Bacidia is a genus of lichen-forming fungi in the family Ramalinaceae. The genus was circumscribed by Giuseppe De Notaris in 1846.[1] Species in the genus are crust-like lichens with stemless apothecia; they have green algae (chloroccoid) as photobionts. Their asci have 8 colorless, cylindrical to acicular, multiseptate spores, with curved and thread-like conidia.[2]
Bacidia is a genus of lichen-forming fungi in the family Ramalinaceae. The genus was circumscribed by Giuseppe De Notaris in 1846. Species in the genus are crust-like lichens with stemless apothecia; they have green algae (chloroccoid) as photobionts. Their asci have 8 colorless, cylindrical to acicular, multiseptate spores, with curved and thread-like conidia.