
Comprehensive Description ( 英語 )

由Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology提供
Eleutherodactylus erythromerus

HOLOTYPE.—MZUSP 59640, an adult male from Brazil: Rio de Janeiro; near Teresópolis (Alto do Soberbo, 5 km NE junction BR 116 and Teresópolis bypass). Collected by Ronald I. Crombie, Maria Christina Duchêne, and W. Ronald Heyer on 10 December 1977.

PARATYPES.—L 79–80, 140, MZUSP 59641–59647, USNM 208525, 235621–235628, all from near Teresópolis.

DIAGNOSIS.—The light area on the posterior surface of the thigh (red in life) (pattern B in Figure 11) distinguishes E. erythromerus from all other species of the E. guentheri cluster.

DESCRIPTION OF HOLOTYPE.—Snout subelliptical from above, rounded in profile; canthus rostralis indistinct; lorus slightly concave in cross section; tympanum distinct, annulus distinct except cept on top of tympanum; vomerine teeth in two short transverse series posterior and medial to choanae, separated from each other by somewhat less than the length of one vomerine tooth series; vocal slits present, no external indication of a vocal sac; first finger just shorter than second, second about equal to fourth, third longest; thumb disk not much wider than digit, disk of finger II a little bigger, disks of fingers III and IV moderate, larger than disks of finger I and II, disks on fingers III and IV with indented ungual flaps; fingers free; finger subarticular tubercles moderate, not pointed; large heart-shaped outer metacarpal tubercle narrowly separated from large ovoid inner metacarpal tubercle; light glandular-appearing nuptial asperity on inner base of thumb; dorsum almost smooth with a few scattered small tubercles, upper eyelids tuberculate; no supratympanic fold, or other body folds or glands; belly and under forearm with low, white glandular tubercles, ventral thigh surfaces barely granular, rest of ventral surfaces smooth; toe disks on toes I and V moderate, smaller than the disks on toes II, III, and IV, disks with indented ungual flaps; toes free; subarticular tubercles moderate, not pointed; rounded outer metatarsal tubercle smaller than ovoid inner metatarsal tubercle; tarsus lacking fold or tubercle; heel with single prominent light tubercle; posterior tarsus smooth; sole of foot smooth.

Measurements (in mm): SVL 24.2, HL 9.8, HW 8.5, EN 3.1, EE 4.6, TD 1.6, femur 13.3, tibia 14.9, foot 14.6, 3FD 1.0, 4TD 1.1.

Dorsum (in preservative) completely variegated tan and brown, three small dark spots between the eyes; mid-dorsal light pin stripe in sacral region, bifurcating on legs and continuing to mid-posterior thigh; small dark vertical mark below the anterior portion of the eye on the upper lip, a single light, irregular, transverse stripe below middle of eye; irregular dark blotch over and including uppermost tympanum; dark ovoid sacral spot; side of body with indistinct broad brown posteriorly directed transverse mid-body band; soles of feet and outer tarsus surfaces heavily suffused with brown, throat mottled, mostly dark, with indistinct light mid-ventral stripe, belly and under thigh surfaces mottled, mostly light, belly tubercles white; no distinct pattern in groin; outer tibia with dark stripe; posterior surface of thigh suffused with brown, mostly brown proximally, with mostly no pigment distally (as in pattern B, Figure 11).

ETYMOLOGY.—From the Greek erythro (red) plus mēros (thigh), signalling the distinctive red thighs characteristic of this species in life.

ADULT SPECIMEN DEFINITION.—Dorsal pattern mottled or uniform (patterns A-1, A-2, A-4, A-5, and A-8 in Figure 1), no dorsoconcolor or wavy line morphs known; some individuals with light mid-dorsal pin stripes (patterns A and C in Figure 2); no individuals with broad mid-dorsal stripes known; no light dorsolateral stripes known; a few individuals with light snouts (pattern B in Figure 4); many individuals with light interocular bars (patterns A and B in Figure 5); outer tibia with interrupted or complete dark stripe (patterns B and C in Figure 10); posterior surface of thigh with light area next to knee joint (pattern B in Figure 11); red flash colors in life on posterior thigh, belly yellow, iris golden bronze above and below, brown in middle; SVL in males 22.3–24.4 mm, females 24.3–35.3 mm; head width moderate (Table 20), relatively long hind limbs (Table 20).


DISTRIBUTION.—Known only from the vicinity of Teresópolis, Rio de Janeiro, (Figure 18).

RIO DE JANEIRO. Teresópolis and environs (L 79, 80, 140; MZUSP 59640–59647; USNM 208525, 235621–235628).
Heyer, W. Ronald. 1984. "Variation, systematics, and zoogeography of Eleutherodactylus guentheri and closely related species (Amphibia: Anura: Leptodactylidae)." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-42. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.402
Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology