
Comprehensive Description ( 英語 )

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Phyllonorycter nipigon (Freeman)

Lithocolletis nipigon Freeman, 1970:276.

Phyllonorycter nipigon (Freeman).—Davis, 1983:10.

Lithocolletis salicifoliella Martin, 1956:155 [in part; not Chambers, 1871].—Watson, 1956:168.—Alberts, 1989:1.—Auerbach, 1991:1599.—Auerbach and Alberts, 1992:1.—Auerbach and Fleicher, 1992:201.

ADULT (Figures 30, 31).—Length of forewing: 3.4–4.4 mm. Small, slender wing moths with reddish brown forewings mostly traversed by 4 or 5 highly variable white bands. Valvae of male genitalia symmetrical, gradually tapering to a nearly straight, slightly down-curved, acuminate apex; vinculum slender.

Head: Vertex rough, with a variable mixture of white and light to dark brown piliform scales; frons smooth, with broad white scales heavily suffused with brown dorsally. Antenna gray; a single row of scales encircling each segment, which are darker at their apex; length of antenna approximately 0.8× that of forewing. Labial palpus mostly white, light to dark brown laterally.

Thorax: Dorsum mostly white, irrorated with dark brownish tipped scales. Venter white. Forewing variable, pale reddish to bronzy brown with usually five white costal bands extending across wing to fuse with usually four broader white dorsal bands; distal two costal and dorsal bands reduced and normally separated by reddish brown bands; white bands usually irrorated with dark brown; reddish bands typically margined distally by dark brown. Fringe pale gray. Hindwing and fringe uniformly pale gray. Legs usually dark grayish brown dorsally, white ventrally; apices of tibial and tarsal segments slightly paler; hindleg with dorsum pale gray.

Abdomen: Grayish brown dorsally, white ventrally; conspicuous sex-scaling absent. Female with A7 lightly sclerotized. Eighth sternum of male elongate, gradually tapering caudally to acute apex (Figure 241).

Male Genitalia (Figures 239, 240): Vinculum slender, tapering to a moderately elongate saccus. Transtilla slender. Valva symmetrical, elongate and very slender, tapering to a nearly straight, slightly downcurved, acuminate apex. Anellar membrane not smooth but finely wrinkled. Aedoeagus slender, with a minute, subapical lobe, relatively short, approximately 0.65–0.7× the length of eighth sternum.

Female Genitalia (Figures 427, 428): Accessory bursa with elongate duct, equalling length of ductus bursae, arising from a short, slightly enlarged common duct (antrum) immediately anterior to ostium; common duct with a small narrow, sclerotized ring. Signum a single, elliptical to pyriform, lightly sclerotized disk bearing a pair of minute papillae.

EGG (Figures 7–12).—Similar to that of P. apparella except slightly larger, up to 0.324 mm long, 0.228 mm wide, and more depressed (0.12 mm deep). Upper surface reticulate as in P. apparella but apparently without micropapillae (Figure 9). Circumferential fringe less developed; maximum width ~0.28 mm. Micropyles 2–4, surrounded by 9 or 10 cellular partitions.

LARVA (Figures 94–124).—Hypermetamorphic; earliest instars (1–3) highly modified sapfeeders with strongly depressed bodies and reduced chaetotaxy; maximum length: 3.4 mm, width (T1): 0.6 mm. Later instars (4 and 5) tissue feeders, with typical cylindrical bodies; maximum length: 6.4 mm, width: 0.9 mm; body color pale green to white.

SAP-FEEDING INSTARS.—Head: Maximum width (third instar): 0.3 mm. Greatly depressed, triangular. Most setae lost or reduced; 3 pairs of stemma arranged in a widely spaced, lateral row; only 6 pairs of cranial setae preserved, a single pair (MD1) dorsally and 5 pairs laterally (probably A3 and L1 caudad to 3rd stemmata, S2 dorsad to 3rd stemmata, S1 dorsal to and SS2 ventral to median stemmata, and SS1 between 1st and 2nd stemma). Labrum broadly bilobed, less than 0.4 the width of head, with serrated (7–9 serrations per lobe) anterior margin; labral setae absent; venter of labrum smooth except for curved, longitudinal grooves from marginal serrations. Mandibles large, flat, with three relatively elongate, acute cusps and one small cusp. Labium smooth, with anterior margin excavate at middle; spinneret absent. Maxillary and labial palpi absent. Hypophyarnyx broad, densely covered with minute spines along anterior margin, with margin slightly incised at middle. Antenna reduced, 3-segmented, with numerous, short basiconic sensilla as shown (Figures 111).

