarum, 2008.
Tanga, Tanzania
Photo taken in or near Amani Nature ReserveEast Usambara Mountains, TanzaniaBy N.J. CordeiroPost-Production by J. Quicho
Photo taken in or near Amani Nature ReserveEast Usambara Mountains, TanzaniaBy N.J. CordeiroPost-Production by J. Quicho
Photo taken in or near Amani Nature ReserveEast Usambara Mountains, TanzaniaBy N.J. CordeiroPost-Production by J. Quicho
Tanga, Tanzania
Family: SterculiaceaeDistribution:In hill forests. India, Sri Lanka and Malaya Peninsula.6-8m tall deciduous trees; bark whitish, smooth, peeling off in flakes. Leaves 16-30x15-25cm, palmately 3-7 lobed. deltoid ovate, scarbid above, velvety below. Flowers 6-8mm long, yellow, in 10-15cm long panicles.Flowers densly viscid-hairy, calyx pubescent within, Follicles armed with sharp stiging hairs.Photographed at Eastern ghats of Nellore district. Locally in telugu it is known as Tella poliki..Gu is extracted from the stem.
Sandakan, Sabah, Malaysia