Description: English: Corethropsis pulchra This illustration shows Gibellula pulchra Cavara 1894 according to Roth, Jean-Jacques; Van Vooren, Nicolas (2016). "Note sur Gibellula pulchra (Hypocreales), un hyphomycète parasite des araignées (available on Research Gate). Date: 1877. Source: Fungi italici autographie delineati et colorati (Padoue 1877-1886) p 769. Patavia (BHL). Author: Saccardo P.A.
Description: English: Gibellula pulchra (Sacc.) Cavara. collected in United States, New York, Labrador Hollow Unique Area, Tinker Falls at 441 meters (1446ft) Notes: Substrate/Host: on adult spider affixed to limestone Habitat: cool, moist, limestone ampitheater tucked under a waterfall Ecoregion: Glaciated Low Allegheny Plateau. This was the third of three entomopathogenic fungi found on spiders in this ampitheater in the span of a couple minutes, each of them apparently distinct from one another. Date: 31 August 2018, 18:12:20. Source: MycoPortal ; Mushroom Observer. Author: D. Newman & P. Kaishian. Camera location42° 46′ 58.08″ N, 76° 01′ 58.44″ WView all coordinates using: OpenStreetMap 42.782800; -76.032900.
Description: English: Isaria arachnophila This illustration shows Gibellula pulchra Cavara 1894 according to Roth, Jean-Jacques; Van Vooren, Nicolas (2016). "Note sur Gibellula pulchra (Hypocreales), un hyphomycète parasite des araignées (available on Research Gate). Date: 1910. Source: Icones mycologicæ ou Iconographie des champignons de France. Paris, Paul Klincksieck. vol. 3 (BHL). Author: Boudier Emile.
Description: English: Isaria arachnophila This illustration shows a species of Gibellula, maybe Gibellula pulchra or Gibellula leiopus according to Roth, Jean-Jacques; Van Vooren, Nicolas (2016). "Note sur Gibellula pulchra (Hypocreales), un hyphomycète parasite des araignées (available on Research Gate). Date: 1817. Source: Die Pilze Deutschlands. In: S TURM J. (éd.). Deutschlands Flora in Abbildungen nach der Natur mit Beschreibungen. III. Abtheilung. Nürnberg (BHL). Author: Ditmar L.P.F.
Description: English: Gibellula pulchra (Sacc) Original legend in Italian : su gorgoglioni o piccoli afidi : 13) Stroma in grandezza naturale; 14) uno stroma visto alla lente; 15) apice di uno stroma; 16-17-18) sporofori; 19) sporoforo anomalo This illustration shows correctly Gibellula pulchra Cavara 1894 according to Roth, Jean-Jacques; Van Vooren, Nicolas (2016). "Note sur Gibellula pulchra (Hypocreales), un hyphomycète parasite des araignées (available on Research Gate). Date: 1894. Source: Ulteriore contribuzione alla micologia lombarda. Atti dell’Istituto botanico della Università di Pavia, ser. 2, 3 : 313-350 Pl. XXVI 13-19 (BHL). Author: Cavara F.
Description: English: Gibellula pulchra (Sacc.) Cavara. collected in United States, New York, Labrador Hollow Unique Area, Tinker Falls at 441 meters (1446ft) Notes: Substrate/Host: on adult spider affixed to limestone Habitat: cool, moist, limestone ampitheater tucked under a waterfall Ecoregion: Glaciated Low Allegheny Plateau. This was the third of three entomopathogenic fungi found on spiders in this ampitheater in the span of a couple minutes, each of them apparently distinct from one another. Date: 31 August 2018, 18:16:00. Source: MycoPortal ; Mushroom Observer. Author: D. Newman & P. Kaishian. Camera location42° 46′ 58.08″ N, 76° 01′ 58.44″ WView all coordinates using: OpenStreetMap 42.782800; -76.032900.
