由Flora of Zimbabwe提供
Tall, rhizomatous, perennial reeds. Leaves cauline: ligule a line of hairs. Panicle, large, plumose. Spikelets with lowest floret male or barren, the following bisexual but the uppermost also reduced; glumes shorter than the lowest lemma, 3–5-nerved; lemmas
glabrous, hyaline, 1–3-nerved, with caudate apex; callus plumose.
A world-wide genus of
weakly-defined species.
- 許可
- cc-by-nc
- 版權
- Mark Hyde, Bart Wursten and Petra Ballings
- 書目引用
- Hyde, M.A., Wursten, B.T. and Ballings, P. (2002-2014). Phragmites Flora of Zimbabwe website. Accessed 28 August 2014 at
- 作者
- Mark Hyde
- 作者
- Bart Wursten
- 作者
- Petra Ballings