Body: Setae generally absent or reduced except lateral to dorsal and ventral plates. Legs, prolegs, and crochets absent. Paired ambullatory callosities present both dorsally and ventrally on T1–3 and ventrally on A3–A5, A10 (Figures 102–104).

TISSUE-FEEDING INSTARS.—Head: Approximately round with full complement of mouthparts; dark reddish brown; maximum width (fifth instar) 0.4 mm. Frons (Figure 119) elongate, ~0.85× the distance to epicranial notch. Ecdysial line terminating near epicranial notch. Chaetotaxy relatively complete; all three MD setae present, arising caudad to P1 and Pa. P1 arising adjacent to ecdysial line. L1 reduced, arising laterad and widely separated from P1 (Figure 119). Setae AF1 and AF2, P2 absent. A2 arising about midway and almost in a line between A1 and P1. A3 arising anterior to stemma 1. C1 and C2 closely adjacent to each other. Three stemmata present; 1, 2, and 3 absent (Figures 120). S2, S3 absent. Antenna moderately long; sensilla as in Figure 111. Labrum (Figures 106, 123, 124) with M1 absent; three pairs of epipharyngeal spines present, the lateral spine slightly reduced; epipharyngeal sclerite not observed; numerous secondary spines covering inner, ventral perimeter of labrum (Figure 124). Mandible (Figure 125) with three large median cusps and one smaller lateral and one smaller mesal cusps; a single mandibular seta present. Hypopharynx with ventral rows of spines relatively short, strongly hooked; dorsal spines well developed, dense. Maxilla as in Figure 112. Spinneret (Figure 110) a relatively short, stout tube with a fleshy, strongly bifurcate lobe arising from ventral apex. Labial palpus with a relatively long basal segment bearing one short sensillum and a minute, globose apical segment bearing a longer sensillum apically.

Thorax: Pronotal plate unpigmented, indistinct, relatively smooth and reduced with SD1 and SD2 arising separately. XD2 absent. D1 arising dorsal to D2. L group bisetose on T1-T3. SV bisetose on T1, unisetose on T2 and T3. Legs (Figure 107) well developed, with coxae widely separated; pretarsal claw strongly curved, with a relatively large, blunt, axillary spine.

Abdomen: Dorsal plates of A3–A8 triangular, dark brown, rugose, with that of A3 usually lighter in color. A1, A2, A6, A8 with six pairs of primary setae; A3–A5 with eight pairs and A9 with five pairs of primary setae. Crochets of A3–A5 (Figure 113) with 1 or 2 anterior rows of 5–7 hooks and usually a single posterior row of 5 or 6 hooks. D1 absent on A9. Anal plate (A10) with four pairs of setae (Figure 114, 122); chaetotaxy of A10 as shown in Figures 115, 116; anal crochets with numerous (~30–34) hooks arranged in two irregular, circular rows (Figures 116, 117).

LARVAL MINE (Figure 19).—As illustrated.

PUPA (Figures 126–136).—Maximum length 5 mm; width 0.9 mm. Vertex with triangular cocoon cutter similar to P. apparella. Forewing and antenna extending to caudal margin of A5. Hindleg extending to A7. Dorsum of A2–A8 almost completely covered with dense concentration of short scattered spines (Figures 127, 130); intersegmental surfaces as in Figure 131. Caudal half of sternum A7 with a raised triangular area (accessory cremaster) bearing 3 or 4 small stout spines laterally (Figures 132, 133). Cremaster consisting of two pairs of widely separated, short, broad-based spines (Figures 135, 136), the ventral pair the most widely separated. A9 with sternum sharply indented to A10 (Figure 134).

HOLOTYPE.—Canada: Fort William, Ontario, ; CNC.

HOSTS (Table 1).—Primarily on Populus balsamifera L. (Freeman, 1970); less commonly on P. balsamifera trichocarpa (Torr. and Gray) ex Hook., P. x acuminata Rydb. (P. angustifolia x deltoides), P. angustifolia James, P. fremontii S. Wats., P. nigra L., P. nigra var. italica Muenchh., P. tremuloides Michx., Salix spp.