Description: English: Gibellula pulchra (Sacc.) Cavara. collected in United States, New York, Labrador Hollow Unique Area, Tinker Falls at 441 meters (1446ft) Notes: Substrate/Host: on adult spider affixed to limestone Habitat: cool, moist, limestone ampitheater tucked under a waterfall Ecoregion: Glaciated Low Allegheny Plateau. This was the third of three entomopathogenic fungi found on spiders in this ampitheater in the span of a couple minutes, each of them apparently distinct from one another. Date: 31 August 2018, 18:25:24. Source: MycoPortal ; Mushroom Observer. Author: D. Newman & P. Kaishian. Camera location42° 46′ 58.08″ N, 76° 01′ 58.44″ WView all coordinates using: OpenStreetMap 42.782800; -76.032900.
Description: Symptômes d'anthracnose sur feuille de sorgho, dus à Colletotrichum graminicola (Ces.) G.W. Wilson. Date: 23 July 2003. Source: Author: Clemson University - USDA Cooperative Extension Slide Series,
The original uploader was Princess Janay at English Wikipedia.
Wikimedia Commons
Description: English: A picture of a leaf affected with Monochaetia fungi, a genus of Amphisphaeriaceae. Date: 17 February 2008 (original upload date). Source: Transferred from en.wikipedia to Commons. Author: The original uploader was Princess Janay at English Wikipedia.
Description: English: Mycogone spores, showing the thick-walled and warty cells. Magnified 425 diameters, from a photomicrograph by Dr Albert Mann. Date: 1914. Source: The mycogone disease of mushrooms and its control, Bulletin of the U.S. Department of Agriculture ; no. 127. Washington, D.C. :U.S. Dept. of Agriculture,1914. (doi). Author: Veihmeyer, Frank J., 1886-1977.
Description: English: Diseased mushrooms, illustrating malformations due to the Mycogone disease. The cross section shows the darkening or decay of the tissue from the same cause. Date: 1913. Source: The mycogone disease of mushrooms and its control, Bulletin of the U.S. Department of Agriculture ; no. 127. Washington, D.C. :U.S. Dept. of Agriculture,1914. (doi). Author: Veihmeyer, Frank J., 1886-1977.
Description: English: Irregular mass of a diseased mushroom growing among normal mushrooms. Date: 1913. Source: The mycogone disease of mushrooms and its control, Bulletin of the U.S. Department of Agriculture ; no. 127. Washington, D.C. :U.S. Dept. of Agriculture,1914. (doi). Author: Veihmeyer, Frank J., 1886-1977.
Description: English: Exemples of the puffball-like type of diseased mushrooms and two normal specimens. The characteristic distortion of mushrooms of this type is clearly shown in comparison with the healthy specimens. Date: 1913. Source: The mycogone disease of mushrooms and its control, Bulletin of the U.S. Department of Agriculture ; no. 127. Washington, D.C. :U.S. Dept. of Agriculture,1914. (doi). Author: Veihmeyer, Frank J., 1886-1977.
Description: English: Mycogone conidiophores and conidia (after Saccardo). Date: 1913. Source: The Fungi which cause plant disease, by Stevens, Frank Lincoln, 1871-1934 New York,The Macmillan Company,1913. Author: Frank Lincoln, 1871-1934.
Description: English: The common or usual type of malformation of mushrooms, illustrating the destructive effect of the mycogone disease. These specimens are covered with the cottony growth of the parasite, two of them showing the coalescence of the gills. Date: 1913. Source: The mycogone disease of mushrooms and its control, Bulletin of the U.S. Department of Agriculture ; no. 127. Washington, D.C. :U.S. Dept. of Agriculture,1914. (doi). Author: Veihmeyer, Frank J., 1886-1977.
Description: Deutsch: Durch eine Krebswunde abgestorbener Zweig an einem Apfelbaum. Date: 28 March 2016, 13:39:54. Source: Own work. Author: Sternrenette.
Description: Deutsch: Krebswunden von Rindenverletzungen ausgehend, die durch das Scheuern von Zweigen entstanden sind. Date: 28 March 2016, 13:46:43. Source: Own work. Author: Sternrenette.
Description: Deutsch: Obstbaumkrebs, frische Infektionsstelle an einem Apfelbaum. Date: 28 March 2016, 13:55:52. Source: Own work. Author: Sternrenette.