This 1961 photograph depicted a Petri dish in which a colony of Beauveria bassiana fungal organisms were being cultivated. Beauveria spp. are found growing in soils throughout the world. It is known to infect many insects that come into contact with the fungal spores, and has been identified as the causative agent in silkworm muscardine disease.Created: 1961
Magnified 562X, this photomicrograph of a human lung tissue specimen, which had been stained using fluorescein-labeled A. boydii antiglobulin, revealed the presence of the fungus Pseudallescheria boydii, formerly known as Allescheria boydii.Created: 1972
This micrograph depicts a number of mycelia with attached conidia of the fungual organism Pseudallescheria boydii.Created: 1971
This photomicrograph reveals the conidiophores with conidia of the fungus Pseudallescheria boydii from a slide culture.Created: 1972
This photomicrograph reveals the conidiophores with conidia of the fungus Pseudallescheria boydii from a slide culture.Created: 1972
This photomicrograph shows a conidiophore with an attached conidium of the fungus Pseudallescheria boydii.Created: 1970
This photomicrograph shows a conidiophore with a number of conidia of the fungus Pseudallescheria boydii.Created: 1970
These histopathologic changes are due to a case of eumycotic mycetoma due to the fungus Pseudallescheria boydii.Created: 1965
This micrograph depicts conidia from the fungal organism of the genus Sepedonium sp..Created: 1971
This micrograph depicts conidia from a fungal organism of the genus Sepedonium sp..Created: 1971
These are conidia of the fungus Trichothecium roseum, the only species included in this genus.Created: 1971