PARASITOIDS (Table 2).—Eulophidae: Pnigalio sp., Sympiesis stigmata Girault, Zagrammosoma americanum Girault, Z. multilineatum Ashmead.

FLIGHT PERIOD.—Early May (single record), late July to late October; apparently univoltine at any particular site with the adult overwintering.

DISTRIBUTION (Map 2).—Widespread across northern North America from Ontario, Canada, to Alaska (about 64°N) south to Colorado and the Sierra Nevada Mts (about 34°N) of California.

MATERIAL EXAMINED.—CANADA: ALBERTA: Fawcett, 2055 ft. [626.5 m]: 1, 2, mine: 13 Jul 1982, e. 23–27 Jul 1982, G. Deschka, mine in Populus balsamifera, zucht nr. 1652, slide GD 1652 (GD). 25 km E. of Red Deer, 853 m: 5 1, mine: 27 Aug 1982, e. 2–9 Sep 1982 [e. = emerged], G. Deschka, mine in Populus balsamifera, zucht nr. 1698, slide GD 1769 (GD). Sturgeon Lake 2300 [701.2 m]: 5, 7, mine: 16 Jul 1982, e. 26–31 Jul 1982, G. Deschka, mine in Populus balsamifera, zucht nr. 1655, slide GD 1739 (GD). BRITISH COLOMBIA: 10 km SW of Dawson Creek, 650 m: 3, 5, mine: 17 Jul 1982, e. 25–31 Jul 1982, G. Deschka, mine in Populus balsamifera, zucht nr. 1660, slide GD 1747 (GD). 73 km SE of Fort Nelson, 418 m: 1, 3, mine: 18 Jul 1982, e. 2–9 Aug 1982, G. Deschka, mine in Populus balsamifera, zucht nr. 1662, slide GD 1749 (GD). Summit Lake, 1281 m: 4, 9, mine: 18 Jul 1982, e. 28 Jul-6 Aug 1982, G. Deschka, mine in Populus balsamifera, zucht nr. 1665, slide GD 1751 (GD). ONTARIO: Bobcaygeon: 1, 1, 15–24 Jul 1932, J. McDunnough, Populus balsamifera, CNC slide MIC 2225 (CNC). Cochrane: 5, 6, 4–9 Aug 1967, T. Freeman, Populus balsamifera, 67–45, slides CNC 2876, 2877, MIC 2210, 2212 (CNC). Elk Lake: 2, 1, e. 24 Aug-3 Sep 1965, Populus balsamifera (CNC). Fort William: 4, 4, 8–22 Aug 1967, T. Freeman, Populus balsamifera, 6742, 55, CNC slides MIC 2206–2209; 2, 4, e. 20 Aug 1962, T. Freeman, paratype, Populus balsamifera, slides DRD 3598, USNM 28406 (CNC, USNM). Kapuskasing: 5, 2, 25 Mar 1965, C. miller, Populus balsamifera, CNC slides MIC 2213, 2214; 1, 3, 29 Aug 1965, Populus balsamifera (CNC). Kivikoski: 5, 6, 20–27 Aug 1962, paratype, Populus balsamifera, slides MIC 2195–2199;, 2201, DRD 3597, USNM 28405 (CNC, USNM). Kakebeka Falls: 2, 2, e. 19–26 Aug 1968, Populus balsamifera (CNC). Manotick: 1, 27 Jul 1955, 55–61; 1, 1, 16–17 Sept 1968, T. Freeman, Populus balsamifera, 68–64, slide GD 1322 (GD). Ono Park: 1, e. 22 Aug 1962, paratype, T. Freeman, Populus balsamifera (CNC). Ontario: 1, 17 Aug 1955, T. Freeman, Populus balsamifera, 55–100 (CNC). Sioux Lookout: 1, 23 Jul 1966, paratype, Populus balsamifera; 1, 2 Aug 1962, T. Freeman, paratype, Populus balsamiferra, CNC slide MIC 2200; 1, 1, 18 Aug-14 Sep 1967, T. Freeman, Populus balsamifera, 67–57, 64 (CNC). Thunder Bay, Stanley Area: 7, 8, e. 15–25 Aug 1982, J. Walas, Populus (CNC); 1, e. 