Bird Banding
Category hierarchy: Research
Description: Bird Banding - A researcher blows on the feathers of a wood thrush in order to determine its sex and physical condition during a capture-recapture study at a Monitoring Avian Productivity and Survivorship (MAPS) program bird banding station.
Capture device: Camera: Canon EOS Elan II
Capture details: Film: Fuji Provia 100F
Original date: 20060601
Locality: Latitude: 3.743160000000000e+001; Longitude: -7.865689999999999e+001
- Life
- Cellular
- Eukaryota (真核生物)
- Opisthokonta
- Metazoa
- Bilateria
- Deuterostomia (後口動物)
- Chordata (脊索動物門)
- Vertebrata (脊椎動物亞門)
- Gnathostomata (有頜類)
- Osteichthyes (硬骨魚)
- Sarcopterygii (肉鰭魚)
- Tetrapoda (四足類)
- Amniota
- Reptilia (爬行動物)
- Diapsida
- Archosauromorpha
- Archosauria
- Dinosauria (恐龍)
- Saurischia (蜥臀目)
- Theropoda (獸腳亞目)
- Tetanurae (堅尾龍類)
- Coelurosauria (虛骨龍類)
- Maniraptoriformes
- Maniraptora
- Aves (鳥綱)
- Ornithurae
- Neornithes
- Neognathae (今颚类)
- Neoaves
- landbirds
- Passeriformes (雀形目)
- Oscines
- Muscicapoidea (鹟总科)
- Turdidae (鸫科)
- Hylocichla
- Hylocichla mustelina (黃褐森鶇)
- 許可
- cc-by-nc-sa-3.0
- 版權
- John J. Mosesso /
- 提供者
- National Biological Information Infrastructure (NBII)
- 原始內容
- 原始媒體檔案
- 合作夥伴網站
- NBII images
- ID