black and white portrait

Notosolenus (note-owe-so-lean-us) apocamptus Stokes, 1884. Cells are oval or ovate, 6 to 12 microns long (mostly 8 to 11 microns), 4 to 7 microns wide, about 2 microns thick, and flattened. The anterior end of the cell is slightly narrowed and the posterior end is roundish. A deep longitudinal dorsal groove runs along the entire cell. Both sides of the groove are slightly rounded. Two flagella of unequal length emerge from an ovate reservoir in the right hand side of the cell. The anterior flagellum is approximately 1.5 to 1.8 times cell length and the posterior flagellum is approximately 0.4 to 0.6 times cell length. The nucleus is located on the left of the cell. The cells move by smooth gliding with anterior flagellum extended. Common.