22 Aug 1982, slide USNM 31135 (USNM). QUEBEC: Kingsmere: 1, 26 Aug 1959, T. Freeman, Populus balsamifera, CNC slide MIC 2203 (CNC). SASKATCHEWAN: Prince Albert: 1, 25 Aug 1986, Populus balsamifera, slide DRD 3829 (CNC). YUKON: Stewart Crossing, 2000 ft [610 m]: 22, 25, mine: 30 Jul 1982, e. 17–24 Aug 1982, mine in Populus balsamifera, zucht nr. 1666, slide GD 1752 (GD, USNM). UNITED STATES: ALASKA: Delta Junction, 280 m: 5, 2, e. 3–4 Aug 1979, G. Deschka, mine in Populus balsamifera, zucht nr. 1446, slide GD 1526 (GD, USNM). 10 mi [16.1 km] SW of Fairbanks: 2, mine: 3 Aug 1979, e. 12–15 Aug 1979, G. Deschka, mine in Populus balsamifera, zucht nr. 1456, slide GD 1521 (GD). CALIFORNIA: Alameda Co., Berkeley: 1, “out” 6 Jun 1947, F. Rindge, ex Lombardy popular [Populus nigra var. italica Muenchh.] (AMNH). Fresno Co., Kings Canyon, near Cedar Grove, 1400 m: 5, 2, mine: 26 Jul 1977, e. 27–30 Jul 1977, G. Deschka, mine in Populus trichocarpa, zucht nr. 1279, slide GD 1405 (GD). Inyo Co., Inyo National Forest, near Lake Sabrina: 1, 18 Aug 1981, e. 3 Sep 1981, J. Whitfield, ex Populus tremuloides, JW no. 81H6, slide DRD 3772 (DLW). Mariposa Co., Yosemite Village, 1350 m: 1, 2, mine: 28 Jul 1977, e. 2–8 Aug 1977, G. Deschka, mine in Populus trichocarpa, zucht nr. 1282, slide GD 1408 (GD). Mono Co., 4 air mi [6.4 km] ESE of June Lake, Glass Creek Campground: 7, 4, 26 Aug 1983, e. 2–9 Sept 1983, D. Wagner, ex Populus trichocarpa, JAP no. 83H103, slide USNM 30387 (DLW, USNM). Lee Vining, 2350 m: 9 8, mine: 30 Jul 1977, e. 11–14 Aug 1977, G. Deschka, mine in Populus trichocarpa, zucht nr. 1285 (GD); 3, mine: 31 Jul 1977, e. 9–11 Aug 1977, G. Deschka, mine in Populus nigra, zucht nr. 1286 (GD). 4.5 mi [7.2 km] E of Sonora Pass Summit: 1, 28 Aug 1983, e. 8 Sep 1983, D. Wagner, ex Populus tremuloides, JAP no. 83H129 (DLW). Nevada Co., Donner Lake, 5950 ft [1814 m]: 6 , 12 Sep 1988, e. 19/25 Sep 1988, Wagner & De Benedictis, DLW 88J25, Populus tremuloides (DLW); 1, slide 30806 (DLW, USNM). Sierra Co., 5 mi [8 km] SE Sierraville, Cold Springs Campground: 2, 9 Sep 1983, e. 16 Sep 1983, J. Whitfield, ex Populus tremuloides, JW no 83 J30 (DLW). Tuolumne Co., near Kennedy Meadows: 1, 12 Sep 1981, e. 17 Sep 1981, D. Wagner, ex Populus tremuloides, JAP no. 81J37 (DLW). 5 mi [8 km] E. of Kennedy Meadows: 1, 12 Sep 1981, e. 23–25 Sep 1981, D. Wagner, ex Populus tremuloides, JAP no. 81J37 (DLW). 4 mi [6.4 km] W of Sonora Pass: 2, 4? [abdomens missing], 13 Sep 1981, e. 14–18 Sep 1981, J. Whitfield, ex Populus tremuloides, JW no. 81I12 (DLW). COLORADO: Alamosa Co., Alamosa City, 2250 m: 9, 13, mine: 26 Jul 1978, e. 11–18 Aug 1978, G. Deschka, mine in Populus X acuminata, zucht nr. 1344, slide GD 1547 (GD, USNM). Grand Co., Grand Lake, 2450 m: 1, mine: 30 Jul 1978, e. 14–21 Aug 1978, G. Deschka, mine in Populus tremuloides, zucht nr. 1346, slide 1519 (GD). Hinsdale Co., Lake City, 2500 m: 1, 3, mine: 20 Aug 1987, e. 24 Aug–3 Sep 1987, G. Deschka, Populus angustifolia, zucht nr. 2027 (BMNH). Jefferson Co., Turkey Creek: 2, 3 Jun 1990, P. Opler (CSU). Larimer Co., Rist Cyn., 2.7 mi [4.3 km] NW Bellvue: 2 1, 21 Apr–22 May 1989, P. Opler (CSU). Livermore, 2210 m: 1, 1, mine: 14 Aug 1978, e. 12–16 Aug 1978, G. Deschka, mine in Populus balsamifera, zucht nr. 1352, slide 1554 (GD, USNM). Poudre Valley, 2800 m: 13, 5, mine: 5 Aug 1978, e. 14–19 Aug 1978, G. Descka, mine in Populus angustifolia, zucht nr. 1353, slide 1555 (GD, USNM); 34, 38, mine: 5 Aug 1978, e. 12–22 Aug 1978, G. Deschka, mine in Populus balsamifera, zucht nr. 1354, slide 1554 (GD, USNM). IDAHO: Kootenai Co., Coeur d'Alene: 6, 1, 5 Oct 1920, J. Everden, ex Populus trichocarpa, slide USNM 28430 (USNM). MICHIGAN: Alger Co., Munising: 1, 13 Sep 1967, G. Lewis, Populus balsamifera (CNC). MINNESOTA: Clearwater Co., Itasca State Park: 3, 3, e. Aug 1992, M. Auerbach, ex Populus balsamifera, slide 31182 (USNM). MONTANA: Gallatin Co., Bozeman: 2, 2, 28 Aug 1985, e. 29 Aug–2 Sep 1985, D. Wagner, ex Populus ?deltoides or tremuloides, JAP no. 85H 12/13 (DLW); 1, e. 29 Aug 1985 (USNM). NEW YORK: Essex Co., Giant Mtn., Roaring Brook Trail: 3, 28 Jul–4 Aug, 1988, e. 9/21 Aug 1988, D. Wagner, ex Populus balsamifera, DLW lot 88G110, slides DRD 3779, USNM 30807 (DLW, USNM). UTAH: Washington Co., Zion National Park: 2, 23 Oct 1968, B. Baker & L. Sandin, in flight around Populus fremonti (USNM). WASHINGTON: Spokane Co., Spokane: 1, 14 Sep 1920, E. Newcomer, ex Populus sp., slide USNM 18056 (USNM). Whitman Co., Pullman: 6, 14–21 Sep 1929, J. Clarke, slides USNM 17099, 17465 (USNM). WYOMING: Albany Co., Laramie: 4, 2, 7 pupae, 28 Aug 1986, E. Spackman, e. Salix sp., slide 28668 (USNM); 68 larvae, 14 pupae, 28 Jul 1988, 6, 2, 26 Aug 1987, E. Spackman, e. Populus acuminata, slides USNM 28432, 29510, 30391, 30470, 30799 (USNM); 3, 1, 3 Sep 1995, e. 5–6 Sep 1995, Populus, M. & S. Shaw, slide USNM 31826 (UWL, USNM); 7600 ft [2317 m]: 3, 2, mine: 20 Jul 1988, e. 30 Jul–8 Aug 1988, G. Deschka, mine in Populus sp., zucht nr. 2097, slide GD 2435 (GD). Teton Co., Grand Teton Nat. Park: 2, 4, e. 2–18 Aug 1934, A. Braun, B.1458 (ANSP); 1, e. 18 Aug 1934, A. Braun, Populus balsamifera, B.1458, slide USNM 31102 (USNM).

MAP 2.—Distribution of Phyllonorycter nipigon.
Davis, Donald R. 2001. "Biology and Systematics of the North Phyllonorycter Leafminers on Salicaceae, with a Synoptical Catalogue of the Palearctic Species Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae)." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-89. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.614
Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology